On Breitbart News Daily, former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton addressed the “famous email flap” from Donald Trump’s press conference Wednesday.
Poll: Donald Trump Sees 17-Point Positive Swing in Two Weeks
Voicemails show former ambassadors calling DNC officials for time with Obama. SUBSCRIBE to ABC NEWS: https://www.youtube.com/ABCNews/ Watch More on http://ab...
Debbie Wasserman Schultz was actually sort of right about him (but she still deserved to be dumped).
Mr. Trump tried to walk back, in part, comments he made about Russia hacking Hillary Clinton’s emails and cyberespionage. “Of course, I’m being sarcastic,” he said.
The hack is almost certainly an attempt to influence the election, experts say.
Two very different prayers from the 2016 political conventions.
Gov. Pence: 'Against TPP; Trade Should Work for the American People First'
Hundreds of terrorists will fan out to infiltrate western Europe and the U.S. to carry out attacks on a wider scale as Islamic State is defeated in Syria, FBI Director James Comey warned.
Have you ever had a nightmare in slow motion? Maybe it’s that one where you’re watching a train bearing down on someone walking along the tracks. You try to warn them, but words won’t come. You’re powerless to help, and all you can do is stand by for the tragedy. The good thing about a nightmare is that you wake up from it. If only | Read More
Ted Cruz essentially gave a career-ending speech at the GOP convention on Wednesday night. Cruz's speech was a slap in the face to GOP nominee D
WAUKESHA ? It’s arguably the “red” heart of the Republican Party in Wisconsin, and on Wednesday night, July 27th, Waukesha played host to the first solo campaign stop of Gov. Mike Pence ̵…
Ohio's rainy day fund, which serves as a reserve for hard times, grew by nearly $30 million Wednesday to a record $2.034 billion. At the same time, though, the state lowered its expected tax collections for 2017 by $282 million.
LIGHTS OUT! The DNC turned the lights out on the vocal Bernie supporters last night in Philly. It’s how they ...
An analysis says it has been more than 230 days since her last press conference.
A British police force has revealed a new rainbow flag decorated patrol car in “a sign of solidarity” with the “LGBT+ community”.
Charles Krauthammer said that Donald Trump's call for Russia to help "find" Hillary Clinton's deleted emails "set a trap that the Clinton campaign fell right into" on Wednesday. [feature] Appea
PHILADELPHIA — In the strongest criticism yet of Hillary Clinton's open-border and amnesty plan, the National Border Patrol Council Thursday warned that the Democrat's plan endangers Americans and that drug cartels and Islamic extremists are eager for her to win so they can invade the U.S. Clinton's call for amnesty in her first 100 days and expanding these dangerous policies demonstrates her deeply alarming willingness to sell out the security of American families to advance her political or financial interests. Her immigration plan is not only dangerous for all American families, but previews an administration that will once again defy the will of the voters and Congress to implement a divisive, reckless and partisan agenda, the union said in a statement issued before Clinton gives her acceptance speech tonight.
Donald Trump is beating Hillary Clinton among white men because guns, gays, and God, according to former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
Hillary Clinton is in serious trouble. She’s not in trouble because of the massive competence of Donald Trump. She’s in trouble because she is terrible at the game her husband invented: the game of “who cares more about people like you.” In March 1992, Bill Clinton met a member of an AIDS-activism group at an event at a nightclub in New York City. Attacked by the activist for not doing enough for AIDS victims, Clinton famously responded, “I feel your pain, I feel your pain.” Clinton’s false empathy led him from victory to victory; he defeated the out-of-touch George H. W. Bush and crushed the oddly self-referential Bob Dole. But Bill Clinton’s wife is one of the least empathy-driven candidates in the history of politics. She’s manipulating, cynical, and nasty. She’s instinctively defensive, brutally cutting, and utterly cold. The polls show it. This week’s CNN poll demonstrated that 68 percent of Americans consider Hillary dishonest, and 54 percent think she’s running for personal gain. Fifty-five percent view Hillary unfavorably overall; but only 52 percent view Trump unfavorably. Just 47 percent think he’s running for personal gain. A majority of Americans think Trump is running to help America. They think Hillary is running to help Hillary. That’s Hillary’s fault. But more important, it’s Barack Obama’s fault, and the Left’s fault. RELATED: Hillary’s Never-Ending Reintroductions Barack Obama has been a highly unsuccessful president by any objective measure. His foreign policy has led to the single most explosive rise in terrorism since the empowerment of al-Qaeda in the late 1990s by Hillary’s husband. His last two years have been plagued by a national increase in violent crime, particularly murder in major cities. The economy has continued to stall under his redistributionist, anti-capitalist watch. And the