The Republicans used to favor big government, while Democrats were committed to curbing federal power. How did the parties switch stances?
Nathaniel Rich, in his massive New York Times Magazine article, argues “human nature” kept “us” from fixing climate change in the 1980s. He’s dead wrong.
In a battle to try to out-fake Jim Acosta and CNN, CBS upped the ante of fake news by trying to angle a national story to pin violence on Trump supporters. “In Portland, a massive demonstration by a right wing group turned violent,” are the first words out of Reena Ninan‘s mouth during a CBS …
Prager U did a street interview of San Francisco residents this week to ask them if they approve of illegal immigrants being allowed to vote. What were their responses? “I don’t believe that people are illegal,” a young woman says in the video. “So...yes.” Prager U’s Will Witt followed up by asking her if that holds true even for people who don’t pay into the tax system. “I haven’t paid taxes since 2014 and I still vote. So, yes,” she replied. Another woman said, “You know, I feel like people who are living here, anyone — illegal or not — has a right in their opinion...I do feel like everyone has a right to vote. Illegal or not.” A man responded to Witt's question by saying, "Um. Hold on. Do you want to ask me another question?” In July, San Francisco gave illegal residents the ability to register to vote in school board elections, the Sacramento Bee ?
MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle has openly called for Facebook to shut down its giant social network twice this week and has even suggested that Congress might need to step in and muzzle the site and its users due to fears that Russia will once again hack the 2018 elections in favor of Trump and the Republican Party.
Unless Robinson is lying – which I doubt – this is the only conclusion to draw from the accounts he gave to Ezra Levant and Tucker Carlson.
Thanks to its reliance on information from Wikipedia, the top Google search result for "leader of the free world" is not the President of the United States, with whom the term is normally associated, but crisis-engulfed German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
It only took a projected inflation rate of 1 million percent for Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro to (sort of) admit that socialism is a recipe for failure. Amid frequent power outages in the ca…
Democrats are shifting left on immigration, and it shows at the polls.
After a recent arrest for violating his probation and having contact with minors, Rhodes has now been sentenced to 2 ½-years in prison.
On Friday, CNN’s Don Lemon held a panel discussion regarding Sarah Jeong’s anti-white tweets. During the panel, Lemon and Democratic strategist Symone Sanders had the following exchange about racism:
Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach says the Democrats' "long-term strategy" is to import foreign-born voters to replace Americans.
Kentucky Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes reported joked about the assault on Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky. by his neighbor, joking to a crowd that is shows ‘he can be beaten’ -- a remark that was criticized by Paul's chief strategist.
3-D Printed guns are here, and despite what some anti-gunners are trying to do, they?re never going to go away. At best, the law will make it so only criminals use them, but they?re not about to disappear. Over at Vice?s Motherboard, they point out that all the bruhaha over 3-D printed guns is only making ?
Today, the hottest trend among some far-left Democrats is to embrace socialism – calling it “Democratic socialism” to make it sound more appealing.
The Securities and Exchange Commission has dropped its probe into whether ExxonMobil misled investors about climate change, the latest blow to the environmental movement’s bid to pin global warming on the oil-and-gas industry.

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Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

“The people of Chicago make desperate plea to @realDonaldTrump for help, slam Mayor Rahm Emanual for helping non-citizens first. https://t.co/psM0NQsCM3”


Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

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Elizabeth Heng nearly beat incumbent Democratic congressman Jim Costa in California’s open primaries in early June. The 53–47 outcome would have made her the darling of the national political media…
?There won’t always be a happy marriage between impactful environmentalism and progressive values. For environmental groups to weather the political storm, they’ll have to be able to tap sour…
The newly minted Democratic star makes her first appearance in Los Angeles on Thursday — but she isn't meeting with traditional Hollywood power brokers for now.
The National Archives has rebuffed Democrats’ attempts to force the release of perhaps 3 million pages of documents from Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s time in government service, dealing a significant blow to Democrats’ attempt to derail his elevation to the Supreme Court.
There’s no denying that President Donald Trump loves to hate The New York Times.