
Alex Mohajer, a Huffington Post commenter thinks Hillary Clinton is the rightful president and Tucker Carlson destroys him. Twitter: https://twitter.com/Very...


Early this morning I previewed for you a major First Amendment case that was argued in the Supreme Court today: Lee v. Tam. The Court will decide whether the government can deny trademark protection to trademarks (like the band name “The Slants” or the team name “The Redskins”) which it finds to be disparaging. I’ve now had a chance to read through the oral argument, | Read More »


Liberals tend to be crazy in general, but then you have the rare breed that is insane on a whole new level. Maxine Waters falls into the latter category and


Environmental Protection Agency nominee Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt told the Senate Wednesday that he rejects the false narrative that “if you’re pro-energy, you’re anti-environment, and if you’re pro-environment, you’re anti-energy.”


Did Islamist terrorists want to draw the United States into Afghanistan and Iraq? According to James Mitchell, that was never Al-Qaeda's intention, because t...


He acted as a left-wing McCarthyist-in-Chief.


Fresh off Drudge Report breaking Monica Lewinsky's affair with disgraced President Bill Clinton and embarrassing main stream media Matt Drudge spoke before t...


“Do you think that guns have any place in and around schools?” Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) asked Betsy DeVos at her confirmation hearing on Tuesday evening.


"Symptoms include delusional ranting and a feverish flop sweat."


To celebrate Donald Trump's inauguration this week, I'm returning to my new favorite parlor game: quoting Republican consultants on the 2016 campaign.


An index of misery for young Americans has reached a record high, the latest sign of disappointment for one of President Obama's coalition members. The Youth Misery Index spiked to 113.4 in early 2017, up from 109.9 last January, and 83.5 in 2009 when Obama took office, according to the conservative Young America's Foundation. It is calculated by adding youth unemployment, student loan debt, and national debt per capita numbers.


In a news segment that ran on CBS 46 last night, host Ben Swann recounted the Pizzagate conspiracy theory that led one man to charge into a pizzeria with an


Their intolerance is on full display as participants receive death threats.


Despite their clear mandate from the voters, congressional Republicans act like they lost.


And how those four words helped make him the nation’s 45th president.


Trump-hating Democrat, John Lewis didn’t pay property taxes on his nearly $1 million D.C. townhouse according to the sleuthing done ...


"I thought you were bigger for some reason." -Anonymous review of my channel TO CONTACT: Please email [email protected] or tweet @MLChristiansen...


They're already whining ...


Mark Lamont Hill called the blacks who met with Trump "mediocre negroes", Steve Harvey in particular.


Rep. Tom Price's stock market trades are no different than thousands of other trades made by Democrats over the years. Let's stop them all.


“…it would be hypocritical to…”


If Hillary Clinton decided to run as an independent for New York City mayor this year, she would open with a sizable lead over incumbent Democrat Bill de Blasio, according to Quinnipiac University poll released on Wednesday.


CNN Gets Rejected CNN requested press passes to cover the Deploraball which is being held at the Press Club in ...


President Obama criticized Mitt Romney's inconsistent statements about foreign policy concerning Russia, Iraq and Afghanistan. Subscribe to the Times Video n...


The payment to the UN Green Climate Fund was announced three days before Donald Trump takes office.