It's been 70 years since U.S. forces began a successful battle to capture the Japanese island of Iwo Jima during World War II.

The Cancer of Multiculturalism

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Personal liberty and private property are anathemas to people who want to control our lives. That is part and parcel of the multicultural and diversity movements infecting the Western world.
Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler on Monday again declined to publicly release his aggressive net neutrality proposal prior to a vote,
Pachauri's full resignation letter here. Climate Depot’s Morano statement on Pachauri’s resignation: ‘The IPCC is quietly popping champagne corks today. Pachauri gone can only be good news for the ...
I call myself a libertarian, but boy do libertarians get on my nerves. The freedom philosophy used to be about trashing government aggression and poking fun at statism. But thanks to the rise of left-libertarian organizations, the philosophy has been infiltrated by ignorant hacks. Libertarianism is now chock-full of whiners who want smaller government for…
Not one but two bills have been proposed in Congress that could drastically reduce the size of the police state. Contact your Congressperson inside this link.
Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), the first openly gay member of the U.S. Senate, may have landed herself in some trouble after i.02/23/2015 16:14:10PM EST.
"Freedom of speech depends on whether an individual feels offended. It depends on the person."
In The Wall Street Journal, Rudy Giuliani writes about Barack Obama and patriotism.
                                             Once more My quondam dean in University Hall Stands in the breach of peace, whence he will call Down fire on the bald, woolly heads of all Professors of the other point of…
Say what you want about George W. Bush, but the guy is a man’s man. He means what he says, and he says what he means.
MSNBC: Millions Shun Network Baksetcase - Jeff Crouere - Personal Finance, Financial Advice, Money, Business News, Real Estate, Mortgages, Investments, Stocks, Ransom Notes Radio, John Ransom

Why conservatives hate college

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The right's decades-long war on academia and "liberal professors" is about defining an elite "populists" can oppose
Study shows that current government regulations imposed by the Bureau of Land Management are harming energy production and holding back the U.S. economy.
Patricia Arquette made an idiot out of herself at the Oscar ceremony by whining about gender inequality, but luckily she told her moron speech in front of a lot of other morons, so they clapped hap...

From Internet to Obamanet

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

In The Wall Street Journal, Information Age columnist L. Gordon Crovitz writes that BlackBerry and AT&T are already making moves that could exploit new ‘utility’ regulations.
During an interview with House of Cards actor Kevin Spacey for NBC's Meet the Press on Sunday, correspondent Cynthia McFadden noted: "A life-long Democrat, Spacey says he, like many Americans, is frustrated with Washington." Spacey proclaimed: "I think that what is truly unfortunate is when an entire party makes a decision that they're going to block every single thing that a president wants to accomplish. It's very – it's very hard to get anything done in those circumstances."
Economist Nicholas Eberstadt asserts that the unwillingness of people to marry or stay married is setting humanity on a dangerous course.
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal joined about 900 Californians Saturday at the Unite IE Conference in Riverside's Fox Theater with a strong, unapologetic and presidential speech that focused on “the importance of repealing all of Obamacare,” repealing “all of Common Core,” and winning “the war against radical Islamic terror.”
Hollywood conservative John Ratzenberger, best known for starring in the long-running Cheers, appeared on Fox News, Friday, to blast liberal elitists who look down on those without college degrees. Your World anchor Neil Cavuto referenced Scott Walker and noted, "He didn't finish college. So, he doesn't have that prestigious degree. He could be up against an Ivy Leaguer like Hillary Clinton." Ratzenberger zinged, "You know Ivy Leaguers and I know Ivy Leaguers. And I tell you, those are not the people whose houses you rush to after an earthquake." 
This should be easy
For many years, Texas Congressman Ron Paul was one of the greatest champions for liberty in Congress. In 2012, Paul's tenure in Congress came to an end though, and with seemingly no adequate replacement to take the torch. Rand Paul, his son, has done many great things in the Senate during his short political career,…
The White House seems to believe it's above the law. Fortunately, a Convention of States can bring it back down to earth