“The evidence collected by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) during its investigation of Secretary Clinton’s use of a personal email system during her time as Secretary of State appears to directly contradict several aspects of her sworn testimony,"
ISIS “hit squads” are entering Europe alongside the hordes of incoming refugees, said a top German intelligence official last Thursday. The vice president of the Bavaria region’s intelligence gathering agency, BayLfV, Manfred Hauser, didn’t mince any words, confirming that ISIS has fully exploited Germany’s lax refugee absorption policies to infiltrate the country in hopes of conducting large-scale terror attacks.
NYPD has charged Oscar Morel with two counts of second-degree murder and two counts of criminal possession of a weapon.
Remember: They’re not just #NeverTrump — They’re Pro-Hillary There is now more evidence that #NeverTrump GOP elites are actually working ...
Trump was right. A declassified and released FOIA document from 2012 shows that Obama and Hillary knew their actions would ...
A Chicago-based communist revolutionary group blamed by Milwaukee's police chief for stoking a second day of violence said that some of its members did go there to "support a revolution" but didn't set out to cause trouble. Police chief Ed...
Roger Ailes, former CEO to Fox News, is now an adviser to Donald Trump in his presidential campaign, according to the New York Times.
And yet structural inequalities literally make the city the worst place for African Americans.
Hillary Clinton could still stumble, even if polls increasingly suggest she is on track to beat Donald Trump in a landslide, says Niall Stanage.
Must Catholics believe that Islam is peaceful? Study claims those anxious about terrorism favor Hillary over Trump
Russia: Muslim leader defends FGM after it's discovered in Dagestan Soros gave $500,000 to group doing
New internal documents from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee that were leaked Monday reveal that the organization is highly critical of some Democratic candidates for Congress, including one that's too pro-police for national party officials. The documents include notes about electoral demographics, fundraising and similar campaign information, but most notably include criticism of at least two of the party's own candidates going into Florida's Aug. 30 primary election. In the state's 10th district, for example, where four Democrats are vying to replace Republican Rep. Daniel Webster, the DCCC papers single out one candidate: Bob Poe, who the documents note could be viewed as anti-black lives matter/pro-police and as too conservative among other progressive Democrats.
A leaked memo from left-wing financier George Soros's Open Society Foundations argues that Europe's refugee crisis should be accepted as a "new normal," and that the refugee crisis means "new oppor
"The International Olympic Committee says..."
If progressives were really concerned about health, they would have approved funding already.
Would-be immigrants will be questioned and have their social media searched to see if they believe in American values as part of a plan being outlined by the Republican in Ohio.
Cam Newton's recent GQ interview threw Monday's "Around the Horn" panel into a full-fledged nosedive. In the interview, the Panthers' MVP quarterback shot down the notion that criticizing him is ra
Keith Koffler, Despite Trump’s Warts, Fear Hillary. As Donald Trump continues his string of controversial utterances, polite types in the GOP Es
A family who lost their home to fire on Wednesday is saying that they were targeted because of their support for police
America has often faced the threat of foreigners promoting radical ideologies, including Jacobinism, anarchism, communism, fascism, and now Islamism. It is an unavoidable consequence of mass immigration. The higher the level of immigration, the more likely it is that individuals espousing hatred and violence toward America will gain entry.
Hillary Clinton’s mysterious handler has disappeared. In recent bizarre events on the campaign trail a strange man was noticed at ...
President Obama is following through with his pledge to release the remaining detainees at the US military’s detention facility in Guantanamo Bay. On Monday, the Pentagon confirmed that the United States released a total of 15 detainees, 12 Yemeni nationals and three Afghans, to the United Arab Emirates in the single largest release under Obama’s watch.
Yes, we are all well aware the Constitution limits the Presidency to two consecutive four-year terms of office.  Then again, if you weigh the track record of the Obama
Reporter Tim Pool -- who covered tumultuous and often violent Black Lives Matter protests in both Ferguson, Missouri, and Baltimore -- says he won’t be covering Milwaukee any longer.