Tuesday, ABC’s Jon Karl had an illuminating exchange with White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest regarding the difference between China's 2015 OPM hack, and Russia's 2016 hack: KARL: "So when the Chinese hacked OPM in 2015, 21+ million current and former government employees and contractors had their personal records stolen by the Chinese. Why did the White House do nothing publicly in reaction to that hack? Which in some ways, was even more widespread than what we saw here from the Russians?"
Total: 20 0 19 1Wisconsin conservative radio host Vicki McKenna reported this week on a troubling case of child abuse ...
Connect for Health Colorado webpage. (screen grab)(CNSNews.com) - The federal government is recommending the state of Colorado repay $9.7 million in grant funds it says were not properly managed in the creation of its Obamacare health insurance exchange.
Obama Denies the Murder Wave on his Watch
Violence Against Women Act should be called Violence Against Persons Act, because far more men than generally thought are victims.
Total: 0 0 0 0Guest post by Joe Hoft According to an article overnight from Sputniknews.com regarding the highly-anticipated declassified US ...
Donald Trump like Vladimir Putin has attracted the ire of many anti-masculine males in Europe. Here's why it is significant.
"No vote of confidence ..."
President Barack Obama said on Friday that criticism from the left wing of his own Democratic Party helped feed into the unpopularity of Obamacare, his signature healthcare reform law. Obama has be…

It’s Still a Mad, Mad California

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Abstract idealism on behalf of the distant is a powerful psychological narcotic that allows progressives to dull their guilt.
4 arrests were made in the case of a special needs boy being tortured and forced to curse white people and Donald Trump. Unfortunately, the whole situation was more depraved

Obama built his legacy on sand

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

President Obama went up to Capitol Hill on Wednesday to counsel congressional Democrats on how to save ObamaCare. Or at least that’s how his visit was billed. But to judge from the responses of som…
Britain's health service is engulfed in a "humanitarian crisis" that requires the support of the Red Cross to use Land Rovers to transport patients, the charity said on Saturday. Founded in 1948, the National Health Service (NHS) is a source of huge pride for many Britons who are able
Speaking with his Official Sycophants at Vox.com, President Obama gave a valedictory for Obamacare, which will be heavily edited or tossed by the new Republican government. In the interview, he said that the only reason people didn’t like Obamacare was that they’d been misinformed – just like everything else Americans don’t like about his presidency, the problem is with them, not him or his policies. “The one thing I’m convinced about is the American people want to do the right thing. It’s just hard to get good information,” Obama said. Well, yes. From him.
President-elect Donald Trump lashed out at the media Friday for reports suggesting he was going back on a campaign vow to make Mexico pay for a border wall with the U.S., insisting Mexico will reimburse American taxpayers for any money Washington spends up front.
The proposal is part of an updated integration law.
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/StefanMolyneux MP3: http://www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/3551/what-pisses-me-off-about-the-fk-white-people-chicago-kidnapping Soundcl...
Total: 40 0 38 2FOX News analyst Catherine Herridge destroyed the politicized “Russia hacking” report released by the CIA Today. ...

JP Brown on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“Just to be clear.....#FortLauderdale shooter #EstebanSantiago.....Catholic right? Right? Oh......”
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.
Observant Sikhs and conservative Muslims are officially able to wear religious head coverings and beards, thanks to a directive issued Tuesday that updates the Army's grooming and appearance regulations.
A GUNMAN who shot dead five people and injured eight others at a Florida airport ?had walked into an FBI office claiming he was being forced to fight for ISIS?. Esteban Santiago, the pr…
Question: As a conservative 20 something man living in Los Angeles, do you have any advice for finding a like minded woman in a large liberal city? Ask.fm Pa...
A quixotic “stop Trump” effort just failed. Again.
The mandate threatens to leave the United States without Senate-confirmed envoys for months in critical nations like Germany, Canada and Britain.