A new WRAL/SurveyUSA poll shows that Donald Trump is now leading North Carolina by seven points ahead of Hillary Clinton — 51 percent to Clinton's 44 percent.
Ed Rendell, the former governor of Pennsylvania and former Democratic National Committee chairman, said Tuesday that Hillary Clinton's campaign was making a mistake by attacking FBI director James Comey over how he handled recent developments into the investigation of Clinton's private server.
The FBI gave the Hillary Clinton campaign another unpleasant surprise Tuesday.
Why do we put up with these people? Find out where and how to vote at Save The Day: http://www.savetheday.vote Starring Chris Pine, Alan Tudyk, J. August Ric...
There was a time, not so long ago, when this city on the Ohio River employed up to 15,000 people in the steel mills whose rusting warehouses still line the streets. Now the figure is closer to 800.
With a week to go DONALD TRUMP is up 7 points on Hillary Clinton in North Carolina. WRAL reported: With ...
Vote fraud expert Bev Harris exposes electronic voting machines.
How much privacy is owed students who accuse a professor of sexual misconduct? UK says federal sex-discrimination law means staying mum about everything.
It is the same poll that showed Trump trailing Clinton by 12 points a week ago.
New State Department documents released on Tuesday show evidence of repeated attempts to hack Hillary Clinton’s private server in late November 2010. The
In a statement,FieldWorks spokesman Matt Dorf said that the organization has "zero tolerance for fraud" and added that "FieldWorks is now working with county

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Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“The funniest thing on TV this week is watching Clinton surrogates on CNN trying to spit-shine a radioactive turd. #CNN #Trump #Clinton”
Tom Fitton: The Same DOJ That Wanted ‘to Prosecute Tea Party Groups’ Told the FBI to ‘Stop Investigating the Clinton Foundation’
Speaking to reporters on Monday night, Texas Republican Senator and one-time GOP candidate for president Ted Cruz reported that he voted a straight Republican ticket.
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Create your own forecast for the 2016 presidential election
Create your own forecast for the 2016 presidential election
President Obama has suggested in an interview that sexism is playing a role in the controversy over Hillary Clinton’s emails.
On Monday night, failed President Barack Obama appeared with failed comedienne Samantha Bee to discuss failing presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. “When Hillary is president,” Bee – officially named The Unfunniest Person In America™ by popular acclaim this year – asked, “what do you think will be the female equivalent of ‘you weren’t born in this country’?”
SWEDEN is on the brink of becoming a lawless state as the police force is losing the battle against unprecedented levels of crime and violence amid a growing migrant crisis.
On Tuesday’s Breitbart News Daily, Tom Fitton discussed potential voter fraud in light of the millions of non-citizens in the United States.
Some Never Trumpers are making a big mistake, Hillary gets desperate, and we deconstruct the culture!
Matthews: Hillary Won't Change If She Wins, the Clintons Will Sell the Lincoln Bedroom Again
Conservative radio host Mark Levin ripped into Fox News host Megyn Kelly over her now-infamous spat with Newt Gingrich on Tuesday. "Megyn Kelly is out of control!" Levin said on his radio show Wednesday night. "Megyn Kelly pretends to represent all women." "I think it is fair to say the Fox News Channel is imploding," Levin said. "I think it is fair to say the Murdoch boys, both of whom are liberals are slowly but surely ruining that network, not that I'm a Roger Ailes fan. I'm just saying it is quite obvious. Their top star is Megyn Kelly. Megyn Kelly is out of control. Megyn Kelly pretends to represent women. I want you all to go listen to her 2010 interview on 'The Howard Stern Show.'" "At the beginning of the Republican primary, she set a fuse," he continued. "She was so obsessed with Rosie O'Donnell and Donald Trump and things that were said back and forth, she set the stage for what became month after month of vicious personal, nasty attacks. And she's doing it again." "So she's not some leader of some feminist movement," he said. "She's hardly in a position to be representing anybody." "She is auditioning, in my opinion, for a bigger forum," he added. "That's not exactly a state secret, whether it's 'Good Morning America' or the 'Today Show' or even CNN -- and a huge payday. Fine. But please don't pretend you're a journalist. And if this is the future of Fox, then Fox will be dead because this kind of National Enquirer stuff dressed up as journalism doesn't fly." (h/t Mediaite)
Corruption: Lost in the hurricane of news about the FBI's renewed investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email is a bombshell of possibly greater importance — an apparent attempt by Obama's Justice Department to quash an FBI probe into the troubled Clinton Foundation. Back in