Stop me if you’ve seen this movie before. On the Democratic side is a wounded, unloved establishment candidate tied to the outgoing administration and bearing the burden of a failed war and the cha…
When Vanderbilt University football player Cory Batey and three of his buddies raped a 21-year-old white woman on June 23, 2013, he said this to her: ?That’s for 400 years of slavery, you bit…
This is a pointed threat towards the United States, where Gülen has been living in self-imposed exile since 1999.
French Mayor Says ‘No More Muslims’, Orders The Destruction Of The Infamous Calais Camps And Expulsion Of Over Seven Thousand Muslims
The New Jersey governor, who hoped to be Donald J. Trump’s running mate, saw his political fortunes crash after backing Mr. Trump in the presidential race.

Abe Simpson Entitlement

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Abe Simpson figured cause the Democrats were in power again
ANOTHER ANTI-COP MEDIA NARRATIVE FAIL— Earlier this week the media reported that Philando Castile was shot while sitting in a ...
Diamond "Lavish" Reynolds smoking weed with Philando Castile. 4th Jul 2016 Unhappy 4 year old child in back seat
A new Quinnipiac University poll shows three Republican incumbent senators leading their would-be Democratic opponents. The poll released Thursday shows Ohio Sen. Rob Portman leading former Gov. Ted Strickland by 7 percentage points, a jump from the previous poll which had seen the two in a statistical tie.
According the Connecticut Department of Children and Families (DCF), which published an LGBT glossary of more than 250 terms, the belief that there are only two genders -- male and female -- should
A letter to the billionaire donor misrepresented how many corporations had bailed on pledge donations because of Trump.
RedFlag News Desk After spending the latter part of the day watching the attempted, and as it seems, failed, military coup in Turkey, the one question I have yet to see asked or indirectly answered is why? So I started digging. According to an article on Vox: The modern Turkish Republic was founded in 1923 by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, a former military officer deeply committed to a form of democratic nationalism and hardline secularism now called Kemalism. The Turkish military sees itself as the guardian of Kemalism, and has overthrown four Turkish governments since 1960 in the name of protecting Turkey’s democracy from chaos and Islamic influence. Each time afterwards, the military has returned the country to democracy — though in a degraded form. Erdogan is clearly a threat to Turkish democracy and secularism. He leads the AKP, a moderate Islamist party that has "reformed" Turkish schools along Islamist lines. He’s cracked down on Turkey’s freedom of the press and pushed constitutional changes that would consolidate dangerous amounts of power in the president’s hands. The military had been shockingly quiet about these developments in recent years, leading many to believe that Erdogan had successfully cowed them into submission. But this coup attempt suggests — given the stated rationale of the coup-launchers — that some in the military are taking up its traditional role as enforcers of Kemalist orthodoxy. A statement sent out by the military attempting the coup stated "Turkish Armed Forces have completely taken over the administration of the country to reinstate constitutional order, human rights and freedom.” Erdogan has been repeatedly accused of providing support for ISIS in Syria , while claiming to aid the US and Russia in their fight against ISIS militants in Syria. Erdogan has also stated previously “The Term ‘Moderate Islam’ Is Ugly And Offensive; There Is No Moderate Islam; Islam Is Islam” In a nutshell, Erdogan, has been continually moving Turkey towards a more “extreme” version of Islam, oppressing the Turkish people’s freedoms and rights, and supporting terrorism in the name of Islam. Here is why this matters… Obama's view was announced in a readout of his call with Secretary of State John Kerry. "The president and secretary agreed that all parties in Turkey should support the democratically-elected government of Turkey, show restraint, and avoid any violence or bloodshed. The secretary underscored that the State Department will continue to focus on the safety and security of U.S. citizens in Turkey," the White House statement said. Hillary released the following statement via Twitter: Hillary on the situation in #Turkey. pic.twitter.com/WwpeKFXwX1 — Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) July 16, 2016 It matters because both Hillary and Obama are casting their support behind Erdogan and his Islamic extremism, and not the military, who is attempting to “reset” Turkey’s political government and prevent the country from falling away from democracy and towards Islamic influence. Once again Obama is proving that when the political winds shift, he will stand with Islam.

The Pence Announcement

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

It seemed like Trump was doing everything he could to signal his lack of enthusiasm about his own pick–he rambled on during the introduction, only occasionally coming back to Pence and his record in Indiana; he said that he had picked him for purposes of party unity, seemingly admitting that he was more or less forced into it; he gently mocked Pence for his weak Cruz endorsement; and he walked off stage as soon as Pence finally came up to the podium and gave him what looked like a pro forma handshake at the end. Every indication is that Trump will do everything he can to forget that Pence is his VP pick after next week. As for Pence, he gave an utterly standard Republican speech. If the GOP establishment closed its eyes during his speech it could briefly pretend that this is a normal ticket. Pence mustered enthusiasm for Trump and you have to give him credit for a pretty good performance, all things considered. Overall, it was a fizzle of an event, but it doesn’t really matter–this show is all about Donald Trump and his message, even on this day.
Donald Trump is enjoying massive support from white Evangelicals, according to a new report from the New York Times. Even though he doesn't talk about his spiritual beliefs as often as some other candidates did, Christians obviously believe Trump will defend their values. From the report: Nearly...
Barack Obama held a town hall meeting in Washington DC on Thursday to discuss race relations in America and to ...
Globalist Obama: Terrorists, Racist Cops Are 'Chronic Impulses' to Be Defeated by Global Elites
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Democrats Veer Left

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

The party’s platform is more socialist all the time.
Here’s another bit of intrigue about the GOP convention – apparently Cruz is going to give a special address to the Texan delegates on Thursday: U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz and U.S. House Speake…
He’s a Tunisian-born petty criminal with a violent streak — but nobody saw this coming. Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, who killed at least 84 Bastille Day revelers and wounded hundreds more in Thursday…
The mills of justice grind slowly, but life plunges on, leaving lives blighted when justice, by being delayed, is irremediably denied. Fortunately, Califor
The Atlantic correspondent Ta-Nehisi Coates is getting wealthy race baiting with thoughtful-sounding writing liberals love to nod their heads to. The professional memoirist—who confessed no sorrow for the police and firefighters killed on 9-11 because, “they were not human to me”— turned his attention to the shootings in Dallas in a July 12 article.
On Wednesday, EBONY editor Jamilah Lemieux appeared as a guest on CNN and declared that she was uncomfortable with the label of "hate crime" being used to describe the murder of five white police officers in Dallas last week. President Barack Obama himself referred to the shooting as a "hate crime" and the killer, Micah Xavier Johnson, told officers during the standoff his reason for doing it. 
“…some families will be concerned…”
If you want to understand how it is that Donald Trump has managed to rise to political prominence then you need to read three books, two written more than 50 years ago and one in 2005. The first is…