
Upward Mobility columnist Jason L. Riley writes that Donald Trump’s HUD nominee Ben Carson grew up poor, and knows public housing isn’t where people prefer to live.


With criminal justice reform a …


One of the men who interrogated 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammad told Fox News' The Kelly File Wednesday that political correctness started that chain that led to Monday night's truck attack on a Berlin Christmas market.


President Barack Obama’s long-term goal when he leaves office will be to marshall in a new generation of progressive leaders.


Popular Muslim preacher Zakir Naik:


Former President Jimmy Carter is calling on the Obama administration to recognize Palestinian statehood before leaving office January 20.


President Obama thinks the media is to blame, at least in part, for rural Americans not voting Democrat this election.


The United Nations has long been a failed international organization whose words rarely match its actions. Staffed by dictators and tyrants, the UN has ignored some of the worst atrocities in the world, allowing and even sanctioning mankind’s vilest vices.
On Friday, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) passed an egregiously anti-Israel resolution designed to demonize the Jewish State by scapegoating the non-issue of “settlements.”


A Texas man – who spray-painted his own garage with racist graffiti that said ?N?er lovers,? set his truck and motorcycle ablaze on his front lawn and used the episode of fake vandalism to collect cash from unsuspecting stranger with big hearts – has reportedly checked into a mental hospital and will be arrested for the hoax [?]


When the Cold War ended 25 years ago, the Soviet Union vanished into the ash heap of history.


Few few performers seem willing to step up and entertain the country when the new president is sworn in on Jan. 20. With the news last week that opera singer Andrea Bocelli had bowed to pressure an…


The contention that Americans chose Trump for his racist or sexist views is wrong; many voted for him despite that.


As many Republicans finish basking in their victory over their Democratic relatives they only see at Christmastime, we’re looking at the final week of 2016. More importantly, we’re looking at the final four weeks of the Obama administration with new information that needs to be applied going further, particularly for conservatives.


Popular Muslim preacher Zakir Naik:


A Drexel University professor who called for "white genocide" Christmas Eve isn't apologizing, and instead says critics of his "satirical" remarks are "violent racists" who are apt to commit genocide


Jon Carey gets emotional at the prospect of being forced to tear out a 2-acre pond that is the most prized feature on his 10-acre property near Butte


Sign the Change.org petition here: https://www.change.org/p/barack-obama-president-obama-protect-undocumented-workers-before-you-leave-office


Rebuts Obama's claim his message of optimism would have defeated Trumps populism.


An appeals court ruled Thursday that climate change scientist Michael Mann can sue two conservative writers over allegations that they defamed him.


Merry Krampus, you sexist pig! Here are some spicy words you can use to demoralize social justice warriors in 2017! Follow me on Minds.com: www.minds.com/Duc...


For the first time in its 85-year history, the California Public Employees Retirement System, CalPERS, is drastically cutting benefits for public retirees.


Just what we all need to ring in the Christmas season: Un-merry millionaire Michelle Obama belly-aching about the burdens and sacrifices of public life with billionaire Oprah Winfrey.