We have a story we're going to release this coming week and I've never thought about this before but I am afraid for my life on this one.
While the State Department keeps saying that all we need to do is get ISIS terrorists jobs at McDonalds flipping burgers, the rest of us who reside in the real world know otherwise, and a Harvard s...
"Where does the Obama Administration find these people?"
Representative Jim Kasper played a huge role in the recent victory in North Dakota. Read all about it in today's post.
Take that, crime
In this clip from #TheRefinery Leslie P contrasts helpful and hopeless messaging to demonstrate how we can help win fights like the DHS Illegal Amnesty fundi...
Obama is proof that when blacks elected a black Democrat to the White House based only on his blackness, blacks get ZERO! In the past six years Obama has been president blacks have lost economic ground. The unemployment rate remains in the double digits and since the black president came to town, black wealth came down. Way down!.02/22/2015 0:17:08AM EST.

The Global Flight From the Family

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

In The Wall Street Journal, Nicholas Eberstadt writes that the decline in marriage and the drop in birth rates is world-wide, with potentially dire fallout.
‘Feminists’ Think Female Students Are Too Scared to Speak in Class? - They want a policy demanding professors call on female students first.
Democrats are trying to derail Netanyahu's speech before Congress because they know he can convince the American people negotiating with Iran is futile.
Video - Pres Putin About Cultural Self Preservation of European Tradition, Religion and Race
A government watchdog says the Obama administration is continuing to award multi-million-dollar contracts to firms to quickly process millions of illegal immigrants, despite a federal court's decision to put a stay on the president's amnesty order.
Newly released documents show the extent of the links between corporate interests and the published work of Wei-Hock Soon, a Smithsonian-affiliated scientist who has tried to debunk the consensus about global warming.
The party’s post-2014 midterm election autopsy calls for a “values-based” narrative and more outreach to white Southern voters.
Ex-New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani said his office has received death threats since his comments accusing President Barack Obama of not loving America.

Why the Pentagon must be audited

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

"Until the Pentagon produces a viable financial audit... it will continue to put our national security at risk."
The Supreme Court has been asked to take a case that could deal a crippling blow to the labor movement.
According to reports leaked from the Department of Homeland Security, the real danger to U.S. national security isn't ISIS, but domestic right-wing extremists.
Obama has opened a conference on countering violent extremism, it is obvious he doesn't understand the problem.
There are many, many jokes about President Obama, though you wouldn’t know it by the relative and admitted silence of several well-known comedians.  Though these folks lack the courage to include the president in their material, thankfully not everyone is afraid of their own shadow. From ObamaforDummies… Enjoy! > Bob: “Did you hear about the Obama …
Students must write about animal rights and 'sexism, racism, heterosexism, imperialism, and poverty'
A growing chorus of reporters and observers cast doubt on the government’s account of the Khorasan Group.
Democrats don't believe in the law. They don't believe in America. They are true, lawless Darwinists who believe that you should do what ever you can get away with regardless of any hoary concepts ...