200,000 people are expected to participate in the Women's March on Washington on Saturday. Pink 'pussyhats' have become the unofficial accessory of the march.
As Donald Trump officially takes office, one of the first and most important decisions he will have to make is who he will appoint to the Supreme Court
Chris Rock, Katy Perry, Alicia Keys and Sarah Silverman were among the dozens of stars live-tweeting during Trump's first day in office.
REPLAY!! AM560 The Answer - Yaron Brook Show from January 14, 2017 You won't hear the traditional conservative views nor the standard libertarian ones on the Yaron Brook Show. What you will hear is a discussion of Ayn Rand's radical, fundamental principles of freedom, objectivist perspective on rational self-interest, laissez fair capitalism and individual rights. Yaron Brook invites you to the discussion. You'll be intrigued, inspired and possibly angered. The Yaron Brook Show, Saturday afternoons at 4 pm on AM 560 The Answer. This episode is a REPLAY of Yaron's weekly show on Chicago's very own AM560 The Answer, which aired on Saturday, January 14, 2017. In this episode Yaron frames the possibility of repealing Obamacare. What will it take to repeal Obamacare? Can it be done? Why is repealing Obamacare so difficult? Yaron's AM560 show airs live on Saturdays from 4 – PM CT. Tune in live Saturdays by listening to AM560 The Answer through the local radio station in Chicago or via iHeart Radio. To call into the show during airtime on Saturdays, dial: 312.642.5600. You can also email questions to Yaron at [email protected] or send them to Yaron via Twitter or Facebook and continue the conversations by using #YaronBrookShow. Not in Chicago? You can still tune in live!! Via the web: http://www.560theanswer.com or iHeart radio http://www.iheart.com/live/am-560-the-answer-5965/
The mainstream media should practice a little benign neglect in their coverage of the Trump administration, suggested Kerry Eleveld in a Tuesday post. Eleveld called President Trump “a totally repugnant human being” but conceded that he’s “a master manipulator” for whom pressers are “sheer sport…By continuing to engage in them, reporters are simply setting themselves up as targets on his terrain.”
Today is the Women’s March on Washington. But don’t be fooled by its inclusive title. It happens to be one of the most exclusive marches out there, because it actively rejects pro-life women from its ranks. Several of my female colleagues have written about their rejection of unity. Jennifer Van Laar wrote about the march wanting to exclude pro-life women. Amelia Hamilton wrote about New | Read More »
The Liberal Translation Guide: 20 Translations of Things That Liberals Say - John Hawkins: If you listen to liberals, it quickly becomes apparent that .01/21/2017 14:56:50PM EST.

Trump's Inauguration: Best Moments

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

The best moments of Trump's inauguration. All credit for footage goes to Right Side Broadcasting. -- DISCLAIMER! ---- Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 ...
A kindergartner's mother is suing her public school system in West Virginia, asking that it discontinue a 75-year practice of putting kids in Bible classes that violate the U.S. and state constitutions.
Students at USC's Price School are hosting an oath-taking event to support “social justice values despite federal, state, or local policy.”
What is the link between one of Hillary Clinton’s largest donors and the Women’s March? Turns out, it?s quite significant
To transfer control of his companies, the president has to submit filings in Florida, Delaware and New York. We spoke to officials in each of those states.
The Interior Department was told to temporarily “shut down” its official Twitter accounts after the National Park Service shared two tweets during the inauguration that were unflattering to President Trump.
Smell that? Yes, that's the magnificent aroma of Washington trying to cover its ass now that its brilliant strategy of "arming human scum and shipping them into Syria by the Toyota-load" has failed miserably.
Kevin O'leary Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/kevinolearytv/videos/1319217208142776/ "It's been a busy morning but it's important to me that I talk t...
Her words weren't particularly objectionable, but Hollywood has been preaching an anti-Republican message for years.
Embarrassed, angry, and confused, the Left is simply doubling down on the behavior and the rhetoric that drove large numbers of Americans to vote for Trump in the first place.
President-elect Donald Trump's face-off moment in a memory-holed TV show is a masterstroke the world should never forget.
My children are healthy, happy, and well-behaved. Yet we are still the subject of never-ending judgment, simply because I have four.
The saltiness is real. An anti-Trump protester was caught on tape losing her ever-loving mind during Friday?s inauguration ceremony ? screaming ?no? at the top of her lungs …
Did you hear that Nancy Sinatra was infuriated about her father's song, "My Way", being played at the Inauguration? Did you hear it from CNN ?...
Amid the thousands of protesters who took to the streets of Washington on Friday were some intending to violently disrupt President Trump’s inauguration. Will the peaceful majority condemn them? Th…
A bust of former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill was back in the Oval Office just hours after President Donald Trump's inauguration.
The Liberal Translation Guide: 20 Translations of Things That Liberals Say - John Hawkins: If you listen to liberals, it quickly becomes apparent that .01/21/2017 10:56:08AM EST.

Speechless in 2017

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

It’s been a weird couple of months. I’ve seen more people unfriend each other on FaceBook than in the past few years combined; There have been several reports of both Trump supporters and minorities being physically attacked; I’ve been asked...