Democrats have paid the price. The media that built Obama into a godhead for racial progress couldn’t abandon Obama; instead, they kept happy-talking their way through an increasingly dystopian America. So did Obama’s fellow Democrats. The result: massive Republican gains at the state and local level, and historic elections in 2010 and 2014 in Congressional races. RELATED: The Path Ahead for Clinton The media still can’t escape the Obama trap. When Donald Trump rightly pointed out a series of problems facing America at home and abroad, ranging from rising crime and economic malaise to the rise of jihadism, the media and the Obama administration responded by pooh-poohing Trump’s critique. No, they said, Trump’s wrong: Everything’s hunky-dory. He’s just being too “dark.” Except he isn’t. And Americans know that. Hillary knows it too, but she’s stuck in a bind. #share#Obama trapped her. Early in her campaign, Hillary seemed to want to break with Barack Obama’s presidency. She recognized that while Obama was personally popular, his tenure had largely been seen as a failure by a dissatisfied American republic. She therefore pursued twin goals: tying herself to Obama’s “first black president” legacy and big-government growth, and avoiding the consequences of his rotten decision-making. Hillary doesn’t take Americans’ concerns seriously. She doesn’t feel their pain. She feels her own pain. By first delaying a decision from Vice President Joe Biden about whether Biden would run, the Obama White House forced Hillary into full-scale obeisance to the Obama era. That’s been disastrous for Hillary. Her convention week has completely ignored the serious problems that keep most Americans up at night. There have been five jihadist attacks in Europe in the last eleven months. On the first day of the convention, 61 speakers mentioned ISIS precisely zero times. That same day, ISIS beheaded an 86-year-old priest in Normandy, France. Over the past few weeks, Americans have mourned over a wave of anti-cop massacres. So Hillary is now trotting out the “Mothers of the Movement” — Black Lives Matter activists including the mother of attempted cop-killer Michael Brown — to promulgate myths about police racism. Hillary doesn’t take Americans’ concerns seriously. She doesn’t feel their pain. She feels her own pain. RELATED: How Hillary Lost the Democrats’ Traditional Base Hillary’s pathetic self-indulgence leads her to moan about her plight even as the media fête her. On Sunday, Hillary complained about her victimhood at the hands of the brutal vast right-wing conspiracy: “I often feel like there’s the Hillary standard, and then there’s the standard for everybody else.” Scott Pelley of CBS News, who was purportedly interviewing her, then followed up by asking, “Why do you put yourself through it?” Hillary’s answer: “ ’Cause I really believe in this country.” Nobody believes that for a heartbeat. Not when she’s dismissing the problems of Americans in order to pander to Cecile Richards of Planned Parenthood or remind Americans of the importance of transgender bathrooms. RELATED: Hillary’s America — a Two-by-Four Bashing Democrats Now, Hillary believes that she can succeed by labeling Trump arrogant and self-centered. But Americans already know he’s arrogant and self-centered. They think he’s out to help blue-collar Americans, that he’s ready to protect them from the vicissitudes of the global economy and the evils of crime. Americans have no idea why Hillary Clinton is running. This they do know: She doesn’t share their priorities. #related#But she’s trapped now. Barack Obama is her greatest asset, but he’s also her greatest liability. When Michelle Obama spoke at the Democratic National Convention to the plaudits of the media, she painted a rosy picture of America. Hillary’s going to have to do the same in order to defend the Obama program. But that program means nothing without Obama at the head of it, as former majority leader Harry Reid and former House speaker Nancy Pelosi have found out. In the end, that could be Obama’s final revenge on Hillary: not helping to deny her the nomination, but forcing her to go down fighting for his priorities, even as the American people increasingly come to believe she doesn’t care about theirs. — Ben Shapiro is the editor-in-chief of the DailyWire.com.
Despite the Democratic Party’s robust efforts this week to put forward a show of unity at their Philadelphia convention – including bringing Hillary Clinton onstage Wednesday night for a handoff hug from President Obama – a rowdy swath of disaffected voters is making clear the theatrics haven’t healed the fractured base.
CHANCELLOR Angela Merkel has said Germany is facing a “major” threat from terrorism but that this should not stop refugees being welcomed to Europe.

Trump To Putin: Crimea's All Yours

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Amidst serious speculation that Russian hackers are aggressively meddling in this year’s contentious US presidential election, Republican nominee Donald Trump is doing little to cast out the cloud of suspicion hovering over his campaign. Instead, he’s doubling-down on his flirtations with his shirtless man-crush Vladimir Putin and peddling what appears to be pro-Kremlin talking points with unprecedented enthusiasm.
