Oddly enough, customers were rarely interested in my feelings.
A MAN who famously stood up to the Munich shooter after he killed nine people is facing being charged by a prosecutor for insulting the killer.
President Barack Obama recently took time out from his busy Black Lives Matter world tour to remind the American people and various state governors that, as a Constitutional scholar and someone who clearly knows his way over, under, and around the hallowed document, that they have no authority to re
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's lead over Republican rival Donald Trump narrowed to less than 3 percentage points, according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll released on Friday, down from nearly eight points on Monday.
Call it conspiracy theory, coincidence or just bad luck, but any time someone is in a position to bring down Hillary Clinton they wind up dead. In fact, as we noted previously, there’s a long history of Clinton-related body counts, with scores of people dying under mysterious circumstances. While Vince Foster remains the most infamous, the body count is starting to build ominously this election cycle - from the mysterious "crushing his own throat" death of a UN official to the latest death of an attorney who served the DNC with a fraud suit.
Aetna's decision to abandon its ObamaCare expansion plans and rethink its participation altogether came as a surprise to many. It shouldn't have. Everything that's happened now was predicted by the law's critics years ago.
Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini said that this was supposed t
In an attempt to pull in more Bernie Sanders supporters, Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson has now endorsed the terrorist organization "Black Lives Matter."
Speaking at a CNN town hall Wednesday, Johnson addressed a "Black Lives Matter" protestor by pandering to his leftist sensibilities and endorsing the ridiculous notion of mass racism against black people.
"I was the mother in his rally on Tuesday..."
She is well prepared to be our commander in chief. Donald Trump, in contrast, is a national security threat.
Another day – another blatant example of the media manipulating polls to discourage Trump voters. Reuters was caught red-handed changing ...
Trump's economic advisors include economists and business leaders.
Critics say the former president is working from the wings to destabilize his successor’s government. He says he has no interest in returning to power.
On Friday, Hillary Clinton took questions from the press for the first time in 260 days. A number of her answers revealed why she doesn’t hold press co ...
World Vision said in a statement it was "shocked to learn of these charges."
For the second time in a week, Hillary Clinton on Friday again directly contradicted FBI Director James Comey, defending her use of a private email server while secretary of state and telling an audience of journalists that “I never sent or received anything that was marked classified.”
Showing how much the liberal media is in the tank for Hillary Clinton in this election, reporters at the joint conference of National Association of Black Journalists and National Association of Hispanic Journalists on Friday afternoon wildly applauded Clinton’s far-left answers to a slew of softball questions about immigration, the electorate, and even whether she has any black friends.
Trump is destroying the alternative to the Democrats.
Belgian financial investigators looking into recent terror plots have discovered a disturbing trend: Some of the suspects were collecting welfare benefits until shortly before they carried out their attacks.
"It’s also a sign of deception."
JANESVILLE, Wisconsin — Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), a former GOP presidential candidate who won this state over current GOP nominee Donald Trump back during the primaries, is not backing House Speaker Paul Ryan’s re-election during his primary against Republican businessman Paul Nehlen at this point.
Tyrone Woods was killed in the firefight that ensued in Benghazi, Libya during an Islamic jihadist attack on September 11, 2012. He was one of four Americans to die that fateful night while America's leaders, including Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah and Hillary Clinton were nestled in their beds not caring what they were facing.
the Justice Department admitting that Democratic Party/Obama campaign donor and Justice Department attorney Barbara Bosserman spent 1,529.25 hours investigating the IRS’ targeting of conservative organizations in 2010 and 2012.