
About - The Gateway Pundit

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

The Gateway Pundit In late 2004 I started The Gateway Pundit blog after the presidential election. At that time I ...
Anderson Cooper Shuts Down Elizabeth Warren --- 'No Evidence' Steve Bannon Is a White Supremacist
Boom! Today on Fox New Sunday, Chris Wallace took on Jill Stein over her recount. Jill Stein tried to say her recount was all about the American people. Which led Wallace to ask Jill Stein how many votes she got. And then, he asked, "Who's speaking for American voters, him or you?" Watch: From...
Quantico, VA — The looming appointment of four-star Marine Corps General James 'Mad Dog' Matthis as Secretary of Defense confirms our earlier report detailing the President-elect's radical plan to tackle illegal immigration...and ISIS. Tribune reade...
During the Republican National Convention in July, Stephen Bannon told an investigative journalist for the left leaning publication Mother Jones, Sarah Posner,

Ben Sasse on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“Pres-Elect Trump means well. But won't his 35% tariff idea raise prices on American families? How would it not be a new 35% tax on families?”
In the weeks since Donald Trump's stunning Election Day upset, I have given a lot of thought to the conundrum of how exactly it is that principled conservatives—and, in particular, those of us who were either passionately #NeverTrump (hi, everyone) or otherwise merely supremely skeptical of the mogul—should approach the business of assessing Donald Trump's actions.  Here is how I put it the day after Election Day: The staggeringly awesome schadenfreude of Leftist tears today will temporarily mask the difficulty of the henceforth delicate calibration project on which movement conservatives must hone in: that between the need for vigilance over Trump’s?
He doesn't go into ethnic groups, but you can read between the lines.
Minnesota Rep. and DNC chair frontrunner Keith Ellison promoted an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory in a 2010 speech to a mostly Muslim audience, newly released audio reveals. Ellison, whom a major
A Progressive petition to draft Obama as House Speaker in 2018 reveals that Democrats have learned nothing from the past four Congressional elections.
Event included 'Wheel of Whiteness' and other displays.
Have you heard the news that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote?

Scoreboard: Thursday, December 1

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Big ratings night for Fox News, aided by its live broadcast of Trump's rally in Cincinnati. The president-elect spoke for close to an hour (7:47 - 8:40 p.m. ET.)
I dared to put it on Youtube you uneducated Ape. That was a perfect example of WHY we need to #buildthewall
What's worse. jihad or the sanction of its victims? Maria Ladenburger, the rape/murder victim of a Muslim migrant and whose father is a senior EU official, told people to not bring flowers to the funeral but give money to a pro-migrant organization that works to stop deportation of "refugees."
The recent Carrier deal has caused some controversies in liberty-oriented circles. For example, The Mises Institute published a defense of the deal, arguing (along other lines, please read the arti…
WASHINGTON (AP) — A man who said he was investigating a conspiracy theory about Hillary Clinton running a child sex ring out of a pizza place fired an assault rifle inside the Was
Dr. Ben Carson will be nominated as the next secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Trump transition team announced Monday.
An Obama appointed federal judge ordered a massive hand recount of 4.8 million ballots in Michigan. Judge Mark Goldsmith issued ...
Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign did not fail as a result of its subscription to unpopular left-wing policies, said left-wing CNN’s Fareed Zakaria on Sunday’s GPS. As is his custom, his introductory monologue was a reading of his weekly column at left-wing news outlet The Washington Post.
Rebutting College Humor's "Adam Ruins the Electoral College" BS: Why our constitutional republic is a perfect system. Take media back and join the Mug Club: ...
Michigan must begin its presidential recount at noon Monday, a federal judge ruled in a late-night order that could make it more likely the state will complete the count ahead of a Dec. 13 deadline. In his ruling early Monday morning, Judge Mark Goldsmith rejected an effort by state...
Scrambling for an explanation for Donald Trump’s victory, many in the media and on the left have settled on the idea that his supporters were consumers of “fake news” — gullible rubes living in an …
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