
While it appears that Jill Stein has raised enough money, albeit suspiciously, to start a vote recount in Wisconsin, efforts have begun on the other side to challenge votes in three states won by Hillary [...More]


An award-winning video featuring happy children with Down syndrome has been banned from French TV by France’s Conseil d’État (State Council) because it may offend post-abortive women. The video in question, "Dear Future Mom," touchingly featured children with Down syndrome of various ages bonding with their respective parents, educating mothers that such children can live a happy life and that they need not be worried.


Fidel Castro, who towered over his Caribbean island for nearly five decades, a shaggy-bearded figure in combat fatigues whose long shadow spread across Latin America and the world, is dead at age 90. His brother Raul announced the death late Friday night.


Fanatic Muslims in the village of al-Naghameesh in Sohag, some 450km south of Cairo, attacked the Copts in the village…


CJFE monitors, defends and reports on free expression and access to information in Canada and abroad. Rooted in the field of journalism, we promote a free media as essential to a fair and open society.


Some opponents of Donald J. Trump are seeking recounts in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, states where his margin of victory was extremely thin.


Citing "two teams of independent researchers" who found "Russia’s increasingly sophisticated propaganda machinery...echoed and amplified right-wing sites across the Internet as they portrayed Clinton as a criminal," The Washington Post has named Drudge, Zero Hedge and Ron Paul (and many others) among the "useful idiots" that true American patriots should be wary of.


“.@marcorubio: "I would hope that [the Obama Admin.] would send no one to the funeral." #FidelCastro #Cuba”


For the hundreds celebrating in Miami, it's the end of a terrifying era.


One blog on the inanities in CNN anchor Christiane Amanpour's impassioned address at the Committee to Protect Journalists dinner against granting any respect to conservatives in the "news" media product is not enough. In a second look at the transcript, one can see how Amanpour complained that Hillary Clinton was judged by an "exceptionally high bar" and Trump an "exceptionally low bar." She also insisted, as many at CNN do, that the fact-based journalist never accepts a rebuttal on the "empirical scientific evidence" of global warming.


President Obama urged Hillary Clinton to concede to Donald Trump on the night of her devastating loss, it was reported Friday. Obama made the call as Clinton and her campaign were watching the elec…


The Electoral College has a dropout problem. Last week another Bill Clinton political protege lost a presidential election in the Electoral College despite winning the bulk of the popular votes, and in response disgruntled Democrats renewed calls for overhauling, or abandoning, the Electoral College.


Fidel Castro’s death late Friday led to impromptu street celebrations across Miami, in the heart of the Cuban exile community.


Given the abject failures of progressive policies, both in governing and at the ballot box, progressives should reexamine their basic assumptions.


In 2012, Michael Flynn was put in charge of all military attachés and defense-intelligence collection around the world. He ran into serious trouble almost immediately.


Subscribe for more! #MAGA A compilation of liberals, democrats and morons getting rekt by Peter Schiff.


Don't they know a new sheriff is in town?


Come and sit with me while we take a reprieve from the craziness of life to enjoy a moment of beauty from today...or from the past.


The Green party candidate has raised funds to file for recounts in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania – but experts are skeptical about the effort


Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.


Communist tyrant Fidel Castro with top lietenant Che Guevara Fidel Castro is dead at 90. Cuba's former leader Fidel Castro ...


While Clinton and Obama were playing the woman card, men and boys were falling behind.


Green Party candidate Jill Stein filed for an official recount in Wisconsin on Friday afternoon. BREAKING: We’ve filed in Wisconsin! ...


We know now, right from the horse’s mouth, how the Internal Revenue Service has targeted Tea Party and conservative groups during the Obama administration.