NEW YORK—Expressing their profound relief that they would soon put aside the agonizing song and dance, media outlets nationwide noted their excitement this week at finally ending the half-assed charade of trying to understand the American populace. “God, it’s been such a fucking slog going into Bumblefuck, Iowa and having to pretend that I cared what some hayseed dipshit thought about the president’s China tariffs,” said NBC anchor Chuck Todd, echoing thousands of journalists and broadcasters across the country who noted that if they had to feign compassion for the plight of a tearful Rust Belt worker for one more minute, they would have to “put a fucking bullet in their brain” without hesitation. “Jesus Christ, just the thought of eating another one of these blue-plate specials at some dingy diner makes me want to puke all over one of those cattle-raising, Old Navy–wearing numbskulls. This is great, though. All these rural hill jacks can go get reamed.” At press time, the nation’s journalists had all announced plans to spend the next four years with wall-to-wall fawning profiles of boutique art gallery owners in upstate New York.
Entrepreneur and former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang announced Monday he will move to Georgia to work for two Senate candidates in runoffs that will determine control of the upper chamber.
Credit to ABC News Article by Haddon L. Joe Biden has spoken many times about wanting to unite and heal the country. However, his refusal to agree to a recount is dividing us even more.

Will AOC Give Up Politics for Good?

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

Live coverage of the Presidential, House, and Senate election results from the Townhall team.
[Subject to change]Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is doing her job trying to say that Democrats have a mandate this year. They don’t. She’s going to be working with
Sen. Lindsey Graham offered a dire warning to Republicans about conceding the election—doing so may mean the end of getting another GOP presidential candidate elected again.“It’s the Wild Wild West
The Senators expressed concern that segregated trainings and learning events at these universities stand in conflict with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits racial discrimination in federally funded programs.
Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT), a thorn in the side of President Trump for much of the last four years, has reportedly been asked by Joe Biden to lead the
An incumbent Republican in Michigan went from losing his reelection race to winning it after officials discovered a "technical glitch" by which the
In state races, President Trump 'overperformed...expectations, and lifted legislative candidates with him,' said a Democrat strategist.
A lawsuit challenging the federal ban on the sale of handguns and handgun ammunition to adults under 21 years of age was filed in federal court last week.
Bolshy bae Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez announced over the weekend in an interview with the Q York Times that there's a 50% chance she will quit politics because the Democrat Party is not foam-at-the-mouth commie-crazy enough for her.
NEW YORK—Looking forward to a new age of peace and prosperity, Americans across the country told reporters Monday that they were feeling hopeful for a better future when celebrity activists will finally shut the fuck up. “I want my kids to grow up in a world without desperate A-listers belting out some dumb-as-shit song about voting,” said Janice Caesar, echoing the sentiments of 328 million Americans who expressed wishes to scroll through their social media feeds without seeing celebrities replying to Donald Trump’s tweets with some asinine bullshit. “I envision a new America, one where I never hear that Kristen Bell and Lin-Manuel Miranda teamed up for a video. One where ’80s sitcom stars don’t reunite to get out of the vote. Maybe we’ll finally reach a point where they put a goddamn sock in it for once.” At press time, the nation praised a new photograph of Zendaya and Woody Harrelson on a film set as a genuine sign of progress.
'Now, we take Georgia. Then, we change America'
'Fulton County has discovered an issue involving reporting from their work on Friday'
Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson has tested positive for coronavirus, Fox News has confirmed.
The Trump campaign on Monday said President Trump is “not backing down,” as his team mounts legal battles in a number of key battleground states where President-elect Joe Biden led by a razor-thin margin.
New Jersey Congressman Jeff Van Drew took a political risk after he switched from being a Democrat to a Republican during President Trump's impeachment saga. He was challenged this election
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson tested positive for the coronavirus, his office announced Monday.
A whistleblower who worked for Nevada's Clark County Elections Department listed a serious of instances of nefarious behavior.
MOSCOW (AP) — Russian President Vladimir Putin won’t congratulate President-elect Joe Biden until legal challenges to the U.S. election are resolved and the result is official, the Kremlin...