Virginia Governor Ralph Northam prompted an outcry after appearing to suggest that a baby, after being born, might still be murdered ?if that?s what the mother?desired.? The horrific remarks came as the Democratic governor defended a state bill allowing a woman to abort an unborn child until the moment the baby is born. The Repeal Act, introduced by ?
The networks along with cable news Wednesday morning continued reporting on the alleged hate crime against black, gay Empire actor Jussie Smollett by Trump supporters, that he said happened at 2 AM Tuesday morning. Despite Chicago P.D. stating that they have poured through hundreds of hours of security camera footage and haven’t come up with any evidence supporting Smollett’s claims, Hollywood rushed to blame President Trump and the right for the attack.
John Brennan Former CIA Chief John Brennan accused President Trump of posing a danger to our national security on Wednesday. President Trump criticized the Intel Community on Wednesday in a pair of tweets after Iran announced the second consignment of yellowcake uranium to its conversion facility in Isfahan province — just one day after Dan …
A Google executive sparked backlash from LGBT- supporting employees after using the term “family” in an internal presentation. The Daily Caller exposed a 2017 incident where Google was in uproar over a “family”-oriented product aimed at children. LGBT-sympathetic employees disparaged the term as “offensive, inappropriate, homophobic, and wrong” because it denies that non-traditional arrangements, such as childless couples, are families.
The public has been outraged by a recent slew of state legislatures and Democrat politicians looking to legalize the murder of the unborn up to the moment of birth or, astonishingly, even
Temperatures Wednesday morning plunged to their lowest levels in decades over huge parts of the Midwest, shutting down entire cities and bringing businesses and government to a standstill.
The New York Times isn’t the only outlet claiming white people with soot on their faces are actually portraying “blackface.” For the Times, it was Mary Poppins and the chimney sweepe
As every political observer with half a functioning brain cell already knew but is now also officially confirmed, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) is running for president in 2020.
Washington, DC — According to the anti-gun organization “Everytown for Gun Safety”, a hearing in the House Judiciary Committee will be held next week in Washington, DC on H.R., Nancy
At a hearing of the House Armed Service Committee on Tuesday, a Defense Department official agreed with two Republican lawmakers that President Trump doesn't need to declare a national emergency to get military assistance in building a border barrier.
Her 2019 statement fits her 2017 "definition of anti-Semitism."
The New York Times isn’t the only outlet claiming white people with soot on their faces are actually portraying “blackface.” For the Times, it was Mary Poppins and the chimney sweepe
Eric Trump, the son of President Donald Trump, urged his father on Tuesday to declare a national emergency in order to secure funding for his border wall.
Republican senators want to repeal the estate tax on the wealthiest families — and stiff federal contractors
El Diario, New York’s leading Spanish-language newspaper, published an opinion piece written by an America’s Voice staffer which can best be characterized as pro open-borders propaganda.
A new Morning Consult poll released Wednesday found that Americans aren't looking forward to a "shutdown, part 2," but the White House is reportedly looking for a grand, "ma
A woman married to a Justice Department official involved with the investigation into whether President Donald Trump and his campaign colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election was asked by her employer, opposition research firm Fusion GPS, to investigate Trump’s children.
Could Europe be witnessing a MIGA (Make Italy Great Again) moment under the nationalist policies of Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Matteo Salvini?
Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz, now mulling an independent run for president, told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Wednesday that he believes Democrat Elizabeth Warren will push the country to socialism:


Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

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Former New York Attorney General, main, began paying a law firm the week after his resignation from office. Accuser Michelle Manning Barish, inset, said 'the money does not belong to him'.
CW’s Roswell, New Mexico got off to a terrible start with its outright propaganda for illegal immigration in the premiere. Now, it seems to be doubling the effort. The most recent episode is so pro-illegal immigration that legal immigration is practically bigotry.
A local election for city council was voided after voting discrepancies after populist Sweden Democrats' were alllegedly not counted votes.
New York?s former Democratic attorney general is under fire for using political campaign funds to defend himself in lawsuits alleging sexual abuse. And while it is actually legal for Eric Schneiderman to have paid the law firm that represented him using nearly $340,000 in campaign cash, critics are condemning the action, the Associated Press reported. Schneiderman, an ?