Vice Presidential Debate: Mike Pence vs. Tim Kaine Not a Fair Fight
On September 21, Ben Shapiro spoke to students at Yale University about "White Privilege, Multiculturalism, and Other Leftist Myths." Make sure to watch all ...
Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, the GOP vice presidential nominee, spoke at 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland.
On Friday, a premature newborn baby girl was thrown out of a second-story apartment window to her death in Omaha, Nebraska by her 16-year-old mother, soon after giving birth.
It’s all about control for the Left.
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Union membership has seen a stark drop since its heyday in the 1950s. Union bosses aren't too happy with right-to-work laws.

Live News Stream - Newsmax TV

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

LIVE Election Coverage - 2016 Campaign coverage - Live news streaming from Newsmax TV, available nationwide on Verizon FiOS 115 as well as on JLTV which can ...

U.S. Vice Presidential Debate

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Watch Tim Kaine and Mike Pence in the first Vice Presidential Debate on Twitter. Elaine Quijano will serve as moderator.


Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Business news, small business news, business financial news,personal finance, finance trends, finance news, stock market index, stock data, stock market news, stock investment, personal investment, investment news from FoxBusiness.com. The latest news on business, investments and stock market events and data
In his new book, “Guilty As Sin” (Regnery), out Tuesday, Edward Klein claims officials in the Obama administration decided before the first witness was interviewed that Hillary Clinton would not fa…
How Empathy Bias is Killing the Main Stream Polls (Trump's Right, They're Rigged!)
Another county has rejected grants covered by HUD’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule, effectively nullifying a federal program designed to gain control over local communities.
'It's the craziest thing in the world.'
No matter how many times he drives them away, voters who can’t seem to select the best of two bad options always seem to wander back to Trump.
ObamaCare has survived dozens of Republican attempts to repeal and undermine it, but a new wave of Democratic complaints -- led most recently by former President Bill Clinton -- about the cost crush facing consumers is posing a fresh challenge.
Both the Department of Homeland Security and the Office of Government Ethics have refused to fully pursue an ethics investigation against Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton's brother, Tony Rodham, an
President Barack Obama, Katharine Hayhoe and Leonardo DiCaprio (Screen Capture)Actor Leonardo DiCaprio said at the White House yesterday--at President Barack Obama's "South by South Lawn" festival of "Ideas, Art and Action"--th
For anyone who has been paying attention and knows the difference, no shocker here. A recent Gallup survey confirmed that Donald Trump is the most liberal Republican candidate to run for the presidency in over 20 years. Only 47% of those polled believe Trump to be a conservative. Another 22% saw him as a moderate (read: squish), and 19% call him a liberal. Trending Trump | Read More »
The Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain said those born into the religion are often frightened of speaking out - and those that do are in danger after a woman was warned by her mother she would be killed.
Research conducted on behalf of SportsBusiness Daily has found unprecedented double-digit audience declines for NFL games so far this season. 
A federal judge dismissed Ferguson, Mo., rioters' $40 million civil rights that claimed police used excessive force against them Monday. U.S. District Judge Henry Autrey ruled in favor of the Misso
A quota system for public universities and government jobs was meant to increase the number of Afro-Brazilians. But it has been abused, and now a committee will decide an applicant's race.
Bill Clinton, the husband of the Democratic presidential nominee, knocked President Obama?s signature piece of legislation — the ObamaCare health care law — as ?the craziest thing in th…
Vegan artist Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram was ridiculed by SJW?s for her recent body paint exhibition. She painted herself black, she says, to be able to bring out the colors and obviously to ma…