Six-in-ten (59%) Americans say “too many people are easily offended these days over the language that others use.” Fewer (39%) think “people need to be more careful about the language they use to avoid offending people with different backgrounds.”
When a white supremacist endorsed Trump, the broadcast networks blamed Trump for it. But when the radical father of a terrorist endorsed Hillary and showed up in the front row of one of her rallies, these same networks quickly dismissed it as nothing worth worrying about. During the first three days of coverage after David Duke, a white supremacist and former leader of the KKK, endorsed Donald Trump back in February, the evening news shows on ABC, CBS and NBC devoted 11 minutes and 35 seconds to bashing Trump for not immediately denouncing Duke, after he already had.
Using Black Lives Matter movement to redefine the American experience into anti-Capitalist upheaval
Last Friday saw the release of a bombshell jobs report, with headlines exclaiming that the US economy added over 250,000 jobs in July, far in excess of any forecasts. The reality was far more grim.
Rogen’s antagonists unleash the whirlwind over ‘Irish potato’, ‘Mexican taco’, and ‘German sauerkraut’.
On Thursday's Legal View, CNN's Ashleigh Banfield zeroed in on Donald Trump recently using President Obama's name, including "Hussein." Ali Velshi replied that "we ought not be all that surprised; because...not so long ago, Donald Trump had still not let go of his idea that Barack Hussein Obama is a Kenyan-born Muslim. As a Kenyan-born Muslim, I can tell you he's not one of my people." Brian Stelter played up that Trump is "using coded language."
This morning on CNBC Trump made the argument that we should be borrowing more money now because it’s cheaper, instead of trying to reduce our tremendous 19 trillion dollar debt: Normally, you…
Guize Im totes ready 4 hilldog shes gonna be the best first female prezident ever!!!!!!! THANKS SO MUCH TO PATREON DONORS JAKE THOMAS LESLEE FROST FRAN PODLA...
Impetuous and childish Trump denied the reports earlier that his campaign was in shambles and the RNC was threatening to take away funds to help out down-ballot races, but he was so angry about it …
Apparently history only watches when the Republican screws up.
Struggling campaign requests Orlando sit-down to fix the relationship and plot a turnaround.
Donald Trump said on Thursday that if he were to veer off the list of judges he has named for the Supreme Court, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell would be justified in blocking the nominee. [
Trump Doubles Down: 'Obama Founded' Islamic State, Is Their 'Most Valuable Player'
Donald Trump suggested ‘Second Amendment people’ could stop Hillary Clinton Tuesday, prompting criticism that the Republican nominee had called for people to shoot his presidential rival.
WOW! CNN ran this UGLY Headline yesterday saying the Secret Service interviewed Donald Trump after his comments on the Second ...
If you’re a close reader of political news, the website longroom.com might very well have come to your attention in the last week. The site hosts a polling page that purports to “remove the bias in…
The most useless waste of an hour that Fox News could possibly offer up – Sean Hannity – has upped the ante on his suckage. It’s like he and Eric Bolling are in a competition to score points as the ultimate Trump bootlick. At this point, Hannity’s family should be feeling deep pangs of shame and embarrassment. Trending Did Vladimir Putin Just Signal That An | Read More
Trump may try to exploit long-standing health claims against his surging rival
GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump captured headlines with yet another careless comment, this time about "Second Amendment people" doing something about his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton.
"If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks," Trump said. "Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is."
The chocolate bar wrapper bears an ominous message.
Some Republicans have cultural and political affinities that are pulling them away from Trump and toward Clinton. These neoliberals may be changing allegiances.
Guest post by Aleister While campaigning for her mother recently, Chelsea Clinton admitted that the left is planning to use ...
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Bernie Sanders, whose constant carping about the rich gained him millions of followers around the country who bought into Sanders’ image as the personification of selflessness, has purchased a $600,000 summer home on the Champlain Islands.