Look what was at Wikileaks: From: Cox, Clayton Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 11:35 AM To: Vet_D Subject: Donor Vet Hello- Can we please vet George Lindemann, Jr. to give to the DNC and attend a POTUS …
Donald Trump’s conservative defenders, betraying varying degrees of embarrassment, often try to explain away their support or at least acceptance of the GOP presidential nominee by arguing that, while his character and his temperament would normally be disqualifying, at least he is raising important issues that other Republicans have neglected for years. Specifically, they say Trump has finally brought to the top of the national agenda the economic prospects of working-class Americans (as if this had never occurred to anyone else before) by calling for, among other things, a more protectionist trade policy. Trump has claimed repeatedly that his plan to issue threats and ultimatums to U.S. trading partners is the quickest way to “bring jobs back” to the U.S. What utter nonsense. Trump’s tirades on trade, and also on immigration, are more reasons to oppose his candidacy for president, not support it, especially for conservatives who claim to support free markets. Unfortunately, too many GOP officials have already begun to accommodate Trump’s views through changes in their rhetoric and by mimicking his absurd claims. This is a big mistake. Contrary to Trump’s assertions, the global trading system has not been a colossal failure. Rather, it has been one of the great successes of the post-war era. Scores of studies have shown that international commerce has enriched the United States and its citizens, even as it has also integrated many newly developing countries into the global marketplace and thereby helped reduce the number of people living in abject poverty by hundreds of millions over the past half century. This is the opposite of a catastrophe. RELATED: Trump Makes Protectionism Great Again America’s workers benefit immensely from access to goods and services made in other countries. On average, access to these goods provides a 29 percent increase in the purchasing power of the average American household. The 500 largest U.S. companies earn about half of their combined revenue from their international operations. The average U.S. worker earned $1,300 more annually over the past two decades owing to U.S. access to international markets. Trump seems to think he can start a trade war and leaders in other countries will unilaterally disarm. The reality is that if the U.S. retreats from its leadership position on global trade, other countries will follow suit and give in to protectionist impulses too. We have seen this before in history, and the results have been tragic. There would be job losses in the U.S. and elsewhere, not job gains, and U.S. consumers would be forced to pay much more for the products they buy. Protectionism hits the poorest households the hardest because they are least able to handle the price increases that follow for food, clothing, and other essential goods. #share#A turn toward protectionism would be especially tragic because the U.S. has provided crucial global leadership on international trade for seven decades. Starting with the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1948, U.S. trade policy under administrations of both parties has been a steady, long-term effort to lower barriers and provide a fair and level playing field for international commerce. There were 23 members of GATT in 1948, 128 as of 1994, and now 164 countries participate under the trading rules governed by the World Trade Organization (WTO). The U.S. also has separate free-trade agreements with another 20 countries. U.S. trade policy also has been a crucial tool in pushing the world to embrace the virtues of a free global market. Protectionism would invite a return to statist policies across the board. RELATED: Despite Trump’s Rhetoric, Free Trade Is Likely Here to Stay For two centuries, there has been no real dispute among economists about the advantages of free trade, which are based on the theory of comparative advantage. When trade is free, capital in a country naturally moves toward industries in which that country has an advantage relative to other countries and other industries. When capital is allowed to move in this way, global production rises, firms become more efficient, and trade among nations allows everyone to be better off.  The theory of comparative advantage is observable in the gains seen in economic well-being all over the world from more liberalized trade. Of course, free trade does not benefit every industry in every country. Industries that do not enjoy a comparative advantage in the global marketplace contract, and employment in those industries declines. But the solution to that problem is not to impose higher costs on all consumers, which is what would happen with a return to protectionism. The federal government should provide extended income-support benefits, job retraining, educational opportunities, and relocation assistance to workers dislocated by international trade. Not all job losses are due to global trade, either. The reduction in manufacturing jobs in the U.S. is tied mainly to technological advances, not trade. No matter how high tariffs are raised, jobs lost to automation will not be resurrected. Trump is raising false hopes among millions of people who somehow think the clock on technology can be turned back to the 1960s. EDITORIAL: Trump on Trade The steady promotion of free trade has not always been easy. Politicians of both major political parties have tried to play the populist card by railing against the trade agenda pushed by “Washington elites.” The result has been a series of very close votes in Congress for virtually every major trade deal going back three decades. These votes were won for free trade only because there has been determined presidential leadership making the case that lower tariffs abroad serve the U.S.’s long-term economic interests. That argument has, for the most part, carried the day. That would all change with Donald Trump. If elected, he would be the first fully protectionist president since just before the Great Depression. #related#The American electorate has become more susceptible to populist rhetoric in part because the U.S. economy has been going through a very long period of tepid growth. Workers are seeing lower income growth and fewer opportunities for advancement. What the U.S. desperately needs is a plan to restore dynamism to the U.S. economy. Unfortunately, what Trump is offering is an anti-growth plan. Attempts to wall off U.S. industries from international competition would backfire; U.S. firms would export fewer goods and services, and U.S. consumers would pay more for their basic needs. The tragic and ironic result would be even more populist resentment toward Washington.  — James C. Capretta is a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.