
Is CNN trying to lose viewers or win them? In a new commercial promoting the network’s New Year's Eve Special, anchor Anderson Cooper and comedian Kathy Griffin play off their strange pairing with even more awkward humor. The commercial begins with Griffin getting a massage in Cooper’s office while teasing him to be “ready for anything.” The commercial ends with Griffin revealing an obviously fake back tattoo of Cooper’s face.


American University in Washington, D.C. has installed a new statue on campus to raise awareness for a convicted cop-killer’s clemency campaign.


Four faithless electors ditched Hillary Clinton in the Electoral College on Monday, double the number who dumped Donald J. Trump. For Democrats, this was yet another collapsed floor atop the pile of smoldering rubble beneath which they have been entombed since the 9.5-magnitude tremor that Trump unleashed November 8. Democrats can thank Obama for their plight.
As Obama concludes his reign of error, his party is smaller, weaker, and more rickety than it has been since at least the 1940s. Behold the tremendous power that Democrats have frittered away — from January 2009 through the aftermath of Election Day 2016 — thanks to Obama and his ideas:
Democrats surrendered the White House to political neophyte Donald J. Trump.
U.S. Senate seats slipped from 55 to 46, down 16 percent.
U.S. House seats slid from 256 to 194, down 24 percent.
Democrats ran the U.S. Senate and House in 2009. Next year, they will control neither.
Governorships fell from 28 to 16, down 43 percent.
State legislatures (both chambers) plunged from 27 to 14, down 48 percent.
Trifectas (states with Democratic governors and both legislative chambers) cratered from 17 to 6, down 65 percent.
Since Franklin Delano Roosevelt, eight U.S. presidents have served at least two terms or bowed to their vice-presidents due to death or resignation. Among them, Obama ranks eighth in total state legislative seats that his party preserved during his tenure. Obama has supervised the net loss of 959 such Democratic positions, down 23.5 percent, according to Ballotpedia, which generated most of the data cited here. This far outpaces the 843 net seats that Republicans yielded under President Dwight David Eisenhower.
By this measure, Ronald Reagan is No. 1. While he was president, Republicans gained six statehouse seats.
In terms of boosting his party’s state-level strength, Obama is the worst president since World War II. Reagan is the best.
For even more shocking proof of Obama’s political toxicity across his entire tenure, compare the Democrats’ eight-year net loss of 959 statehouse seats (one post higher than in the graph above, thanks to a subsequently called race) with the Republicans’ net gain of 934 seats. Democrats can chant the soothing lie that this wholesale, multi-level rejection of their party stems from “structural racism,” the legacy of Jim Crow, the immortal tentacles of slavery, or whatever other analgesic excuse they can scrounge up. The same nation that they claim cannot outgrow its bigotry somehow elected and then reelected Obama, quite comfortably. Hillary Clinton is many things, but she is not black. “Racism” does not explain her defeat.
This deep-rooted repudiation is not of Obama himself, but of Obamaism, today’s Democratic gospel.
At home, Obamaism features economic stagnation, morbidly obese and equally dysfunctional government, racial and identity fetishism, and rampant political correctness. Overseas: Shame at American preeminence fuels flaccid “leadership from behind.”
All told, 1,043 federal and state-level Democrats lost or were denied power under Obama, largely because Americans grew disgusted by such outrages as a non-stimulating $831 billion “stimulus,” eight consecutive years of economic growth below 3 percent, an 88 percent increase in the national debt, the revocation of America’s triple-A bond rating, and Obamacare’s epic flop ($2.3 trillion to finance widespread insurance-policy cancellations, 20 bankruptcies among 24 state co-ops, early retirements for experienced but exasperated doctors, and much more). Also nauseating: federal nano-management of everything from dishwashers to third-grade lunches to a national school-shower policy.
#related#Abroad, Obamaism spawned the birth of ISIS, the deaths of U.S. personnel at Benghazi, and Iran’s relentless humiliation of America — before, during, and after Obama’s delivery of some $100 billion in unfrozen assets, including at least $1.7 billion in laundered cash, literally flown in on private jets.
“My legacy’s on the ballot,” Obama said last September. “Make no mistake,” he declared in October 2014. “These policies are on the ballot.”
Voters repeatedly have judged Obama’s agenda since 2008, and Democrats have paid the ultimate price. The political cadavers of more than a thousand Democratic incumbents and nominees, from Hillary Clinton on down, confirm that Obama is poison at the polls.
Rather than enjoy a traditional, low-key post-presidency in Chicago, Obama plans to hunker down in Washington, D.C., comment on current events, and counsel his party’s candidates and officeholders. Democrats should find this as appetizing as a dinner cooked by Typhoid Mary.
— Deroy Murdock is a New York-based Fox News contributor and a contributing editor with National Review Online. William de Wolff, a recent graduate of New York University’s Master of Arts Program in International Relations, contributed research for this article.


