A federal judge has ruled that key parts of a lawsuit against Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn J. Mosby, filed by five of the six officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray, can move forward.
Trump's pick for director of communications at the National Security Council "will not be taking a position in the incoming administration," she said Monday.
Trump's pronouncement on NATO has set off alarm bells.
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President-elect Trump is not the only President who decided to take on media bias in the press. A look back at JFK’s historic “secret society” speech “The President and the…
President Barack Obama — with about a week left in his presidency — has all of a sudden shown interest in protecting government whistleblowers and the inspector general community.
He fought hard to preserve the best of America’s principles and values.
A proposed law that would punish countries that refuse to take back their illegal immigrant criminals is two years too late to save Casey Chadwick, but the Texas congressman behind it figures it’s the least Washington can do.
Loretta Lynch: 'Waves of Hatred, Waves of Intolerance and Injustice Are Still Blowing in This Country'
President-elect Donald Trump's pro-Israel views likely influenced Sunday's peace summit, a Fatah official told Breitbart Jerusalem..
    In 2016, politics seemed off by most people’s standards. Generally, election cycles start with crowded primaries, thinning down after the Republican and Democratic primary races. At that point, the most moderate candidate in each party sporting the biggest war chest and nicest speech pulls ahead in the race. In the end, manufactured politicians always reign victorious. For libertarians, this wasn’t going to be the case. Even though former Texas Congressman Ron Paul fell short in his hard-fought battle in 2012, the momentum was destined to steamroll through until 2016. This was the year that the liberty movement stormed the political establishment and turned Washington D.C. upside down. For libertarians, we were going to be just days away from the inauguration of President-elect Rand Paul. Unfortunately for many conservatives and libertarians, history was written differently. Not only did the United States Senator from Kentucky lose the Republican presidential primary, he also lost after a miserable first showing. For all the hype behind the next Paul liberty politician, he?
It is not by chance that defenders of PC in the United States are called ‘social justice warriors,’ for behind their claims lies a permanent war.
Americas Nobody-in-Chief is finally going away, his last spasm of rhetorical onanism completely overshadowed by Donald Trump neatly turning the tables on the media purveyors of that fake dossier that tried and failed to paint the PEOTUS as the second coming of Bob Crane.
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What will be President Obama's legacy? Reaction on 'Fox & Friends'

Lena Dunham, It's Time to Stop

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Lauren Southern of TheRebel.media says: "Contrary to other people in the right-wing media sphere, I actually think there's hope for Lena..." MORE: http://www...
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump will propose offering to end sanctions imposed on Russia over its annexation of Crimea in return for a nuclear arms reduction deal with Moscow, he told The Times of London.

Eight Was Enough

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

The Obama years, which left us divided and angry, paved the way for the ascent of Donald J. Trump.
The queen of conservative talk radio, Laura Ingraham, is eyeing a Senate run in Virginia and a challenge to Hillary Clinton's running mate, Sen. Tim Kaine. Knowledgeable sources said that several party insiders have approached the media giant to run and that she is considering it. In preparation for a bid, her business partner, Peter Anthony, has begun buying website domains for Ingraham to use should she decide to move forward. It includes: ingrahamsenate.net, ingrahamsenate.com, ingrahamforvirginia.com and ingraham2018.com. Ingraham wouldn't comment on any run. While it would be considered an uphill fight, Ingraham brings her well-known personality and several influential backers to a race that could translate into immediate media and fundraising opportunities. Ingraham also would come to the race with a powerful media enterprise behind her. Besides her popular radio show, she also heads the news site Lifezette.com.
President-elect Donald Trump will spend Martin Luther King Jr. Day meeting with Martin Luther King III, the incoming White House press secretary announced. ?Today we observe the birthday of #…
Washington Post Associate Editor Bob Woodward slammed the “garbage document” BuzzFeed News circulated in full last week and said that President-Elect Donald Trump was “right to be upset about” how the intelligence community handled it during an interview on “Fox News Sunday.” Woodward, famous for his reporting with Carl Bernstein on the Watergate scandal, lambasted the intelligence community for mishandling the so-called “Russian dossier.” The unverified dossier, which included salacious details, claimed that Trump colluded with Russia to sway the presidential election in his favor. President Obama was presented with the information in an intelligence briefing. After BuzzFeed published the document in full, Trump vehemently denied the allegations and slammed BuzzFeed for spreading “fake news.” “That is a garbage document. It never should have been presented in — as part of an intelligence briefing.” “That is a garbage document. It never should have been presented in — as part of an intelligence briefing,” Woodward told “Fox News Sunday” host Chris Wallace. “I think what’s
Guest essay by Eric Worrall The invitation only World Economic Forum, a gathering of politicians and billionaires in Davos, Switzerland, is betting they can brush aside President-elect Trump?…
It's almost worst than pepper spray! TOUR: http://yiannopoulos.net READ: http://www.breitbart.com/milo/ LIKE: https://www.facebook.com/myiannopoulos/ BUY: ht...
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Lewis’ District Is Rather Sad

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Throughout the years Rep. John Lewis has repeatedly leveled scurrilous accusations against Republicans who might resist the liberal agenda. And all along, Lewis has been shielded from retaliatory criticism by both his race and his 1960’s record of civil rights activism. Until now. This past week b?