
Kiev officials are scrambling to make amends with the president-elect after quietly working to boost Clinton.


MSNBC hosts looking totally ridiculous over their flawed polls and predictions for the 2016 Election.


Academic freedom is under assault by watchlists of professors and reduced due process rights.


A thorough rebuttal of Bernie Sanders' CNN Town Hall lies. Taken from #DailyCrowder at CRTV.com Take media back and join the Mug Club: http://louderwithcrowd...


After the Big Three networks spent days forwarding accusations that Senator Jeff Sessions was a bigot, the time for his first confirmation hearing had finally arrived. The hearing was interrupted some nine times by roughly 25 people. This caught the attention of Senator Ted Cruz who made it his mission to set the record straight on his colleague’s history of combating racism and dared the liberal media to report the truth. ABC, CBS, and NBC all failed Cruz’s challenge Tuesday evening.


If you were hoping for some introspection, or less lecturing, you'll be disappointed.


Also, respect the career staff. Otherwise things go poorly.


Parts of a defamation lawsuit filed on behalf of a teenage Muslim student who brought a suspicious-looking clock to class have been dismissed, NBC 5 has learned.


SWITZERLAND has won a landmark court case, which has ruled Muslim parents must send their children to mixed swimming lessons.


Here's what it really means to 'de-colonize' Plato


Trump supporters are becoming increasingly agitated over the mysterious
disappearance of their “God Emperor Trump” Facebook group which has
garnered over 211,000 members.
Former members are accusing Mark Zuckerberg of purposely pushing forward a
conservative censorship effort to suppress overwhelming support for the
Recent censoring efforts on social media platforms are starting to brew
opposing strategies, one proposal is to start a religion which would be
exempt from persecution.
Citing HBO comedian John Oliver’s “Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption” as
precedent, theoretically a religion worshipping Trump would be plausible.
What is perhaps most troubling about Facebook's censorship is their
acceptance for anti-semitic hate groups which are allowed to flourish. One
active Facebook hate group is “Death To America & Israel”, which was
established in 2013.
Apparently Facebook thinks the following image is less offensive than The
President Of The United States


Senator Rand Paul sat down to talk about his new plan to replace Obamacare without adding $9.7 trillion to the national debt. President Elect Donald Trump is...


Michael Cohen, an attorney for the president-elect, denied allegations contained in a dossier published by BuzzFeed News.


Low expectations and a lack of ideology will work to Trump's advantage.


Some 70 nations to attend confab on two-state solution seen by Israel as hurting chances for bilateral talks


Clint Eastwood tends to walk on the more conservative/libertarian side of the political road, and famously gave a 2012 RNC speech in which he mocked President Obama as little more than an “empty chair.” Many now believe it is Eastwood’s political inclinations that had one of his (and Meryl Streep’s) most critically-acclaimed films omitted from …


Venezuela's socialist President Nicolas Maduro announced a 50 percent hike in the minimum wage and pensions to help shield workers from the world's highest inflation rate.


Being attractive shapes many things in a person's life -- including, apparently, their politics


“Proud to introduce Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act w @MarioDB. It's time to call the enemy by its name https://t.co/0V7Psi2jC1”


The online news site BuzzFeed on Tuesday published a letter containing salacious allegations — which even the left-leaning outlet acknowledged are unverified — against President-Elect Donald Trump. The letter, purporting to come from a retired British intelligence agent, details Trump’s alleged relationship with Russia and contends that the Kremlin has been “cultivating, supporting and assisting” Trump for at least five years. “Even Donald Trump deserves journalistic fairness.” It alleges that Russians have been feeding Trump intelligence on his opponents, including Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, for years. It also details Trump’s alleged “personal obsessions and sexual perversion.” BuzzFeed acknowledges that it has not verified the accusations and even notes that the document contains a number of basic factual errors. Yet it published the full document. “Now BuzzFeed News is publishing the full document so that Americans can make up their own minds about allegations about the president-elect that have circulated at the highest levels of the US government,” BuzzFeed wrote. It is a


America will be relieved when the ink in his pen runs dry.


So the website BuzzFeed decided to publish a series of memos that have been floating around for months alleging all kinds of terrible things about Donald Trump. Some of those terrible allegations h…


On Tuesday night, President Barack Obama took to the stage one final time to give a farewell address. Americans couldn’t wait to see him go.
But he wouldn’t.
For 45 minutes, he babbled, fibbed, rehashed the good times and the other good times, the victories and the other victories, told a hackneyed fairy tale about the young prince who arrived in the swamps of Washington D.C. and left it a utopian vision at the mercy of an evil Troll.
And the media wept.
Unfortunately, the speech was chock full of fibs.