Obama Gives Parting Middle Finger to Israel with Anti-Settlement Resolution


President-elect Donald J. Trump hinted on Friday, via Twitter, that "things will be different after Jan. 20" at the United Nations.


U.S. Jewish Groups Slam Obama Administration for UN Anti-Israel Resolution


With President Barack Obama's abstention at the United Nations Security Council on Friday, the Democratic Party is now an anti-Israel party.


The case of Anis Amri, the suspect in Monday’s attack on a Christmas market, underscores a vexing problem: how to handle masses of virtually stateless wanderers.


►Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Undoomed I figured we could all use a joke, right about now, with all the Christmas stress going on. :) Enjoy...


Michael Turner, who said he would not sell fuel to anyone who voted for President-elect Donald Trump, has not been licensed since 2012.


If Democrats had made a different choice in the primaries last spring, Bernie Sanders would be assembling his Cabinet right now. A reading of voting patterns in the presidential election suggests that the Vermont senator would have beaten Donald Trump.


“Free us or you die, cracker!” This was among many incendiary comments made by armed Revolutionary Black Panther agitators marching through Milwaukee street


Trump's victory was the result of decades of right-wing hate rhetoric, curdling into a totally negative worldview


the young turks cenk uygur and ana kasparian get into a feisty debate about sexism


RUSH: I love this, folks. The long knives are coming out. Now, let me give you the dirty little secret. Everybody in the Democrat Party knows this. They would never say it while Obama is still in office, and many wouldn't say it even after he left. But there isn't a Democrat in politics alive who does not know what the Obama presidency has meant for the Democrat Party around the country.


Santa has been bringing children gifts since the beginning of time (or at least since 0 A.D.). Nowadays, though, he's struggling to find gifts that don't off...


The security breach, in which hackers gained access to dozens of computers, has also been the target of a probe by a congressional committee.


Obama Administration Abstains, Defying Trump, As UN Votes To Condemn Israel Settlements | Zero Hedge
Israel lashed out at the Obama administration "friends don't act that way" after Ambassador Power abstained (refusing to veto) as The United Nations passed a resolution demanding Israel to stop settlement building on occupied Palestinian territory. As NYTimes notes, the administration’s decision not to veto the measure broke a longstanding American tradition of serving as Israel’s sturdiest diplomatic shield, and defied extraordinary pressure from President-elect Trump.


The UN Security Council voted 14-0 on Friday — with the US abstaining — in favor of an anti-settlement resolution...


Reports in Germany claim that Till Steffen prevented law enforcers in Hamburg from releasing pictures of Anis Amri, despite him being the most wanted man in the world after Monday's terror attack.


Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has threatened to cut the United States's funding to the United Nations if they push through an anti-Israel resolution.
The resolution that the U.N. has put forward would end Israel's building of settlements, and Graham won't have any of it:
My statement on the United Nations resolution on Israel settlements. pic.twitter.com/cWEeCGbX2T


Potomac Watch columnist Kimberley A. Strassel writes that the president’s final goal is to issue more regulatory rules and executive orders than the new administration could ever find time to repeal.


The UN Security Council has passed a resolution demanding an end to the construction of Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian territories after the US abstained from voting.


Tweet Share 0 Reddit +1 Pinterest 0 LinkedIn 0 Email Former New York gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino is facing backlash on social media for a racist remark about first lady Michelle Obama published Thursday in a Buffalo alt-weekly publication. Paladino, who was honorary co-chair of President-elect Donald Trump?s New York campaign, was one of a few dozen prominent ?


President-elect Donald Trump foreshadowed change after the US allowed the United Nations to condemn Israeli settlements as illegal.