This morning, Donald Trump tweeted, “Other than a small group of people who have suffered massive and embarrassing losses, the party is VERY united. Great love in the arena!”
Yesterday, the New York Times asked him, “What do you think people will take away from this convention? What are you hoping?”
Trump answered, “The fact that I’m very well liked.” Nothing about issues, nothing about ideas. Trump went on to say, “When you are in that hall and you see those people — like yesterday, my daughter called up. She said, ‘Dad, I’ve never seen it — it’s total love.’”
In my view, this kind of neediness is potentially dangerous in a president. Let him work out his issues on his own time — in Trump Tower, on reality TV, wherever. It is dangerous to put such a personality in the White House.
The other choice is Hillary. Which makes a terrible pick-your-poison situation. And as I see it, Gary Johnson would be disastrous (particularly where defense and foreign policy are concerned).
Maybe someone else could stand? To provide an option for the many who are yearning for a saner, more decent way?
Lindsey Graham said Trump's remarks "make the world more dangerous."
This photo was sent to D.C. Whispers via a pro-Donald Trump Facebook group. It is alleged to have been taken prior to the memorial service for the recently slain Dallas police officers at the hands of a Black Lives Matter-inspired domestic terrorist. Ted Cruz is shown walking behind Mr. and Mrs. Obama, Valerie Jarrett, and …
Exclusive -- Sarah Palin to Ted Cruz: Delete Your Career
By G. M. Davis, Ph.D. In an earlier column, I argued that the great adversary we are facing on the world stage today is not “radical” Islam, or “extreme” Islam, but Islam pure and simple. It is the same adversary that, beginning in the seventh century, overran the Middle East and North Africa killing and […]
TURKISH president Recep Tayyip Erdogan has declared a three-month state of emergency in the wake of last week's failed coup.
Donald Trump mostly brushed off the furor over Ted Cruz’s non-endorsement speech Wednesday night, calling the snub “no big deal” even as the senator himself doubled down – though the Republican standard-bearer used the dispute to warn voters that if Democrats win in November, their justices “will destroy us all.”
In the supposedly free-market USA, government bodies were acting on the egg industry’s behalf and bullying a vegan startup because it presented competition.
Cruz’s broader message: moving beyond the failed ‘lesser of two evils’ approach.
Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, the GOP vice presidential nominee, spoke at 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland.
Team Clinton is said to be thrilled at the blatant self-promotion and anti-Trump tone that was the foundation of Ted Cruz’s 2016 GOP convention speech last night. Hillary even went so far as to mimic Cruz’s instructions to Republican voters to “vote your conscience” hoping to get perhaps some of the now greatly diminished NeverTrump …
WESTLAKE, Ohio -- Republican Vice Presidential nominee Mike Pence urged the Keystone State GOP to "make Pennsylvania red again in this election," targeting the state Thursday morning in one of his first stops after accepting the nomination as Donald Trump's running mate.
It's safe to say now that Cruz has firmly planted his foot opposite of Trump
Texas Senator Ted Cruz shocked the Republican National Convention on Wednesday evening when he failed to endorse Donald Trump during his prime-time speech.
Melania Trump -- or her speechwriters -- stand accused of plagiarizing, but Democrats who plagiarize are legion.
Local authorities are calling for classes on Islam to be brought in at schools across the country after a radicalized Muslim youth attacked passengers on a train with an axe on Monday.
Leftists in Finland have thrown a man in jail for using 'excessive self-defense' to fight off a home invasion
So, as the dust settles from the chaos that broke out on the convention floor over Senator Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) speech failing to openly endorse Donald Trump, here are some facts upon which to reflect:
A delegate was upset that Ted Cruz didn’t honor his pledge and support Trump, telling Cruz that his word is his bond and that he should have honored his pledge. Here’s how Cruz responde…
Scant number of African American convention delegates underscores challenges for GOP nominee.
"You're on fire! You're on fire, stupid!" a police officer yelled at the protester, whose leg appeared to be catching on fire.
Warren tweets about Donald Trump more than anything or anyone else ... it's like she has some creepy Trump shrine in her basement.
If you think Cruz's stand was a defense of the will of the party, you're wrong.
Published July 20, 2016 | FoxNews.comA defiant Ted Cruz on Thursday defended his decision not to endorse Donald Trump in his convention address, holding his ground during remarks to the
U.S. Muslim leaders hope to register a million voters from within their community to help combat what they say is the anti-Muslim stance of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. The United States has only about 3.3 million Muslims, but campaign organizers say Muslim voters could have an outsize