In a speech last year, Hillary Clinton lamented that too many women are supposedly denied abortions. The Democratic presidential candidate came under fire for t
“Clinton aid Huma Abedin had access to Clinton email address used for classified emails
Mr. McMullin, a former C.I.A. official and a Mormon, has missed ballot-access deadlines in dozens of states but could take crucial votes from Donald J. Trump in Utah.
Hillary's policies have led to the death and displacement of millions of Muslims, so why do we only ever hear about Donald Trump being Islamophobic? Facebook...
Newly released State Department records, including previously unreleased emails from Huma Abedin, appear to show Clinton Foundation donors calling in favors
On July 8, 2016, 27 year-old Democratic staffer Seth Conrad Rich was murdered in Washington DC. The killer or killers ...
Secret letters from the FBI to the US State Department released exclusively to VICE News reveal the probe into Hillary Clinton's emails was rooted in fears of potential espionage.
650 phones are "a brick to us... Those are cases unmade, evidence unfound."
Prosecutors say a United Nations Development Program engineer used his position to provide material assistance to the Islamist group and its military wing.
This should be a great moment for libertarians, the GOP’s quirky little cousin. After all, the Republican Party went off the rails and nominated a protectionist demagogue who can’t stay out of trouble. Only a handful of Republicans are likely to defect and vote for Hillary Clinton. So many conservatives are looking for alternatives.
Darrell Castle could be on 35 state ballots and may be the only social conservative running.
The Republican elites announced their latest candidate to take out record-setting Republican nominee Donald Trump in the general election. Evan ...
On Monday, the family of Ahmed "Clock Boy" Mohammed filed a federal lawsuit against school officials in Texas alleging that last year’s arrest-incident violated Ahmed’s civil rights. "Clock boy" was arrested last September at his high school in Dallas after bringing a “clock” to school that looked exactly like an explosive device. The charges were dropped almost immediately after Irving police determined it was a hoax bomb. Ahmed was then suspended from school for three days.
"Do you know anybody living who expressly consents to the existence of the government and consents to what it does?" asks Judge Andrew Napolitano, senior jud...
“But there IS something we will do on #ElectionDay: Show up and vote for the #2A! #DefendtheSecond #NeverHillary”
People on the far left are outraged over the new revelations provided by the DNC Wikileaks hack. There are even indications that Sanders would have won the Democratic nomination without all these shenanigans. The far left site Daily Kos reports: Election Justice USA Study Finds that Without...
George Will has enjoyed a long career as a public intellectual, an especially illustrious one for a Right-of-center figure. For over four decades, Will’s commentary has appeared in intellectual magazines and newspapers including National Review, the Washington Post, and Newsweek. He has many books to his name as well as a widely syndicated newspaper column,Read More
Four major health insurers want to merge in order to survive the Obamacare wasteland, but the Obama administration is fighting those mergers in the name of competition, even though its opposition will likely mean less competition.
Keski-Suomen käräjäoikeus tuomitsi tiistaina vankeuteen miehen, joka raiskasi naisen Jyväskylässä toukokuussa. Lisäksi mies tuomittiin toisen naisen seksuaalisesta...
There are two things that are driving Trump's recent nose dive in the polls. The first is that he has lost support among independent voters. The second is that he has lost support amongst the registered voters of his own party. Trump cannot survive either of these things and both problems must be fixed if he is going to have a chance to win. The | Read More »
Prime society to believe patriotic citizens are repugnant at best and evil at worst, and you have an all-too-willing host for parasitic false narratives the media and others mercilessly repeat.
Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump on Tuesday suggested that "Second Amendment people" -- gun owners or those backing gun rights -- could stop Hill...