
2016 is going to be remembered by many as one of the worst years ever, but it was an especially bad year for President Barack Obama. A lot of things went wrong for the outgoing president in his final year in office.
Here are 11 times Obama had a horrible 2016.


San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick has earned another honor for his season-long declaration that the United States is not worthy of being honored because it "oppresses" minorities and allows its police officers to "murder" innocent people of color.


They are intent on cutting through what they see as red tape from Washington.


In the world of climate science, the skeptics are coming in from the cold.
Researchers who see global warming as something less than a planet-ending calamity believe the incoming Trump administration...


What began as a mere afterthought ended up saving the Constitution from its Anti-Federalist critics, and the Bill of Rights today looms larger.


‘A near-perfect representation of the faux-progressive brand of feminism currently dominating liberal culture.’


It was quite sad, pitiful, and driven by self-hate and ignorance.


| by Helen Pluckrose | I don?t remember ever not being a feminist. I toddled in marches of the 1970s with my mother. She became a second wave feminist in the 1960s after being denied a mortga…


A sketch from the TV-show "Mad TV". Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/h4j84sd Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheSandreGuy


The 10 Most Annoying Liberals of 2016 - John Hawkins: Honorable mentions: Samantha Bee, CAIR, Ta-Nesi Coates, Dixie Chicks, Bill .12/31/2016 10:56:49AM EST.


"UNRWA has no incentive to resettle these refugees."


President Obama's parting moves against Russia and for the environment are popular, but taking on Israel is a big mistake, says Jake Novak.


There's been a virtual Klan rally of hate hoaxes since the 2016 presidential election. Here is the definitive list.


It’s easy to come up with several different reasons for the Obama administration’s moves against Russia and Israel. The repudiation of his policies in last month’s election would have wounded a nor…


Despite efforts by the United States and its coalition partners to kill the ISIS leader, al-Baghdadi has been able to operate his terrorist organization by keeping a low-profile.


Kosovan Lavdrim Muhaxheri and his men are among thousands who have fled Syria after ISIS suffered devastating losses in war-torn Syria, according to sources in Italian intelligence.


We are all ready for Barack Obama to end his run as president. So is Ted Cruz. You gotta see this. Ted Cruz tells an Obama joke.


In Alaska’s interior, where it can reach -50 degrees Fahrenheit in winter, the EPA wants people to stop burning wood to keep warm. Because of the pollution.


Seven Ways Obama Is Trying to Sabotage the Trump Administration


OPINION | Are Trump and Putin colliding or colluding? Secretary Romney can stop both.


Do conservatives need to be ashamed of winning elections by means of the Electoral College that they would not win in a democratic contest? No.


If you're a girl and you haven't been abused by a man yet, you can't be a feminist.


US issued JAR billed itself as an indictment that would prove Russian involvement.


The comments from the British leader, who has been trying to make inroads with the incoming Trump administration, represented an extraordinary public rebuke.


Mike Rowe, former host of Discovery Channel's "Dirty Jobs" joined the round table to discuss the value of work. » Subscribe to NBC News: http://nbcnews.to/Su...