
Librarians used to be known for telling everyone to be quiet. Now they can’t seem to shut up. They have opinions on just about every political issue of our time. And they can’t wait to share them w…


Years ago, my parents bought a small piece of property. I don't recall the particulars, but it was part of a larger parcel which was divv...


Under new rules put forth by the Obama administration, its now considered discriminatory for companies in the U.S. to require that employees speak English, but its OK to require that workers speak a foreign language.


The Sunday Talk Shows are filled with various left-wing punditry using two media reports from the Washington Post and New York Times claiming anonymous, albeit transparently political, ?intel…


"It would have been better if the Dutch state had sent a clear signal [to terrorists] via a Dutch court that we foster a broad notion of the freedom of expression in the Netherlands." — Paul Cliteur, Professor of Jurisprudence, Leiden University. The


"Move over Hillary, Harry, Jill, and all you namby pamby pathetic losers still crying in your grande double shot skinny lattes... don't be fooled by these narratives... it's all part of an orchestrated effort to build a wall to prevent Donald Trump from making America great again..."


There is only one "World's Most Fabulous Super-villain", and he is at DePaul for One Night - LIVE! His Topic: Feminism is Cancer! For all of the social justi...


Robby Soave (Reason’s Hit & Run) has more on the incident, with links. He also notes that DePaul demanded $1,000 for security from the College Republicans, who invited Yiannopoulos, as a condition of allowing him to speak. I think universities shouldn’t do that, but instead assure the safety of speakers and students as part of […]


The United States should abandon the Paris climate agreement and the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan. We learn from China in this matter.


An explosion near a Coptic church in the Egyptian capital left at least 25 people dead and 31 others injured, local media reported.


Amateur footage reveals the anger and devastation inside a church in the Egyptian capital Cairo, after a bomb blast left at least 25 people dead.


This is hands down the most cringe worthy regressive leftist feminist ideological bull crap I've had the displeasure of watching. Not funny, not factual and ...


Lawyers for twice-failed Oval Office aspirant Hillary Clinton have asked a federal court in Washington, D.C., to dismiss a lawsuit over her statements as secretary of state about the Benghazi terror attack that left four Americans dead. The plaintiffs are arguing the case should to go trial because she doesn?t deserve special treatment as a member [?]


Like seeds in a garden, refugees are being planted in cities and towns all across America. But the fact that it?s being done in secret should set off alarm bells, according to veteran WND reporter Leo Hohmann. ?No good thing usually happens in secret,? Hohmann said in a recent appearance on ?The Conservative Conscience podcast with [?]


Top Republicans blasted reports from anonymous US intelligence sources that Russia hacked Democratic email accounts with the intention of swaying Americans to vote for Donald Trump.


Donald Trump is doing his best to defend skipping out on intelligence briefings since he won the election last month. It's recently been reported that the President-elect only receives one briefing per week and on Sunday, he appeared to suggest he was too smart to be given them daily. "I get it when I need it," the 70-year-old said in an interview with Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday.


Thursday, Yahoo News published a piece by Chris Riotta of International Business Times (IBT) titled "Hillary Clinton Gets More Votes Than Any Candidate Ever." In the article, Riotta wrote (emphasis added):


Should Americans wish each other "Happy holidays" or "Merry Christmas"? Should an office "Christmas party" be called a "holiday party" so that it's more inclusive? Dennis Prager answers these questions and more in this short video. This video was made possible by a generous donation from Reagan.com. Join and your private email will be safe from big, liberal tech corporations. Visit ReaganChristmas.com during the Christmas season to get a special offer of two free bonus months.


Stuck in a state with stringent gun laws? Fortunately, the United States's system of federalism allows gun owners to move to states with more favorable gun laws so they can enjoy their God-given right to own a firearm.
Here are the seven states that have the country's best gun laws.


In Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, recounts of the presidential election result have been messy, politicized and subject to the peculiar rules in each state.


In the space of the month since Hillary Clinton’s loss, the Democratic Party has come apart at the seams. President Obama came into office with historically large Democratic margins, and is leaving with the House and Senate firmly in Republican control. Since Obama became president Democrats have lost 919 seats in state legislatures, 70 in …


Barack Obama admitted yesterday in an interview with CNN that he was very disappointed that during his two terms in office he utterly failed to gut the natural human right to armed self defense. In fact, he said that biggest policy regret as president was not passing gun control laws. Obama said, “I


President-elect Donald Trump joined Verne Lundquist and Gary Danielson in the broadcast booth during the Army vs Navy football game.


Today we have a topic video. Here I talk about my thoughts on abortion. Abortion is a very controversial topic in of itself and usually causes a fucking war ...


John Kennedy's election will give Republicans 52 members in the U.S. Senate.