The social critic and academic blames 1960s disruptions of gender roles (and not the entertainment industry) for Madonna's and J. Lo's difficulty letting go of their youth as she chastises them to "stop cannibalizing the young."
I have filed a lawsuit against Climate Action Network, a German corporation headquartered in Beirut, Lebanon, along with 39 other corporations (most of them putatively non-profit) and several “John…
Last night Meryl Streep went hard after Donald Trump for mocking a disabled reporter (Trump strongly denies he mocks the man’s disability, but no one doubts he was insulting). In doing so, she eloquently stated the moral imperative that the strong not prey on the weak: But there was one performance this year that stunned me. It sank its hooks in my heart. Not because it was good; there was nothing good about it. But it was effective and it did its job. It made its intended audience laugh, and show their teeth. It was that moment when the person asking to sit in the most respected seat in our country imitated a disabled reporter. Someone he outranked in privilege, power and the capacity to fight back. It kind of broke my heart when I saw it, and I still can’t get it out of my head, because it wasn’t in a movie. It was real life. And this instinct to humiliate, when it’s modeled by someone in the public platform, by someone powerful, it filters down into everybody’s life, because it kinda gives permission for other people to do the same thing. Disrespect invites disrespect, violence incites violence. And when the powerful use their position to bully others we all lose. Remember those words as you watch this video, now racing around the internet: Yes, that’s Streep standing and applauding at the 1:10 mark. For those who don’t remember, Roman Polanski pled guilty to statutory rape and admitted in open court to having sex with his victim when he knew she was only 13 years old. Polanski was 43. In so doing, he avoided trial on a number of more serious charges. His victim’s grand jury testimony was chilling: According to Gailey’s April 4, 1977 grand-jury testimony, Polanski drove her to Jack Nicholson’s house. The actor wasn’t home, but his ex-girlfriend Anjelica Huston was there when they arrived. Polanski poured Gailey champagne and they took more photographs. After they shared a quaalude, he instructed her to strip and enter a Jacuzzi, where—despite her protests—he soon joined her, after removing his own clothes. She lied about having asthma as an excuse to leave the hot tub. Although Gailey repeatedly told him “no” and asked him to drive her home, he proceeded to perform oral, vaginal, and anal sex on her inside the house. Gailey told the grand jury she was reluctant to resist because she was “afraid” of Polanski. Gailey said Polanski asked her to keep their encounter a secret before taking her home, later telling her, “You know, when I first met you I promised myself I wouldn’t do anything like this with you.” As bad as it is to mock a man’s disability (again, Trump has denied that was his intent), Polanski’s conduct is several orders of magnitude worse. Compounding the injustice, Polanski fled the United States rather than serve his sentence. He lives overseas, where he has directed a number of films starring a cavalcade of Hollywood liberals.  The choice of any actor to work with a man on the run from prison for rape is absurd, the partial standing ovation (including from Streep) is disgusting, and the decision not to tell the audience why the Academy was accepting the award on his behalf is cowardly.  These people purport to be our moral betters? Millions of Americans look to them for inspiration and guidance?  Talent is obviously no substitute for wisdom, and one can appreciate the art while still being wary of the artist. There are good people in Hollywood, including good, misguided people, but the American film industry simply lacks the moral standing for its many lectures — including Streep’s lecture last night. It’s a shame that more people can’t see the empty moral core behind the glittering facade.
‘We have not had the kinds of scandals that have plagued other administrations’
Two Muslims were arrested after a Gay Village Memorial to AIDS victims was vandalized in Sackville Gardens, UK. 3 males ...

CAG, CAN, MediaMatters, UCS

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

The assertion that not only foot soldiers, but even lieutenants and captains of CAG (Climate Alarmism Governance) might not know for whom they fight seems far-fetched.  But the 4th generation of mo…
The heading of this post is taken from an email, sent by one Deputy Attorney General to another one in connection with the so-called ?ExxonKnew? witch-hunt, but it is the key to underst…
Elderly millionaire actress, Meryl Streep, used the Global Globe Awards as a platform to launch a rambling political tirade against Donald Trump. http://www....
Meryl Streep’s speech at the Golden Globes is why the Left wins: If it wins the culture, conservatives’ focus on winning elections won’t matter.
Get ready for 'racism,' 'fabrication' from the Left during Jeff Sessions confirmation.
The potential reforms they’ve identified could damage the tax base and the U.S. and global economies.
“We need a governor who…”
What would happen if Based Mom sat down with Based Goddess for an hour to discuss modern-day feminism? No need to speculate—here's the full one-hour intervie...

Why Democrats Want War With Russia

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

If the American people are stampeded into a New Cold War based more on myths than reality, the minimal cost could be trillions of dollars diverted from domestic needs into the Military Industrial C…
Eeek! Official Washington is being traumatized by the tweets of Donald Trump. Politico has chronicled the pearl clutching concern by the inside the beltway types over Trump's tweets. It seems Trump speaking directly to the people via Twitter is causing a crises among politicians and lobbyists who just don't know how to handle it as reflected in the article title, Trump’s Twitter feed traumatizes Washington.
Here is another reason why the fact-checking phenomenon is junk: On Monday afternoon, the Associated Press (AP) published a story by Mark Kennedy to “fact-check” President-elect Donald Trump’s opinion that far-left actress Meryl Streep is “overrated.”
During the panel discussion on the January 8 episode of Fox News Sunday, Juan Williams claimed that last week's torture of a mentally handicapped white man by four black adults "stirs up racial tensions already hot from the campaign rhetoric of Donald Trump," and that "white nationalists" would see this as an excuse to "legitimize acts of white racism." After the panel spent a couple of minutes dealing with a viewer's question about a perceived overemphasis on the "politics" of this crime instead of the fact that it was "a racial hate crime," Laura Ingraham circled back to criticize Williams's comment as "completely off base."
A Syrian Kurd opened the “Trump Restaurant” in liberated Kobani this week. The Kurdish owner said it was in honor ...
That’s whom Hillary Clinton should be blaming.
Two members of Donald Trump’s most inner circle have found a special kind of understanding.
No doubt you've all heard the news about Meryl Streep and her totally not acting performa- I mean acceptance speech, in which she calls out Donald Trump for ...

The Case for Jeff Sessions

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

Barack Obama's Justice Department is out of control. America needs an attorney general who will enforce the law.
So what ever happened to the GOP purporting to be interested in balancing the budget? Now senators in the GOP are claiming that they have to let the public debt rise from its current $20 trillion to $29.1 trillion by 2027 in order to repeal Obamacare. Not only that, the GOP is forecasting deficits of $1 trillion by 2027.