During a panel discussion on CNN with news anchor Chris Cuomo and guests Republican pro-Trump Congressman Chris Collins and Democrat pro-Hillary Congressman ...
The FBI’s handling of the leak case involving retired general James E. Cartwright stands in stark contrast to its treatment of Hillary Clinton and David Petraeus -- and it reeks of political considerations.
Professor John Banzhaf talked about the states’ losing battle against federalized elections on Wednesday’s Breitbart News Daily.
Guest post by John Binder at American Lookout: Who runs the US? Apparently George Soros. The liberal billionaire funder, who ...
It’s not exactly “never Johnson,” but some of Gary Johnson’s former rivals for the Libertarian presidential nomination say they are unimpressed with his campaign and won’t vote for him, with one even channeling Sen. Ted Cruz and telling libertarians to vote their “conscience” as he mounts an informal write-in campaign for himself.
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Confronted with accusations of media bias, NBC journalist Kristen Welker actually insisted that there is “no proof” of collusion between journalists and Hillary Clinton. Talking with Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway on Monday, Welker asserted, “Kellyanne, there is no proof there is any type of the collusion that you're talking about.”
Let’s get this out of the way up front. Donald Trump is not a libertarian. He is not a classical liberal. He is not a conservative. Donald Trump is a great businessman because he adapts to the situ…
During Saturday's edition of MSNBC's AM Joy program, host Joy Reid disagreed with the chairman of the Black Republican Caucus of Florida, Sean P. Jackson, when he said that if it was not for Republicans, African-Americans would still be enslaved. “Sean, Abraham Lincoln is long dead. Let’s talk about the current Republican nominee,” Reid said. “I think the reason African-Americans have civil rights is because African-Americans fought for them.”
Sen. Rand Paul receives an across-the-aisle endorsement in his re-election bid versus his Democratic opponent, Mayor of Lexington, KY, Jim Gray.
GERMAN police have arrested a 19-year-old Moroccan migrant on suspicion of raping a 90-year-old woman who had been attending a church service.
The Supreme Court is already short one justice because Republicans refuse to consider President Obama's nominee. Two sitting judges are in their 80s, so additional vacancies are likely.
The freedom of the press has been seen throughout American history as protecting the right to use the press as technology -- everyone’s right to use mass communications. It was not seen as protecting a right of the press as industry, which would have been a right limited to people who printed or wrote for newspapers, magazines and the like.
An intriguing Ministry of Finance (MoF) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that elite Western bankers were “stunned/bewildered” a few hours ago after the Bank For International Settlements (BIS) registered a $1.8 billion transfer from the Clinton Foundation (CF) to the Qatar Central Bank (QCB) through the “facilitation/abetment” of JP Morgan Chase & Company (JPM)—and for reasons yet to be firmly established. According to this report, the Bank for International Settlements is the world's oldest international financial organization and acts as a prime counterparty for central banks in their financial transactions; the Qatar Central Bank is the bank of that Gulf State nations government and their “bank of banks”; JP Morgan Chase & Company is the United States largest “megabank”; and the Clinton Foundation is an international criminal money laundering organization whose clients include the Russian mafia. With Hillary Clinton’s US presidential campaign Chairman John
We?re almost done. After two debates full of memorable moments such as Donald Trump saying he?d put Hillary Clinton in jail and mentioning his 10-year-old son as a potential expert on c…
Benghazi Victim's Mom Guest of Trump at 3rd Presidential Debate
President Barack Obama told Trump to "stop whining" about rigged elections, and says that Trump's charges are baseless.
“Trump’s long record of statements and conduct,” the signatories argue, “have shown him indifferent or hostile to the Constitution’s basic features.”
Immigration will take center stage Wednesday night at the final Donald Trump-Hillary Clinton debate. Clinton dreams of “open borders.” Count on her to yank on your heartstrings. But workers who are…
Convicted Felon Leads Obama-Backed Effort to Lobby for Iran Deal
A key operative in a Democratic scheme to send agitators to cause unrest at Donald Trump's rallies has visited the White House 342 times since 2009, White House records show. Robert Creamer, who a
Flat-earthers. Young Earth creationists. Holocaust deniers. And now, WikiLeaks deniers.
What's the opposite of "strange bedfellows"?
College students try - and fail - to name an accomplishment of Hillary Clinton.