Mitt Romney said Monday he believes he’s more conservative than President Trump on immigration, explaining that he doesn’t believe Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients should be allowed to obtain legal residence.
Student activists demand Hofstra University remove a statue of Thomas Jefferson from campus through a petition and protest.
Rev. Kenneth Glasgow was charged in shooting murder the day after he participated in the local anti-gun march. Rev. Kenneh is Al Sharpton’s half-brother from Alabama. 36 Hours: From Leading #AntiGun Violence Rally to Capital Murder Charges Reverend Kenneth #Sharpton #Glasgow is the brother of well known #activist Reverend Al Sharpton.@theRevAl @POTUS #Qanon #GreatAwakening #UsefulIdiots …
The National Rifle Association is acknowledging that it accepts donations from foreign entities, and that it moves money between its...
"I drew pictures like this. Any other person of this age drew drawings like this. It's nothing to get expelled from school for," the boy's father said.
A Pennsylvania Planned Parenthood clinic thinks that Disney should incorporate a princess who's had an abortion into their library of admirable women like Belle, Mulan, and Pocahontas. What are the details? A Pennsylvania office of Planned Parenthood tweeted the view on Tuesday and was apparently met with some pushback — according to TheWrap, the tweet was deleted just hours after it appeared. Planned Parenthood's other brilliant suggestions for Disney princesses include princesses who are "pro-choice," "an undocumented immigrant," "actually a union worker," and "trans." Planned Parenthood Keystone's now-deleted tweet: pic.twitter.com/jbmcXBD2yL — Michael Geer (@MichaelGeer) March 27, 2018 Few people seemed receptive to the tweet. Ben Shapiro, editor-in-chief of The Daily Wire, wrote, "We need a Disney princess who uses her royal authority to defund you stupid a**holes." We need a Disney princess who uses her royal authority to defund you stupid a**holes https://t.co/957a8YQAly — Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) March 27, 2018 What else? Planned Parenthood Keystone services the majority of the eastern half of Pennsylvania, save for ?
The Pennsylvania affiliate of Planned Parenthood tweeted – and then deleted – its statement announcing its wishes for a Disney princess who has had an abortion and who satisfies the left's fantasy of identity politics.
Total: 891 Facebook Twitter Print EmailYes, said Parkland student Emma González. She and her fellow students at Parkland’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School “ostracized” fellow student Nikolas Cruz. Said González when speaking in Washington at the anti-gun “March for Our Lives”: “Since he was in middle school, it was no surprise to anyone who knew ?
Total: 32 Facebook Twitter Print EmailA door creaks — metaphorically, of course — and a metaphorical breeze slinks into the room. American foreign policy is beginning to change; possibly renewing itself after an unprepossessing time of small-beer actions interspersed with grand apologies for past actions. As always in the World of Donald Trump, grand predictions ?
The Parkland students organizing "The March for Our Lives" are being used by the gun control advocates and the MSM
It turns out that across the board, for all ages and family sizes, for HMO, PPO, and POS plans, premium increases averaged about 60% from 2013, the last year before ACA reforms took effect, to 2017. In the four years preceding the ACA, premium increases were less than 10%, or even actual decreases.
The president and his wife applauded flag-wavers, sure, but also Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.
The Orange County Sheriff’s Department on Monday made the release dates of jail inmates — including those in the country illegally — publicly available online, marking the latest local revolt against California’s so-called sanctuary law.
The New York Times applauds the effort to socially engineer toddlers.
CNN Host Alyson Camerota finally apologized 10-days after saying "He's [Rubio] working on extending Daylight Savings Time, Year round," instead of working gun control.
When President Trump recently visited California, he came away with the sense that it “is totally out of control.” If he arrived at that conclusion from just a single visit, imagine how many who live in the state feel. To be fair, California itself isn’t out of control. There are many among the 40 million who honorably and honestly go about their daily business. Outside of Antifa riots and some infantile behavior on college campuses, there are no mobs in the streets; crime is up but not unrestrained; there are multiple efforts brewing to break up the state, but none are threatening violent insurgencies (though there is a Calexit movement that calls for the state to leave the union). What is out
Stevens says that getting rid of the "relic of the 18th century" would weaken the NRA. The opinion goes further than most gun control advocates.
Steven Crowder provides a full rebuttal to Vox and their most recent attack launched on the NRA and Second Amendment supporting Americans in the wake of the ...
The Left doesn’t fight evil; it fights those who do.
DeVos stands up to her department’s employee union.
Although it was invoked incessantly, “common sense” was notably lacking from the streets and from the stage Saturday.
On Sunday, comedian Michael Ian Black, who has become famous recently for his whip-smart Twitter commentary, struck gold again with a rant on gun control. This time, he called for the end of the Second Amendment and compared private gun ownership with slavery. Here was his hot take:
When the lovely folks over at taxpayer-funded abortion mill Planned Parenthood aren't snuffing out life and haggling over prices of body parts for the lucrative business, they get "woke" on social media.
The post Parkland political activism of the kids driven by anti-gun liberal activist adults may be backfiring on Democrats.
The Association for Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN, dissolved in 2009. But the 2018 omnibus package includes a measure to defund it.