Donald Trump Craziest and Funniest Rally Moments https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWMCrsMxK9E Follow TrumpAddict on Twitter https://twitter.com/trumpaddict
http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/flashback-trump-saved-ny-veterans-day-parade/ A meme was started by Trump antagonists in certain conservative circles that Do...
Whether you love him or hate him, you can't help but hear about Donald Trump in the news. “You’ve called women you don’t like ‘fat pigs?’” “Don Voyage. Trump...
Trump Quietly Helped Marine Left To Rot In Mexican Prison For 214 Days, Whom Obama Ignored.
Mexican Ex-Employee tells SHOCKING TRUTH ABOUT DONALD TRUMP! I was at a Republican Council meeting at an El Torito in Manhattan Beach, and I met this woman t...
Miss Wisconsin 2005 Melissa Young, who is terminally ill, tears up while thanking Donald Trump at a Wisconsin rally.

Donald Trump's Generosity

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Jerry Falwell Jr. speaks a bit about Donald Trump's generosity. Just think how many more such stories could be told!
Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., recommended on Friday that President-elect Trump nominate fellow former GOP presidential candidate, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, to fill the vacant Supreme Court seat. I'm here to tell my Democratic colleagues that I voted for Obama's nominees. I expect them to give Trump's nominees a fair shake. He won this election. He will pick a conservative. I would put Ted Cruz on that list, Graham told WYFF-TV on Friday, while at a Veterans Day ceremony at Greenville Memorial Hospital. Graham added that Trump should scope out the Senate before looking at his own list of 20 potential judges. There are some really strong people in there. And there is no stronger constitutional conservative than Ted Cruz, said Graham. Since the GOP-led Senate has refused to hold a hearing for President Obama's nominee, Merrick Garland, the incoming Republican president will have first pick in January. Conservative columnist Jonah Goldberg proposed on Friday that a Cruz nomination could win bipartisan support because Democrats want to get the outspoken constitutional conservative out of their chamber, though it would leave the highest court with five conservative judges and four liberals.

What should Trump do first?

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Vote Now! [Build the wall.] [Fix healthcare.] [Deport illegals.] [Fix trade deals.] [Defeat ISIS / deal with Syria.] [Reduce & simplify tax code.]
Not only did she kick the boy out of the house, this beacon of maternal love videotaped the abuse so the whole world could see how she humiliated her son.
Republicans are hopeful after Republicans’ sweeping electoral victories on Tuesday night. They have every right to be. Republicans now control the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the presidency. President-Elect Donald Trump has promised to enact a largely conservative agenda; although he strayed from those proposals throughout the campaign, Republican domination across the land should encourage him to move forward on those promises. There is, however, one possible obstacle. His name is Mitch McConnell.
Donald Trump has said that he might not repeal Obamacare, perhaps his biggest campaign promise. The President-elect performed the apparent U-turn after his meeting with Barack Obama at the White House this week, he has said. Mr Trump is going to look at "amending" the Affordable Care Act, rather than completely repealing it, he told the Wall Street Journal.
See this Instagram photo by @lenadunham • 33.2k likes
It’s fair to say that plenty of politicians and organizations on the right or far-right are considered to be almost inherently anti-scientific. Facts don’t
CNN?s Carol Costello apparently bit off more than she could chew when she grilled a Muslim woman on why she voted for Donald Trump in spite of her otherwise liberal views. ?Let?s get right down to the nitty-gritty,? began Costello. ?A lot of Muslim Americans are afraid when Mr. Trump talks about a Muslim ban.? ?They ?
Donald Trump’s proposed trillion-dollar infrastructure bill will not create jobs. On the contrary: it will destroy jobs. That may sound counterintuitive. But it’s right. With your permission, I’d like to explain why. When the federal government passes a huge bill that would appropriate a lot of money for something like infrastructure, the usual reaction is: hey, at least it employs people. It’s understandable for people | Read More »
U.S. equities closed mostly higher on Friday, with the three major indexes posting their best weekly gains of the year.
Clinton Cash author Peter Schweizer joined Breitbart News Daily to discuss the election and the defeat of the powerful Clinton family.
What happens now, when it appears that the left may be left with only race and gender?
Trump says he'd like to preserve the ban on insurers denying coverage to people with preexisting conditions.
Jon Stewart attacked a show featuring political debate and strengthened the world where cultural elites mock those with whom they disagree. Take a bow.

How to Heal your Hillary Hurts

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community
