NEW YORK – The arrest of the head of global foreign exchange cash trading at HSBC bank may shed new light on suspicions the Clinton Foundation has been involved in illegal offshore money-laundering operations on a massive scale. The investigation into HSBC currency trader Mark Johnson and associate Stuart Scott for their alleged role in [?]
Earlier this week, Charles Hugh Smith suggested that the federal government abandon its use of survey-based employment data and instead simply use IRS data on incomes and tax filings to estima
The Fraternal Order of Police is backing Trump.
Hillary Clinton is not inspiring enthusiasm, and neither is the weak bench of Democratic Senate candidates.
The move is aimed at treating severe addicts who have not responded to more conventional approaches.

Ben Shapiro on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“Wow, Trump just DESTROYED the media narrative. That was masterful.”
By T. Randolph Beard In his recent “state of the state” address, Governor Robert Bentley pledged to reduce regulatory burdens on private broadband service providers (“BSPs”) as part of an[...]
It was so funny at the time, posting that photo of your baby's insane diaper blowout.
Wow! Bill Clinton switches the story again! Bubba told a Vegas crowd on Wednesday Hillary has “the flu” which is ...

The Left Turns on Colin Powell

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Colin Powell taught Hillary Clinton how to hide her emails. She should have returned the favor and taught him how to Bleachbit the unsavory ones. Alas, she didn’t, and now a man once highly respected in progressive circles everywhere has been reduced to a smoldering pile of deplorable hashtags. There’s no group out there defending him, and #LeaveColinAlone won’t be trending anytime soon. Now, all Powell can do is watch as the flames of scandal consume his last remaining political bridge. Seconds after the Clinton-bashing emails were released, liberal opinion writers suddenly remembered that Colin Powell laid out the case for invading Iraq. How did it come to this? What if Sean Hannity had claimed from the beginning to be a liberal Democrat? Then, instead of saying things like, “Obama is trampling on the Constitution,” he could say things like, “I’m a progressive and I loved Lyndon Johnson, but I think Obama is trampling on the Constitution.” Then, all the
There's one thing folks from both sides of the aisle can agree on.
Nonpartisan public radio show Intelligence Squared U.S. is holding a debate on the motion "Blame the Elites for the Trump Phenomenon" on Tuesday evening that will live stream online. The event begins at 6:45 pm EST. Four major conservative media voices are debating this issue: Bret Stephens (Wall Street Journal) & Jennifer Rubin (Washington Post) vs. Ben Domenech (The Federalist) & Timothy Carney (Washington Examiner). It's less about Trump the person and more about the popular movement he's leading.
Editor’s Note: Normal people might find some of this offensive. (We hope.) Liberals don’t believe in the double standard. They believe in one standard. Anything that the left does is great. Anything conservatives, Christians or even chefs, yes chefs, do is wrong.
It’s not just conservatives pushing the idea that the Democratic presidential nominee is sicker than she admits.
A University of Houston grad student active in the local Black Lives Matter movement is suddenly all for police patrols in his neighborhood — after he was robbed at gunpoint outside his apartment.
It appears Ivanka Trump may have inherited her dad’s temperament after all. During an interview Wednesday with a Cosmopolitan reporter, Ivanka became clearly rattled when pressed about her maternity plan and accused the reporter of asking “negative” questions and attempting to “editorialize” before cutting the interview short. The interview turned sour when the reporter, Prachi Gupta, mentioned that Ivanka’s father made a comment back in | Read More
The National Review devoted an entire issue of its conservative magazine to making the case against Donald Trump, but now its editor is acknowledging the reality of a potential Trump administration. National Review editor Rich Lowry said in a column published Friday that the Republican nominee is a few big breaks and a couple of sterling debate performances away from being elected the 45th president of the United States. In recent weeks, Trump shook up his campaign staff by appointing a longtime GOP strategist to run the operation, and a media mogul to act as one of his top executives. The candidate has delivered several policy speeches and, to much acclaim, met with Mexico's president.
It's not because the jihadis are strong.
What appears to deprive the populace of its power to decide a president is the very mechanism that preserves its power. The Electoral College works that way because the United States isn’t a pure democracy.
Would an accompanying 'Hillary for President' banner have made it acceptable?
The Obama administration privately accepted worse interest rates than it would have gotten running Iran’s claims through the Hague tribunal.
Despite resistance by Idaho’s political leaders, 118 Syrian refugees have moved to the Gem State since last Oct. 1, all of them settling in Boise. That’s more the double the number that have settled in New York and Los Angeles combined.
Despite already securing the Republican nomination, Donald Trump is reaching out to pro-life voters as a steadfast advocate for the unborn --- in contrast to Hillary Clinton's "extremism" on the abort
Thanks to the wisdom and courage of Col. George Mason, we have a peaceful way back to constitutional self-governance! Learn more: http://www.conventionofstat...