
The Trump tape doesn't matter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Donald Trump's supporters aren't going to be swayed by the tape with his vulgar comments, writes Mel Robbins. A vote for Trump is a way to flip the middle finger to the system, the media, the elite, the liberals, the know-it-alls and the people who pretend they're better than "us".
A Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) memo signaled an openness to using federal funds earmarked for court settlements to bail out health insurance companies struggling under Obamacare. T
Off-the-record Manhattan cocktail parties. Planting stories with "friendly journalists". All of it laid bare.
Gwen Ifill: Absent the Trump Audio, We'd Be 'Paying A Lot More Attention' To Hillary Speech Revelations
Seven of the nine ISIS jihadis who launched a series of coordinated terrorist attacks in Paris last November entered Europe by posing as refugees. The attackers were part of a group of 14 who plotted their way into Western Europe by riding the wave of the migrant crisis last year, according to Hungarian security officials. …
The dislike of Clinton goes back decades.
FLASHBACK VIDEO: Hillary Clinton Threatens Bill Clinton's Accusers FLASHBACK VIDEO: Hillary Clinton Threatens Bill Clinton's Accusers Thanks For Watching Sub...
To purchase the poster: http://www.cogentcatalyst.com/product/posters/tattling-snitching-or-reporting/ (Elementary version) OR http://www.cogentcatalyst.com/...

Neither Character nor Conservatism

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Peggy Noonan wrote a book called “When Character Was King.” It is about Ronald Reagan. In nominating Donald Trump, the Republican party removed character from the equation. But there were supposed to be compensations: In these parlous times, character was a luxury the nation could not afford. We needed a big strong conservative who would fight and tell it like it is. So, if you don’t have character, do you have conservatism? In May, after he clinched the nomination, Trump said, “Don’t forget: This is called the Republican party. It’s not called the Conservative party.” True enough. Trump promises, “I’m gonna take care of everybody.” On the trail recently, he said, “We have 41 days to make possible every dream you’ve ever dreamed.” That is one of the least conservative notions ever dreamed. Even Obama, with his “Hope and Change,” might shake his head. Years ago, WFB edited a book whose title he took from a popular song: “Did You Ever See a Dream Walking?” Trump condemns conservative health-care reform as “heartless.” He says that Hillary Clinton’s proposals on infrastructure spending are insultingly small. “I would say, at least double her numbers. And you’re going to really need more than that.” He will not countenance the reform of entitlements, saying that we can save the system by rooting out “waste, fraud, and abuse.” (I remember the same claim from Dukakis.) He tells us that Saddam Hussein was an ally in the War on Terror. (In fact, he was an ally of terror.) He threatens NATO. He has said this, for example: “You always have to be prepared to walk. It’s possible. Okay?” He is warm toward Putin’s Kremlin. His feints toward social conservatism are a joke. (Donald Trump against abortion?) He promises conservative judges — fingers crossed. He also promises a wall. A big, beautiful wall, and all that. Again, fingers crossed, if a wall is your bag. (I can certainly see the argument for one, and have for years.) If you’re going to throw away character, at least get something for it, maybe. What did the GOP get? Such a bad, bad deal. An even worse deal for conservatives. Bring up the issue of character, and critics may well fault you for “moral preening.” Speaking for myself, I don’t demand a Lincoln. You get one every century, if you’re lucky. But maybe some minimal standards, some loose connection to right and wrong? I regard the choice of Hillary or Trump as a nightmare one. A true pick-your-poison moment. There is the alternative of Evan McMullin. A vote for him would not be a winning one. But it would be an honorable one. And sometimes a speck of honor is all that’s available. I understand conservatives who are voting for Trump. I even understand conservatives who are voting for Hillary, believe it or not. I certainly understand conservatives who are voting for neither. To go a little bit kumbaya on you, a little understanding goes a long way, especially in the crucible of election season.
Donald Trump, in a 17-year relationship with shock jock radio host Howard Stern, continually discussed women and his daughter in extremely explicit context.
Leaked emails from Hillary Clinton campaign manager John Podesta's personal email account published by WikiLeaks reveal the Clinton campaign's coordination with George Soros's Open Society Foundation
Diplomats tell The Associated Press that Russia's government lodged a formal complaint last month with the United Nations over a top U.N. official's condemnations of Donald Trump and some European politicians.

Kasich: I told you so

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

The Republican who refused to endorse Trump says he's not surprised.
I'm not in the habit of making public predictions, but had you asked me Friday morning where things stood in the 2016 race, I would have told you that it was over for Donald Trump, and that Hillary Clinton was going to be our next president. The fallout from The Donald's first debate performance, and the week that followed, had made such a terrible impression there was no way I could see him recovering. In front of the entire world, Trump had pooped his pants. That toothpaste never goes back into the tube. Unless…
What all those "What Your Favorite Things Say About Your Politics" graphs say about your politics.
One former Republican presidential nominee is not shying away from Donald Trump amid controversy stirred by a 2005 video that surfaced Friday in which Trump can be heard discussing attempts to seduce women in vulgar terms. Bob Dole, the 1996 nominee, told the Wall Street Journal he was not reversing his endorsement of Trump like many other Republicans are now doing, including 2008 nominee Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. While Dole, who is 93, said he has great respect for McCain, he looks at the whole situation a little differently. I've been a Republican forever. The party has been very good to me. I've had many opportunities as a Republican, and I find it very difficult to desert the party after Trump won 40 percent of the vote in the primary, Dole said.
Hillary Clinton's campaign allegedly discussed ways to elevate Donald Trump and other 'extreme' GOP candidates to make the party's eventual nominee 'unpalatable', new Wikileaks emails claim.
GOP establishment LOSER and walking-corpse John McCain “disavowed” Donald Trump and withdrew his (useless and fake) endorsement today because he was “OFFENDE...
"We have to change the narrative of law enforcement across this country," Chicago Police Department Superintendent Eddie Johnson said.
With the heat continuing to pile out, CNN is all over what appears to be the biggest game changer yet: Mike Pence could be considering dropping out of the race, leaving Donald Trump with no running mate.
Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence told Republican donors Saturday night that he is fully committed to Donald Trump, aides said.
According to Rosie Gray of Buzzfeed, there are rumblings in the world of Ted Cruz where he may rescind his endorsement of Donald Trump. As has been the case a number of times with Senator Cruz, going back to last year, his timing couldn't be any worse. Pulling his endorsement would come just over two weeks after he endorsed Trump. That followed two months of | Read More »
The self-righteous wailing and gnashing of teeth coming from Republican congressmen and other officials after yesterday’s hot-mic audio release from 2005 is down right pathetic.
President Obama says, "Gotta have them ribs and pussy too!"
The ultimate goal of Islam is world conquest and the "supine" West is only helping it achieve that aim, Cardinal Burke has said.