
Red Alert

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

“Why does Ted Cruz love America?” Fox News Host Sean Hannity asked the senator Thursday at the Conservative Political Action Conference. “This country is the greatest country in the history of the world. It has been a haven for freedom. When my dad was imprisoned in Cuba and fled 58 years ago, he came because …
RENOWNED Bucks County portrait artist Nelson Shanks has painted everyone from Princess Diana to President Bill Clinton and from Pope John Paul II to Marisa Tomei. He and his wife, Leona, are the founders of Studio Incamminati, an art school on 12th Street near Callowhill.
The Obama Democrats have a scheme to win elections. They plan to import 5,000,000 non-citizens and credential them as voters who will vote Democratic.
Susan Rice, President Obama’s National Security Advisor, told TV talk show host Charlie Rose that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s upcoming speech before Congress about Iran is “destructive” to the relationship between the United States...
Update (Feb. 25): Storm Paglia has provided an official statement to Fourth Estate regarding his removal from Student Government. Fourth Estate will con...
More than half of all VA disability appeal cases are sent back for another review — sometimes more than once — and must be addressed before new cases are opened, leading some veterans to wait years for a final decision, the Veterans Affairs Department admitted Thursday.
With 32,000 more emails just 'found,' IRS still has some explaining to do, particularly given the report that no one asked to recover them. This tax season, taxpayers everywhere are wondering how they would fare if they responded to an audit in this way.
The Noblis Technology Tuesday speaker series covers a broad spectrum of political, technical and innovative ideas. Noblis is a nonprofit science, technology,...
PHOENIX (Mar. 2, 2015) – Today, an important Arizona House Committee approved a bill that would create significant roadblocks for implementation of the
The president jumps the shark with his latest claim on the controversial project.
Americans United’s claims about the evidence for school choice are demonstrably false.
Democrats have sent out letters to free-market think tanks and energy companies asking them to turn over funding records related to any research they’ve conducted on climate change.
In Obama's America there is nothing the president can't do without Congress.
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Unless you are one of Obama’s bootlickers in the Senate, you probably are under the impression that Obama’s executive amnesty is a bad idea even if, like me, you are somewhat squishy on the issue of immigration itself. But however bad you thought it was that Obama is seeking to unilaterally rewriting a law that is constitutionally within the | Read More »
Liberalism doesn't have anything exciting or new to offer - even its plans for the Internet are drawn from 1930s telephone legislation. Yet the left has been very successful at imposing its ideas despite the clear will of voters - and reversing its policies will be difficult.
WASHINGTON, D.C.-- A record crowd of 16,000 received Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to a long standing ovation on Monday at the 2015 AIPAC (America-Israel Public Affairs Committee) Policy Conference.
March 2, 2015 (www.CAN-DO-USA.com) -- It was the corruption I saw during Clinton administration that prompted me to follow politics much more closely. I found the USENET newsgroup alt.politics.clinton-whitewater a great place to read relevant news and conv
Kerry: 'No Guarantee' We Can Get Iran to Scrap Nuclear Weapons Program -
Rep. Tom Rooney (R-FL) introduced legislation revoking the ATF's claim of power to regulate ammunition via "armor piecing" language in the Gun Control Act of 1968 (GCA).
President Barack Obama took a stab at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in an interview with Reuters on Monday, on the eve of Netanyahu's controversial speech to a special joint session of Congress on Tuesday morning. Obama said that Netanyahu "made all sorts of claims" about the interim nuclear deal with Iran that turned out to be untrue. Yet Obama mischaracterized Netanyahu's remarks, and misrepresented Iranian compliance with the terms of the interim deal.
Even Michael Jordan gets more votes than Hillary
Really funny video from the Chris Rock show on how not to get your ass kicked by the police. I know they are other versions of this on YouTube but this one i...

Andrew Kaczynski on Twitter

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

“This is unbelievable: http://t.co/1KUbDYPSp2”
Hillary Rodham Clinton did not have a government email address while secretary of state and may have violated federal rules that officials’ correspondence be retained.