The entire Garfield High School football team including coaches refused to stand for the National Anthem on Friday night. This ...
“Some guy right in Hillary's face: HILLARY FOR PRISON
I almost feel sorry for her https://t.co/CKfdSuASHB”
New polling numbers were released on Sunday. Donald Trump now leads Hillary Clinton in expected electoral votes 243 to 242. ...
"Donald Trump is a fraud."
What twisted Obama did will make your blood BOIL.
NBC's Chuck Todd: 'Who Cares' Hillary Clinton Associates Pushed Birther Rumors in 2008?
Reince Priebus during an appearance on Sunday's edition CBS’ “Face the Nation.,” said that it’s time for Donald Trump’s former primary challengers to support his campaign. Priebus even suggested there could be trouble for them in 2020 or 2024 if they don’t:
Many Mexican American men were fooled by Barack Obama, will they bite into Hillary Clinton’s illusionary campaign?
President Barack Obama said Saturday night he will take it as a personal insult if the African-American community fails to turn out for the presidential election and encouraged black voters to support Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.
These MSM dolts are so dependent on collaborated and scripted narratives, they can’t even stop themselves from following the script when it makes them look silly.
The Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation improperly exploited its tax status to expand in size and stature, Daily Caller News Foundation investigations indicate. TheDCNF's Mark Tapscott an
More proof that the leftstream media is in the tank for Hillary.
You just can’t make this up… Hispanic activist Tony Yaplas, who has led protests against Donald Trump in Salt Lake ...
Republican nominee for president Donald Trump is on top of a Reuters/Ipsos New Mexico poll released Saturday.
The Post received countless benefits off Snowden's back: now its Editorial Page wants him imprisoned.
Far Left Activist Says the word "Terror" Is Offensive Because Muslims May Have Hurt Feelings
While anti-gun politicians like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama tout Australia’s gun control laws as a model for the United States, recent reporting on crime in Melbourne from newspaper The Age revealed the limitations of Australia’s stringent laws. According to the paper, “Despite Australia’s strict gun control regime, criminals are now better armed than at any time since then-Prime Minister John Howard introduced a nationwide firearm buyback scheme in response to the 1996 Port Arthur massacre.” The paper’s reporting illustrates what gun rights advocates have long contended; that gun controls merely disarm the law-abiding and are ineffective in confronting criminal conduct.
The U.S. has been bombing Syria for years. Now, for the first time, it’s hit the forces of the dictator Bashar al-Assad. And that could upend the entire conflict.
The comments appeared to differ both with what some Republicans have proposed in the past, and -- in the case of Medicaid -- aspects of Trump’s own policy proposals on his website.
A terminally ill 17-year-old has become the first minor to be euthanised in Belgium since age restrictions on such mercy killings in the country were lifted in 2014, it was learned Saturday. "The euthanasia has taken place," Jacqueline Herremans, a member of Belgium's federal euthanasia
Donald Trump returned Saturday to the heart of his presidential campaign -- promising to stop problems that illegal immigration has created for Americans, after a freewheeling few days in which he flung accusations and attacks at Democratic rival Hillary Clinton over gun control and the President Obama’s citizenship.
The mainstream media never wants to talk about the fact that it was Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton who started the questioning of President Obama's birthplace back in 2007. Instead, they have pawned off the issue to Donald Trump, claiming he started the movement because he was...
The men and women who run the supposedly “nonpartisan” Commission on Presidential Debates have put their money where their mouths are — and it all has gone to Democrat Hillary Clinton. The amount of money is small by the standards of a modern presidential campaign, but it is one-sided. A pair of Ph.D. candidates at Stanford University examined campaign finance reports and found that all of the $5,650 in contributions that commission members have made to presidential candidates during this election season have gone to Clinton. “Hillary Clinton has done a really good job of uniting the two parties. It’s almost like one party.” Republican Donald Trump, who will meet Clinton in the first debate a week from Monday, received no donations from debate commission members. Green Party nominee Jill Stein and Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, who both learned Friday that they will be shut out of the first debate, also received nothing. Kevin Zeese, an adviser to the Stein