CNN anchor Anderson Cooper denied on Monday night that he's "on the left," but later slammed President Donald Trump for weighing in on the Kentucky Derby. 
A Mississippi-based ministry is speaking up for Rev. Franklin Graham after a conservative columnist accused him of ignoring the moral failings of President Donald Trump and thus damaging the Church.
A California educator is battling a state teachers' union over his problems leaving the organization, in what his attorneys say could be a precedent-setting legal case that ultimately forces labor unions across the country to reimburse billions in back dues to their members.
US soldier was convicted of non-premeditated murder in a war zone. It was a known terrorist. Prosection's forensic analysis said it was self defense.
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals late Tuesday granted the Trump administration's request to send asylum seekers back to Mexico to wait out court proceedings temporarily.
A federal appeals court ruled the Trump administration can, for now, continue with its policy of returning Central American migrants to Mexico while their requests for asylum in the U.S. are adjudicated.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, in a scorching floor speech on Tuesday, accused Democrats of rooting for a "national crisis" for political gain as he...
Nuclear’s worst accidents show that the technology has always been inherently safe thanks to the high energy density of its fuel.
On virtually every important value in life, the Left and the Bible are diametrically opposed.
Twitter suspended David Horowitz from the Freedom Center on Tuesday. The purge continues. We are witnessing the elimination of conservatism from the public square. And Republicans do NOTHING! The David Horowitz Freedom Center was founded in 1968. The David Horowitz Freedom Center is dedicated to the defense of free societies whose moral, cultural and economic …
An understanding of rights that does not allow them all to be obtained simultaneously is wholly incoherent. The Kansas Supreme Court seems not to care.

Why the Left Mocks the Bible

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

Dennis Prager: At PragerU, we have released about 400 videos on virtually
Democrats scapegoat photo-ID laws for losses in states where minority turnout rose in 2018.

Opinion | The Pseudo-Impeachment

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

Democrats hold show trials rather than vote to oust the President.
The Claremont Institute criticized the orthodoxies of multiculturalism. The company banned our ads.
Democratic party strategist are worried that Biden Has ''paid no heed'' to lessons learnt from Hillary Clinton's surprise defeat.
Newly obtained tax information reveals that from 1985 to 1994, Donald J. Trump’s businesses were in far bleaker condition than was previously known.
Google "Joe Biden website" and one of the first non-ad results you'll found is the link to JoeBiden.info, which is supposedly promoting "Joe Biden for President 2020" — but while you'll certainly find information about the Democratic presidential frontrunner a
State Representative Brian Sims harassed an elderly woman outside of a Planned Parenthood center in southeastern Pennsylvania, videotaping the whole thing and putting it on the internet.
10 votes and 1 comment so far on Reddit
Bounding Into Comics is currently still active on Twitter and YouTube as it looks into it’s Facebook situation. As social media platforms continue to purge dissidents from being able to affec…
Some GOP lawmakers would like nothing more than a democratic socialist to be the opposition's presidential nominee.
Georgia Governor Brian Kemp signed the "Heartbeat Bill" today. Although this is a win for pro-life people, the left is enraged.
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden reportedly had to correct himself over the weekend after telling donors Margaret Thatcher is concerned about the United States under President Trump.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump and Republican senators on Tuesday discussed a "fairly comprehensive" new immigration plan being spearheaded by senior adviser and presidential son-in-law...