Hillary Clinton's recent editorial in the New York Times entitled “My Plan for Helping America's Poor” is so filled with errors and mistakes that it requires a full fisking.

IMPORTANT - Save The Day

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

The world's biggest celebrities explain why it is Important that you vote on November 8! Visit: http://www.savetheday.vote to find out how you can register t...
Police in Sweden continue to lose control of more suburbs in major Swedish cities as they have now admitted that there are more than 55 no-go areas where they have major problems enforcing the law.
Charlotte police released Saturday dashboard and body camera footage of the shooting of Keith Lamont Scott, who was shot and killed by police.
No market advocate ever used this phrase. That's for a reason. It's not what we favor. 
So billionaire Mark Cuban has been bragging about snagging a front row seat at the debates to intimidate his former friend Donald Trump. Well we didn?t expect Trump to keep quiet about it, an…
Debate moderators are confused about their jobs, and spend too much time interrupting and weighing in. Let's just get rid of them.
Obama had a special email handle by which classified info was sent to Clinton?s personal email, Obama knew about Clinton?s unsecured home server ?Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton …
The U.S. Department of Justice said that it will ignore a White House report calling for rigorous scientific testing of forensic techniques.
With the presidential race tighter than ever as it heads into its final stretch, panicked Hillary Clinton supporters are desperate to find a way to discredit, not just Donald Trump, but anyone who would dare support him. Last Sunday, a Clinton surrogate from Virginia added to the candidate’s own list of names for Trump voters (which most recently included “deplorable” and “irredeemable”) by describing them as “mentally deficient.”
In 2001, the Clintons were moving out of the White House to make way for the Bush Administration. Not only did the Clintons steal furniture on their way out of the White House, but they did something far worse. It’s yet another reason why they should not be allowed to step foot in the White House AGAIN! Besides the stolen furniture, Hillary Clinton and her lackeys defaced walls, stole a presidential seal dating back to the Eisenhower years, damaged furniture they deemed not expensive enough to take, and left a huge mess in the offices, making it look like a rave party had ?
As unrest continues in Charlotte, North Carolina, officials have issued a warning to people who loot businesses or destroy public property. Keep it up and you could lose any public benefits you receive. The Baltimore Gazette reported: CHARLOTTE OFFICIALS TO RIOTERS – ANYONE CAUGHT LOOTING WILL...

Don't vote for Hillary (parody)

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Parody of "Don't stand so close to be" by The Police.
Last Saturday’s NYC bombing is yet another case of terrorism and hatred for America not being isolated to a “lone wolf” but running in the family. We’ve seen this horror before, in Orlando, San Ber…
The Mariners suspended Steve Clevenger the remainder of the season, moving swiftly to disciple their backup catcher after his set of tweets imploring that protestors in Charlotte should be “locked behind bars like animals.”
Donald Trump tweeted Saturday that "perhaps" he would put Flowers, the former model who once had an affair with Bill Clinton, in the debate audience. An assistant to Flowers told BuzzFeed...
Hungary's foreign minister defends the country's refugee policy and challenges Europe's "political correctness".
“Burn in hell, maggot.” That vicious comment was directed at me by a listener after I was recently interviewed on a liberal Washington, D.C., talk show. During my interview, I tried to defend the fact that this nation was based on the Ten Commandments and godly principles, citing facts that are part of our nation’s rich history. I have debated hundreds of leading leftists, and frankly, pleaded with them for their very souls. The liberal host, an atheist, responded with sarcasm and contempt at every mention I made about God or morality. When I said the Supreme Court was wrong to redefine marriage (which goes against 2,000 years of Western civilization, not to mention our own national moral foundation), the host accused me of calling for lynchings and the killing of gay people. I have learned in hundreds of media interviews with leftist journalists, as well as interactions with the academic elites of the left, that they — like presidential
Forget winning elections. It’s time to think of self-preservation. So here is the bold and daring plan that will save conservatives from obsolescence.
Stacking the deck...
On Friday the Clinton Campaign announced they were giving Mark Cuban a seat in the front row to troll Donald ...
“They will stop, they will frisk, and they will take the gun away," Trump says.

Dilemmatizing the NRA

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

So, the Washington Post publishes yet another bullshit article on gun policy. In this one, the NRA is charged with racism because it doesn't leap to defend the right of black men to bear arms witho...
Florida is a must-win state for Donald Trump to declare victory on election day and the good news is that ...
“…not only terrorists we need to be worried about.”