In an attempt to stave off a civil war in the ranks, Democratic leaders are scrambling to unite behind a candidate for the party's chairmanship – and have landed for now on a Louis Farrakhan-linked congressman who once called for Dick Cheney’s impeachment and compared George W. Bush to Hitler.
During his presidential campaign, Donald Trump could not have been more clear about his plans for President Obama's healthcare law, promising a full, immedia...
Trump Wins Liberals Riot, But When Obama Won No Damn Protest! You Do The Math Get the latest news on my home page: whateverhappentocommonsense.com DONATE TO ...

Soros Prepares For Trump War

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

George Soros and his fellow liberal mega-donors are currently readying the post-Hillary Clinton Democratic party to oppose President-Elect Donald Trump. According to Politico, Soros and other key

A Tribute To Freedom

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Thanks for watching! Like, Share and Subscribe for more! The song is courtesy of MouthyBuddha, check him out! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKEt1xKVBLuL17...
A surge of migrants are crossing America's south-west border from Mexico amid fears around Donald Trump's controversial immigration plan.

Lessig on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“If you’re from Michigan, your vote is worth 1/4th as much as a voter in Wyoming: https://t.co/ICwChvcfvX”
Cities across the nation -- including Chicago, New York and Los Angeles -- are pledging to remain Sanctuary cities for undocumented immigrants, an act of defiance in the face of Donald Trump's past promise to cut off those cities from federal funding.
Anders Vendel savagely beaten by three men in a fast food restaurant. The TV chef described the ordeal on Facebook.
He says his position requires a 'strong ethical temperament.' Really!
"How can I be a fountain and not a drain?"
Major liberal funders huddle behind closed doors with Pelosi, Warren, Ellison, union bosses, to lick wounds, retrench.
Investigation now shows EPA bypassed key laws when rushing water regulations!

Another Obamacare Referendum

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

BY TIM PHILLIPS -- While costs are rising, choice is plummeting.
Trump Is Already Keeping Illegal Immigrants Out - Leah Barkoukis: President-elect Donald Trump hasn’t been sworn into office yet but .11/14/2016 8:55:28AM EST.
As governor of California, Reagan had no tolerance for violent protests.
JOIN CENTIPEDES - https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/ HIGH ENERGY Channel - https://goo.gl/lVZX74 Back-Up Channel - https://goo.gl/dyt6yZ 2nd Back-Up Channe...
Michael Savage Warns Donald Trump: ‘Rinse’ Reince; He’s ‘Everything the Voters Rejected’
Portland police arrested 71 people during Saturday night's anti-Trump protest in downtown Portland. Sixty-seven people were booked into the Multnomah County Jail, and five people were given criminal citations, reports Portland police.
About 150 anti-Donald Trump protesters were arrested in downtown Los Angeles early Saturday morning after refusing the LAPD 's order to disperse on what marked the fourth night of unrest following the presidential election.
On Tuesday, a presidential glass ceiling was broken — when Kellyanne Conway earned the distinction of being the first woman in history to run a winning campaign for the White House. “It feels good,…
It is likely that Donald Trump will face a weak Democratic challenger in 2020. And yet, the news for the Democrats might improve.
Bernie Sanders: Democrats Lost Elections Because They Focused On “Liberal Elite,” Not Working Class (November 13, 2016)