
In Question Period in the House of Commons on December 7, 2016, Opposition Leaders Ambrose and Mulcair try to get answers from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ...


President-elect Donald Trump has made his decision on who he will put up for Secretary of State, and it not Giuliani, Bolton, Romney, or ...


Bitter failed President Barack Obama went on Comedy Central on Monday and slammed America good and hard for being a ...


Green Party candidate Jill Stein’s Michigan recount unintentionally exposed major voter fraud in Detroit. Election officials in Michigan found that ...


Cast your minds back to a few weeks before the US election, when it never crossed the Hillary camp's elitist, arrogant minds that Trump, the ignorant Neanderthal, could beat her.


The unsolicited "Step away from your Twitter account" advice Donald Trump is constantly receiving needs to be turned around on certain members of the media. One such person would be Kurt Eichenwald at Newsweek — except, as will be seen later, the magazine apparently lets him intemperately and obsessively tweet at will. In claiming that Donald Trump's victory rally audience in Iowa began booing at the mention of John Glenn, the first American astronaut to orbit the earth who died on Thursday.


Hillary Clinton campaign donors who gave less than a million were left off the guest list for the Democratic nominee’s glitzy “thank you” party.


Reminder: Vladimir Putin does not possess some transcendent power to overturn the United State electoral system or to control your votes.


It hurts 'marginalized students,' scholars say.


"We should not fall for China’s bluff. The Communist Party has attempted to
intimidate the Americans by flying a nuclear-capable bomber over the South
China Sea in recent days while news outlets like the Guardian have carried
on the work of the despotic regime by fearmongering amongst the Western


A state appeals court says the University of California Board of Regents acted legally in allowing unauthorized immigrants living in the state to pay the same tuition levels as other residents and to get financial aid. State lawmakers had voted in 2001 to grant in-state tuition to all students, regardless of immigration status, at all of California’s public colleges and universities. [...] because of UC’s independent status under the state Constitution, the legislation applied only to fees at California State University and community college campuses. The regents, UC’s governing body, then voted to take the same step for students at their campuses who had attended high school in California and had applied to legalize their immigration status. [...] the Second District Court of Appeal in Los Angeles ruled Friday that the legislation in 2001, 2011 and 2014 had explicitly made UC students eligible for in-state tuition and benefits, allowing the regents to take the final step.


Feminists and empowerers-of-women everywhere can't seem to figure out how to deal with incoming first lady Melania Trump. Do they ignore her while she's mocked? Do they mock her in front of million


This footage was taken from the 2nd Presidential Debate. Enjoy!


A lot of people remember the confrontation Senator Ted Cruz had a with a Trump supporter during the campaign. At one point Cletus asks Cruz, “Where’s your Goldman Sachs jacket? We know your wife works there!” It was a shot taken not only at Cruz but also one at Hillary Clinton. After all, it was Trump who said Goldman Sachs had “total control” over her. | Read More »


The volte-face began on election night. Donald Trump had already tucked both Ohio and Florida under his belt, and Pennsylvania was looking promising. As the pundits realized that it was Hillary Clinton , not Trump, who had a “difficult path” to an electoral majority, there was first disbelief; then, a sluggish acceptance; and, finally, a mass alighting upon a single word: “Resistance.”


A Cato Institute analyst has suggested that conservatives have their own oppressive version of political correctness. Here's why he's wrong.


Growing up a gender-atypical child in the politically broken and culturally fragmented country of South Africa, social acceptance and even basic tolerance was often hard to come by. Dealing with the g


The Department of Justice (DOJ) has brought lawsuits against towns and counties in three states for blocking the construction of mosques since the start of the year. The latest was lodged against C


Major League Baseball (MLB) created an anti-hazing and anti-bullying policy effectively banning players from dressing up as women or other potentially "offensive" costumes. The new protocol is part


Ben Shapiro dismantles the left and demonstrates how to win every debate. ✔️ Twitter: https://twitter.com/FeminismYT ✔️ Like & share the video to spread the ...


Connecticut communities like Hartford and New Haven are sanctuary cities, and on Monday night, Mansfield leaders were trying to decide if it makes sense for the town to be one as well.


A Jewish transgender reporter who physically threatened conservative pundit Ben Shapiro on TV says Orthodox Jews are flirting with white nationalists.


President-elect Donald Trump has already committed a grave offense against our system of government by forming a “junta,” according to his critics. The Trump junta consists of three former generals…


Wonder Woman has lost her job as UN ambassador for gender equality after her selection sparked an online petition.