
People in the US describe their feelings about going to Donald Trump's inauguration in Washington DC


Haley Nieves was putting up posters for a Bruin Republicans event last spring when two female students confronted her, tearing down the posters and shouting in her face. Shaken, she…


Much has been said about how Vice President-elect Mike Pence, with his 12 years as a congressman, could be incoming President Donald Trump’s bridge to Congress. But Trump has his own ties to the Hill, in the form of nearly two decades worth of political contributions to sitting members of the House and Senate on both sides of the aisle.Trump has donated to the campaigns of 44 current members of Congress, according to a Roll Call review of Federal Election Commission electronic records that are available since 1997. Nineteen of those members are in the Senate, and 25 are in the House.


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Despite his rhetoric, Obama leaves behind an overheated racial climate. Can black conservatives heal the divide?


Gaslighting is perhaps one of the most insidious manipulative tactics out there because it works to distort and erode your sense of reality; it eats away at your ability to trust yourself and inevi…


After being called a “mediocre negro” by Marc Lamont Hill, and lambasted by his fellow celebrities as well as fans for meeting with Trump, Steve Harvey has just about had


Talk about embarrassing ...


Over the course of the lengthy hearing, his testimony painted a coherent picture of what a Rex Tillerson-style American foreign policy might look like.


Watching Betsy DeVos answer an array of frivolous questions from Democrats was another reminder that politics is often tragedy.


A New York Times article …


1791L - Independent informant. If you enjoy my videos, consider becoming a patron: https://www.patreon.com/1791L Big thanks to Michael Tracey, of which his a...


Trump supporters arriving for the “Deploraball” inauguration celebration in Washington Thursday night were greeted by screaming profanities and threats as they entered the National Press Club Building.


Miguel Ferrer, who had played Owen Granger on NCIS: Los Angeles since 2012, co-starred with Jill Hennessy on NBC?s Crossing Jordan and had a memorable role in the original RoboCop, died toda…


Strong words from a pastor that marched with John Lewis during the civil rights era. The Rev. William Owens is calling out John Lewis as being on the wrong side


On the eve of Donald Trump's inauguration snowflakes everywhere are losing their minds and Tucker Carlson captured a glimpse of the madness. Twitter: https:/...


Divorce is a problem in the United States. But there are personal factors that make you more or less likely to get divorced, and you can control them.


Donald Trump struck a chord when he seized on Americans' distaste for political journalists during last year's U.S. presidential election campaign, says the author of Insane Clown President: Dispatches from the 2016 Circus.


We compare Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore's 2008 'I Pledge' Obama inauguration video with a slightly more aggressive montage for Trump. #Unity. Taken from epi...


PHOENIX, Ariz. (Jan. 19, 2017) – An Arizona bill that would set the stage for the state to refuse cooperation with federal acts passed out of an important House committee on Tuesday.


It may be up to a British comedy troupe to demonstrate the basic political problem of left-wing interest groups such as the Women’s March on Washington.


The Obama administration has been the most lawless in U.S. history. Here are just a few examples to prove it. And these are doozies.


What is it about progressives like President Obama — and even pretend progressives like Gov. Cuomo — that makes them so forgiving of terrorists? Obama, on his way out the door, Tuesday commuted the…


MSNBC journalists on Thursday whined about the treatment they were getting from Americans visiting Washington D.C. for Donald Trump’s inauguration. Cal Perry reported live from the inaugural concert. He complained, “...There is a pervasive, sort of, heckling that goes on towards the media that we've seen today, consistently not just from the crowds but also the volunteers.”