Members of the Fordham College Republicans were told to leave an on-campus coffee shop because their MAGA hats violated the shop’s “safe space policy.”
Donald Trump Jr. slammed CNN on Saturday, saying he wouldn't wait for an apology for the network's erroneous report claiming that the Trump campaign was given advance notice of a WikiLeaks release last year.
In spite of finding itself in the firing line of Brussels’ political elite, Poland’s conservative Law and Justice Party shows no signs of capitulation ? and is maintaining popular support if recent polls are to be believed. Refusing to buckle to Brussels’ demands ? taking the form of a resolution passed by the EU Parliament ?
Lindsey Vonn’s road to her final Olympics has encountered some trouble. Vonn went to the ground after crossing the finish line and observers said she was experiencing extreme pain. Vonn, 33, has said this will be her final Olympics.
Republicans are optimistic they will come up with a compromise bill in time to vote on a measure by Christmas, Majority Leader Kevin McCarth...
SIOUX CITY - Iowa 4th District Rep. Steve King on Friday twice declared that diversity is not an American strength and endorsed a European leader's view that 'mixing cultures' leads to a lower quality of life.
Thirty-four Republicans in the House of Representatives signed a letter to House Speaker Paul Ryan calling for passage of a permanent DACA amnesty before the end of the year. Reps. Scott Taylor (R-Va.) and Dan Newhouse (R-Wash.) led the effort.
The State Department has not yet said whether the U.S. considers Jerusalem to be part of Israel, raising questions about the practical implications of President Trump's recognition of the city as Israel's capital.
Arabs in Palestine Area Exaggerate City's Minimal Place in Islam
The minimum wage has a dark, racist history. And the great irony is that its malicious intent is unwittingly being realized today.
When people in Washington dismiss complaints about a special counsel’s “witch hunt” investigation with broad powers and no accountability, they should consider what happened in Wisconsin.
How did "multiple sources" all innocently feed the same false information to multiple media outlets? The refusal of CNN and MSNBC to say only compounds the damage they caused.
Mawlid (or Milad) is the Islamic festival commemorating the birthday of Mohammed. The only thing it has in common with Christmas is that it isn't actually
The CFPB's Harry-Potter-styled rebellion of mid-level bureaucrats seems a lot less like Dumbledore's Army and a lot more like Dolores Umbridge.
The FBI's most recent annual report of hate crime statistics confirms that the much-hyped "backlash" against American Muslims is a myth, according to the Gatestone Institute.
"Jerusalem is Islamic and Arab, for it we'll shed our blood and wage war. This is the way of our Jihad."
WASHINGTON — “Throw’em into prison for five years” is what New Jersey Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez wants for any out-of-state concealed carry permit holder who enter his state with a firearm.
Will he or won’t he? Will President Trump order the disclosure of any warrant applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (the FISA Court) in which the Justice Department and FBI presented any information derived from the Steele dossier? We don’t need to imperil national security. There is no need to disclose the entirety of any application. There is no need to expose intelligence sources or methods of gathering information — they can be redacted. We don’t even need to see any actual application; a declassified summary of the relevant information will do ...
Former President Barack Obama thanked himself in a speech at the Chicago climate summit Tuesday, saying his administration's policies were the reason for America's increased job creation and economic
Democrats dump Franken and move against Trump, Republicans rally around their worst people, and free speech comes under social assault – plus we check the mailbag! Date: 12-08-2017
The Treasury Department paid $220,000 to settle a sexual harassment claim against Florida Democrat Alcee Hastings, documents provided to Roll Call show.
Back in June, the Senate unanimously passed a resolution confirming Jerusalem as Israel's capital. President Trump recently announced the U.S. would finally recognize what is known fact, as well as move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Now, California Rep. Nancy Pelosi is ripping 45...
It looks like Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) will become the latest casualty of the "Harvey Weinstein effect."
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders fired back at CNN on Friday hours after the network had corrected a report that related to the White House, mocking CNN for mixing up a White House aide with a former Obama aide.
CNN promoted its latest breathless report purporting to show collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. But they totally botched the story.