A Houston, Texas, television reporter …
Vice President-elect Mike Pence finally …
Having trouble accepting that Donald …
Incoming Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said Trump should pick a "mainstream" candidate for the Supreme Court.
President-elect Donald Trump 's pick for chief of staff, Reince Priebus, has vowed that White House counsel will ensure Trump avoids all conflicts of interest with his business ventures during his administration.
Major U.S. cities, counties and small towns vow to keep immigrant-friendly policies in place despite threats of losing federal funding.
In what seems like a sudden and shocking about face, the Saturday Night Live team of 'comedians' appeared to take a shot at the 'fakeness' of mainstream media news and the omnipresent (pre- and post-election) bias towards anti-Trump and pro-liberal perspectives on any and every headline that crosses the wires...
The provocative author who wrote a book alleging corruption between the Clintons and their philanthropy now says he sees similar conflicts of interest between Donald Trump and his business now that he's President-elect.
Clinton Foundation Donations Plummeted by 37 Percent
Why I'm holding off on a Presidential bid...
A US city renames Good Friday and Columbus Day "Spring" and "Fall" holidays to be more "inclusive".
A hopefully amusing parody song I came up with.
President-elect Donald Trump has tapped Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., to head the Justice Department as attorney general in his incoming administration. The announcement brings hope that Sessions, a staunch opponent of illegal immigration and the unchecked flow of refugees to the United States, will reverse policies of President Obama’s attorney general – particularly the special [?]
The teen had been given the explosive belt, intended for a suicide bombing, by members of the Islamic State.
Trump successfully paired an independent’s typical traits — name recognition, wealth and lack of clear ideology — with a hostile takeover of an existing major party.
Guest essay by Eric Worrall The Marrakesh COP22 climate conference has ended ? and green groups are just waking up that without US financial support, nobody has committed any money to anythin…


Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

GOP Electoral College Chances May Increase in 2024, 2028 The reapportionment of electors among the states occurring as a result of the 2020 U.S. census is likely to risk the marginal favor Democrats...
The NBC News PR Twitter account tweeted out a partial quote from Reince Priebus about a potential Muslim registry this morning.
President-elect Donald Trump announced on Friday Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) will be his Attorney General. Senator Jeff Sessions desegregated schools ...

The End of Identity Liberalism

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Our fixation on diversity cost us this election — and more.
Donald Trump has promised to overturn Obama’s Daca program that protects the children of undocumented immigrants, a group known as the ‘Dreamers’
November 19, 2016 - Judge Jeanine Pirro FULL Opening Statement Mike Pence Hamilton Attack - Fox News
A number of health clinics, hospitals and a university have joined the state of North Dakota in a lawsuit against a new federal regulation that demands that doctors – all of the estimated 900,000 in America – be ready, willing and able to perform gender-transition procedures on children. That?s even if the physician believes such [?]
Vice President-elect Mike Pence spoke publicly Sunday for the first time about the mix reception he received while attending “Hamilton,” saying he doesn’t want an apology from the Broadway cast and that the audience’s boos and cheers “is what freedom sounds like.”