Are you one of those people who wants to wear their "resistance" on their sleeve (or their chest), but can't bring yourself to buy one of those cheaply made, American Apparel New York Times "Truth" tee shirts they sell on their website where just anyone can go on and buy one?

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

“Republicans should stop wasting their time on Immigration until after we elect more Senators and Congressmen/women in November. Dems are just playing games, have no intention of doing anything to solves this decades old problem. We can pass great legislation after the Red Wave!”
Double standards were on wide display Saturday after a Lexington, Virginia restaurant owner's Friday evening refusal to serve White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. The Sanders incident has garnered a great deal of press attention, apparently because the she reacted to the incident on Twitter.
The most obvious illogic embedded in Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ show trial on the premises of a Virginia restaurant is, of course, that the actors cheering this as a heroic act of #Resistance are the
  You haven’t seen this anywhere in the liberal news this week. In 2013 Barack Obama separated 72,410 children from their illegal immigrant parents who were deported. The Huffington Post reported: Immigration and Customs Enforcement last year carried out more than 72,000 deportations of parents who said they had U.S.-born children, according to reports to …
Veteran filmmaker David Lynch believes President Donald Trump could be remembered as one of the greatest presidents in American history because of the way he has shaken up the political establishment.

Courting Disaster

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

American immigration courts have the highest failure to appear rates of any courts in the country. Over the last 20 years, 37 percent of all aliens free pending trial failed to appear for their hearings.
Despite his liberties with the truth, Trump has amassed the most faithful record of modern U.S. presidents in doing what he promised to do
Undocumented immigrant Reynaldo Mora, 41, is in ICE custody related to his immigration status after first being arrested in April on suspicion of raping a nonverbal teen while babysitting in Maryland.
The prospect of Republicans retaining control of the U.S. Senate are looking better, according to polls of races in Texas, Florida and Arizona by CBS News conducted by YouGov and published Sunday.
Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi was heckled by protesters at the showing of documentary about children’s TV host Fred Rogers on Friday, challenging her support of the Trump administration’s stand on immigration and the state’s decision to join a lawsuit against the Affordable Care Act.
The U.S. Supreme Court, winding down its nine-month term, will issue rulings this week in its few remaining cases including a major one on the legality of President Donald Trump's ban on people from five Muslim-majority nations entering the country.
Back in the day, I wrote for a president. Not speeches, mind you, but special correspondence and proclamations. Watching this entire nauseating mess with the Justice Department and the FBI—agencies that many believe are corrupt to their core—I thought I'd write a statement for President
Who is George Will? Why do we care what he thinks?
Marijuana's estimated rate of addiction is lower than that of cocaine and alcohol (15 percent) and heroin (24 percent). Unlike with opioids and stimulants, marijuana dependence tends to develop slowly:
On June 23 1988, NASA?s James Hansen testified before Congress and made very specific predictions about global warming. In this video I show how he got them exactly backwards, and how scienti…
Guest essay by Eric Worrall If there is one climate program which should have died in a welter of shame, that programme is third world conservation programmes, programmes which have reportedly alre…
Left-wing activists harassed Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi at a movie theater on Saturday over her support for the Trump administration, yelling at her as she left and returned to her vehicle.
The "new battleground of media bias" is being waged on social media, and conservatives are losing, according to a report by media watchdog Media Research Center.
Asian Americans are fighting back, and many are reexamining their steadfast loyalty to liberal causes and the Democrat Party.
Gun rights activists in Ohio are suing the cities of Columbus and Cincinnati over recently enacted gun regulations that they regard as an “abuse of power.”
The president runs the executive branch, after all.

CBP Arizona on Twitter

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

“UPDATED pictures of #USBP Ajo agents render aid to 57 men, women, and children as young as 1 year old found Friday.Record heat may have sealed their fate had it not been for @CBP agents #SavingLives https://t.co/Qx9qLCacmZ”

"Red Hen" gets Red Pilled

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

Liberals (all of a sudden) are in favor of business owners refusing to serve people based on their lifestyle. Angela (she's no angel) Merkle goes around the ...
Maxine Waters: Harass Trump Officials at Gas Stations, Restaurants, and Shopping Malls - Timothy Meads: On Saturday night, California Congresswoman Maxine Waters encouraged the type .06/24/2018 14:52:52PM EST.