In July, Donald Trump made a statement about the 2008 financial crisis that left many conservatives perplexed: “I identify with some things as a Democrat…I was never a Bush fan. [When] the economy crashed so horribly under George Bush, because of mistakes they made having to do with banking and lots of other things, I don’t think the Democrats would have done that.” Now to | Read More
Just when you thought the war on drugs couldn’t get any more outrageous.
Hillary Clinton Cancels Weather Channel Ad Buy After Eric Trump Calls It 'Evil and Sick'
Cheryl Mills, Hillary Clinton’s chief of staff at the State Department, received partial immunity from the FBI during its investigation of Clinton’s emails.

Hammer Time – SKITTER Comic Strip

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

It's "Hammer Time" as Luna smashes a cel phones to bits. I wonder what in the world gave her the idea to do that. Let's find out...

Why is College So Expensive?

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Why is college tuition so high? Why are so many students in so much debt? Is it the fault of colleges, the government, or both? And can anything be done? Get...
The memo shows Clinton's staff coordinated with Steve Harvey's show before her appearance.
The hacked emails of an influential Clinton insider give the public a glimpse into the relationship between the Clinton campaign and the mainstream press. [feature] In an April 2015 email to Cli
A prominent local media executive fired from Yahoo last year has filed a lawsuit alleging the firm’s CEO Marissa Mayer led a campaign to purge male employees and replace them with women.
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Indiana State Police said on Thursday that they have expanded an investigation of possible voter registration fraud to 57 of the state's 92 counties.
Obama's Deputies Drop Criminal Charges Against Hillary Clinton-Linked Arms Dealer in Libya
He started his criminal life as a juvenile, authorities said, selling marijuana before graduating to more serious offenses. 
A shift to allow more than 56,000 people who fled Central America to stay in the United States for several more years amounts to an unannounced departure from policy.
Hillary Clinton hopes to capitalize on Hurricane Matthew, the Category 4 storm that threatens death and destruction in Florida and up the Eastern seaboard, with campaign ad buys on the Weather Channel
"A lot of that was done for the purpose of entertainment; there's nobody that has more respect for women than I do," he says.
"In order to shut down as many pro-Sanders FB pages as possible, Brock's Super PAC, Correct the Record, paid trolls $1M to post porn, and in some cases paedophilia to those pages, then thousands of other trolls would flag the page, causing automatic shutdown by Facebook's bots. They h
Speaker Paul Ryan To Campaign With Donald Trump In Wisconsin
Finally, Columbia University is offering some much-needed time off from those darn white folks. In an upcoming "Students of Color Leadership Retreat," which is hosted by the university, only "people of color" will be allowed to attend.  The leftist-inspired "progress" here is truly encouraging. According to the university website, the retreat, which is closed off to whites, is "designed" to tackle issues "that relate to living in a multicultural and diverse community."
Saying he was amazing doesn't make him amazing.

The Collapse : Fall of the West

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Not with a bang but a whimper
Update on 'Campaign 2016 updates: More than 30 ex-GOP members of Congress call Trump's candidacy 'disgraceful''
All black people are leftists. Clarence Thomas is not a leftist. Therefore, Clarence Thomas is not black.
Get In Trump We Trust: http://www.fdrurl.com/Coulter-Trump MP3: http://www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/3439/in-trump-we-trust-ann-coulter-and-stefan-molyneux Soundclou...
The NRA endorsed Donald Trump early this year. In a leaked audio from a fundraiser in New York Hillary Clinton told donors “we’ve got to go after” the Supreme Court on the Second Amendment. The Washington Free