It’s an open secret Canada’s public universities tilt to the left, and that this left-wing ideology is particularly evident among those who teach in the social sciences and humanities. A remarkable…
"I was and still am extremely angry."
Abraham Lincoln's Thanksgiving declaration showed incredible gratitude when our nation was LITERALLY divided. Certainly we can do no less today.
If you listen to the nattering nabobs of social media negativity, and you shouldnt, you might get the false impression that that our dreams of a conservative future are imploding like the liberal sex abuse narrative after Al Franken finished thrusting his tongue down its throat. You would be wrong. There is a lot for conservatives to be thankful for, and were winning. To paraphrase noted tax reform advocate Wesley Snipes in Passenger 57, always bet on red.

The Key to Unhappiness

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

Want to be miserable, resentful, and bitter? Few people do, and yet many people are. Why? Because many people have the one primary character trait that leads to unhappiness. And you need to avoid it. Nationally syndicated talk show host Dennis Prager explains.

Why the Left Hates Thanksgiving

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

Gratitude has become a partisan issue.
Seattle’s income tax on wealthy households failed its first legal test on Wednesday.
A decisive week has gripped the southern African nation, the winds of change gusted swiftly and comprehensively across the land Ian Smith…
81 year old John McCain (R-AZ) has had a string of heath issues. In mid-july, the Arizona Senator un
A man using a Huntington Beach postal box has submitted a statewide ballot proposal calling for California residents without children in public schools to be example from paying school-related taxes.
The Antifa member is being sued on the basis of repeatedly threatening and harassing various people at the University of California, Berkele...

7 Reasons Net Neutrality Is Idiotic

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

Wednesday was a "Day of Action" in support of net neutrality regulations; large tech companies like Facebook, Google and Amazon all showcased their support for the
One woman said she spoke with HuffPost said she wanted to share her story because Franken is a "serial groper"
A second Alabama special Senate election poll has Roy Moore, the GOP nominee for the U.S. Senate, up six points over Democrat Doug Jones.

Was America Founded On Slavery?

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

Ben Shapiro debunks the leftist argument that the United States was founded on slavery.
John Rogers confirms he's left the Alabama Senate candidate's campaign.
Years of excusing Bill Clinton’s sexual misconduct suddenly seems morally indefensible.
It’s not a university anymore. It’s just an Antifa recruitment center.
Americans readily accept two opposing ideas about the first Thanksgiving — one bright and highly idealized, the other gray and somber, but closer to the truth. Jean Leon Gerome Ferris captured the first idea in a painting completed in 1915, some three centuries after the actual event. In his First Thanksgiving 1621, we see prosperous, black-clad Pilgrims in the company of new-found friends — bare-chested Indians in feathered war bonnets (one of several historical inaccuracies). The “thanks” here are for a bountiful harvest and the early realization of America as a land of milk and honey. But how could it
The Left is inherently inclined to self-indulgent subjectivity that often alienates the majority they need to win over. Take the NFL kneelers.

With Al Franken This Thanksgiving

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

Washington As Americans prepare for their Thanksgiving Day turkey or perhaps protein bars, or possibly artichoke hearts, or whatever the au courant are dining upon this year, I would like to propose a thought. You all have much to be grateful for. Our friends on the left may doubt it, but even they have much to be grateful for. For my part, I am grateful not to have Al Franken for a neighbor. You saw what one of the zealots did to his neighbor Senator Rand Paul. Moreover, I have two very pretty daughters, who will be visiting me. With
Our business practices ensure full protections for our customers and the public, and will continue to do so no matter which direction the FCC ultimately decides to go with its Open Internet regulations.

The Nationalist's Delusion

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

Donald Trump's supporters now have what they want: a president who embodies the rage they feel, while reassuring them that hatred is justifiable.
Trump defends Moore, a feminist makes the worst argument of all time, and we check the mailbag before Thanksgiving! Date: 11-22-2017
Americans have more to be thankful for this Thanksgiving than it seems ...