Once again we catch Liberal Liar Extraordinaire and MSNBC's contributor Scott Dworkin, spewing another one of his made-up Trump fairy tales.
But after John O. Brennan's hissy fit, his day got a whole lot worse. Because James Woods laid the smack down on the CIA grouchy grandpa with this, soon to be a classic tweet.
This was before the elections, since then they were anti-Trump. It has nothing to do with Trump, his administration or his policies. They just hate him because he criticizes Islam. Radical Muslim terrorists all over the world carry out terror attacks "in the name of Allah". They justify their violence by quoting verses from the Quran. Politicians in the West always claim “Islam is a religion of peace”, Despite the fact that some Muslims and even former Muslims such as Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Sandra Solomon claim that there are verses in the Quran and the Islamic scriptures that call for violence against infidels that often what leads to the violence and terrorism carried out against infidels by Muslims....
From the time of antiquity until the Enlightenment, trade and the pursuit of wealth were considered sinful. “In the city that is most finely governed,”...
Separation of powers, checks and balances, and a strong, independent judiciary are what keep the United States from devolving into a failed state.
Three quarters of Germans said that Islam does not belong in Germany, according to a new poll, in direct opposition to comments by German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Amy Desir, 30, and another woman told staff at Dulwich Leisure Centre in south London that they had every right to join the session because they ‘identified as male’.
We are now learning that one of the biggest pieces of fake news is that Trump is good for the media business.
Americans have also been increasingly clear that they are tired of constant war.
ALBANY — Confirming a worst-kept secret, Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro said Wednesday he’s back in the race for governor.Molinaro, a Republican, will formally kick off his campaign April 2.
The local AFGE union president working at Bay Pines VA Medical Center decided to weigh in on Facebook regarding her views on “white privilege” during work hours.
Hungary Looks To Align With New Nationalist Factions In Austria, Italy To Stop Migration. Hungarian Court Sentences Illegal Migrants To Long Sentences For Crimes.
Sister Rita Callanan, 80, says she's been left with nothing over her legal fight with singer Katy Perry's £10million bid to buy an historic convent in LA, a building home to her sisters for four decades
President Trump on Saturday lauded the firing of former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe, suggesting multiple federal reports show corruption at the highest level” within the agency and that McCabe was merely a “choirboy” compared to his boss, James Comey, whom Trump fired as FBI director.
Sheriff Mike Williams announced Tuesday the results of a two-year, undercover investigation into the exchange of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program for cash and, in at least one case, cocaine.
Thinking that, “America is the land of opportunity” is also racist, according to the guide.
Summary of H.R.5103 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Gun Violence Prevention and Safe Communities Act of 2018
A new study looks at how Millennials are trending on several metrics correlated with avoiding poverty.
Shouldn’t we be more concerned with putting knowledgeable teachers in a classroom than whether or not schools measure up on the diversity threshold?
Newly fired FBI official Andrew McCabe reportedly kept personal memos on President Trump that are similar to notes compiled by James Comey on interactions with the president, who also fired Comey as bureau director.
Judge: U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush must give up 15 percent of his congressional salary to begin repaying more than $1 million he owes on a delinquent loan.
From supporting cop killers to bankrolling abortion providers, buying Ben & Jerry’s should disturb your conscience.
Mueller was invited to conduct a fishing expedition, a boundless hunt for undiscovered crimes, rather than an investigation and prosecution of known crimes.
Too many men have let this argument be the kryptonite that keeps them from getting involved in the pro-life movement as equal partners with women.
Donald Trump?s staff shakeup is good for hawks — and terrible for Iran.