Last week, in one of his final moves out of the Oval Office, Obama executively designated more than 1.5 million acres of land as national monuments, preserving their untouched façade while closing them to human expansion, development, energy use,...
Pat Buchanan: Bitter Obama in 'Despair,' Leaving With 'Let's Wreck the Place' Attitude
You are not crazy, nor alone. There are tons post-abortive women who have felt the same way you do. The pro-abortion lobby will say else, but it’s true.
Democrats 'know how bad ObamaCare is and what a mess they are in. Instead of working to fix it, they do the typical political thing and BLAME,' Trump wrote in a series of morning tweets.
In the final days of his administration, President Obama has decided that with the stroke of pen, he shall further consolidate direct federal control over lands within Western states.
Discontented with the male gender, some women are deciding to form working spaces that prohibit men from joining them. As Bloomberg reports, the Wing, a co-working space and social club in New York, is one example; Rise Collaborative, opening in January in St.

blm kidnapping

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.
Brittany Herring posted a video on Facebook Live showing a man with special needs being tortured and beaten in Chicago.…
Two men and two women, believed to all be aged 18, were taken into custody by Chicago Police on Wednesday after authorities were made aware of the 30-minutes social media video.
On the Wednesday network evening newscasts, ABC’s World News Tonight and NBC Nightly News failed to inform their viewers of an incredibly disturbing alleged beating in Chicago of a developmentally challenged white man by four African-American suspects that was streamed live on Facebook.
    Fear of the Russians has become apart of American politics and culture again. Just like throughout the Cold War, politicians and the media are now feeding fears that the Russian menace is trying to undermine the American way of life. This year, the allegation is that the Russians interfered with the presidential election. This interference occurred with repeated hacks of Democratic Party officials and entities and subsequent release of the information. This arguably swayed the election cycle, both in the primary and general. Even if it were true the Russians were interfering with our own election, do we have a right to be outraged? Former Congressman Ron Paul, who twice ran for the Republican presidential nomination, said the United States is not in any position to condemn election meddling. In an interview on Fox Business Network, Paul discussed the allegations against the Russians and our own foreign policy. Paul even takes it a step further by pointing out that our government’s interference often goes beyond simple election meddling.?
The footage used in this video has been blurred to protect the identity of the victim. I DO NOT OWN the footage used in this video and have no intention to p...
The two lawmakers introduced a constitutional amendment.

Obama’s Failed Presidency

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

Obama leaves a disastrous legacy.
    The unfortunate news came Tuesday that Ty Hicks, the Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) National Field Director who declared that all Trump supporters are racist, has been promoted to Executive Vice President of YAL. This news comes on the heels of the election of Donald Trump, who received support from a wide swath of youth activists from across the conservative and libertarian movements, some of whom are YAL activists. The anti establishment wave that swept through the nation this year has energized the right wing in a way that we haven’t seen in a very long time, a position that libertarians should be poised to capitalize on with a bold populist message. Unfortunately, this latest move sends a message that the YAL leadership does not share this vision of the future and is perhaps growing insensitive to the prospect of alienating wide swaths of the conservative movement. To understand how we got here, let’s briefly review the events of recent months. The first sign of controversy with YAL occurred when Ty?
At the start of each new year we’re subjected to a whole host of new laws. The modern liberal government, you see, imagines itself not as the champion of individual freedom but as Mommy and Daddy, a taskmaster charged with controlling your life. Most of the time, it makes everything, including our lives, worse.
Teens Step Forward to Serve as Pallbearers for Veteran with No Family - Todd Starnes: Navy veteran Jerry Wayne Pino died on Dec. 12th in .01/05/2017 2:58:44AM EST.
Many Americans are glad to see 2016 come to an end. It was ugly, nasty, politically overkilled and filled with apocalyptic predictions and multiple sharks being jumped multiple times. It was also the year in which the embittered Obama administration went Full Obama, setting the torch to the United States' relationship with Israel and demonstrating once and for all how feckless and fitful the One's foreign policy really is.
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Chicago law enforcement officials were reluctant to call the videotaped torture of a white man by black assailants a hate crime Wednesday night -- even though the suspects repeatedly said "fuck white
    The political landscape has become more emotionally charged than any other point in recent history. The battle between President-elect Donald Trump and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton left many people even experiencing personal conflict over their political choices. President-elect Trump’s unconventional approach to politics left many concerned and even outraged by his words and actions. How will a Trump Administration turn out? One of the common criticisms of President-elect Trump during the presidential election was his use of violent rhetoric and supposed endorsement of aggressive tactics. This signaled a nasty future ahead with a man like him involved in politics. Liberals have reacted in horror, claiming that he is a threat to liberty, to minorities, and all Americans everywhere. But does the problem lie with the right wing and supporters of President-elect Trump? In Chicago, a young white man was kidnapped and brutally beaten by a group of black individuals. The black group broadcasted the video of the beating online, while shouting racist attacks like “fck?
He literally plans to undo all the good McCrory did, as governor.
Four Gitmo detainees are slated to be transferred to Saudi Arabia in the next 24 hours, the first of the final wave of up to 20 transfers expected before Inauguration Day, two U.S. officials tell Fox News.
President Obama Awards Himself Distinguished Public Service Medal
FOX 32 NEWS: Investigators are looking into a Facebook Live video showing a group of people holding a young man hostage.Chicago police told FOX 32 that four people are currently in