Al Sharpton is a Baptist minister, civil rights activist, and radio and TV personality. Sharpton has always been controversial. He has verbally attacked Jews, Mormons, white people, and the gay com…
In this case we are not talking about equal treatment for the aliens — these are cases where having an ineligible alien in the family creates benefits for one set of families, while denying the same benefits to identical all-citizen families (identical in terms of income and family size).
It's Lynch's first appearance on Capitol Hill since she announced Hillary Clinton won't be charged.
CLEVELAND—As Republican Convention delegates gather in Cleveland this week to revise and propose the Republican Party Platform to the full party convention next week, a new poll was just circulated this afternoon to them showing that by more than a two-to-one margin Americans oppose the newest LGBT push regarding forcing businesses and schools to adopt transgender policies.
In the end, whatever she did really didn’t matter. Had a bank camera captured footage of her robbing a bank at gunpoint, James Comey would have declared that while Hillary Clinton did a bad thing, no federal prosecutor would have indicted her.
Other provisions would address same-sex marriage, conversion therapy.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg jokes that if Donald Trump wins the presidential election, she’ll consider moving.
Something is off. Beyoncé just recently performed live and peace has not been achieved in the Middle East. According to Constance Grady writing for Vox, Beyonce’s performance at the recent BET Awards—indeed Queen Bey’s very existence—was so magical that surely, the pop star will soon be bringing Israelis and Palestinians together: It’s becoming increasingly clear ? Continued
Chief among those who generate this poisonous atmosphere are career race hustlers like Al Sharpton, as well as President Obama.
HOUSTON, Texas – A Houston city councilman has called for segregation in policing.
**JOIN THE MOVEMENT** -Tweet at #NoMoreBabyJerking -Visit us at www.stopinfantilemasturbation.com Together, we can put an end to this highly disturbing socia...
Warning of “a grave risk” to elected officials, the California Legislature’s legal arm has asked the blog platform WordPress to take down a post listing the addresses of lawmakers who supported gun control legislation.
Justices don't weigh in on presidential elections for a reason.
Nobody could ever guess why this shooter would Kill the police. I mean, why? He obviously didn't do it because he hated the police, I mean, that would be aga...
Does Hillary Clinton possess the integrity and honesty to be president of the United States? Or are those quaint and irrelevant considerations in electing
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — A Florida congresswoman indicted on fraud charges is telling supporters she?s being ?persecuted? by federal authorities because she?s black. U.S. Rep. C…
Heather Mac Donald helps "The Great One" (Mark Levin cut through some of the political and statistical gamesmanship the political left is using. ____________...
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/StefanMolyneux MP3: http://www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/3344/why-hillary-clinton-may-still-face-prosecution-bill-whittle-and-stefan-...
The Fort Worth Police Officers Association called Black Lives Matter "an organization that chooses to MURDER American law enforcement officers" over the weekend.
A very recently published Harvard study on racial bias in police use of force finds that, as the mainstream narrative proffers, black men and women are treated differently in the hands of law enforcement. However, in what the (African-American) author of the study calls "the most surprising result of my career," when it comes to the most lethal form of force - police shootings - the study finds no racial bias, contradicting the mental image of police shootings that many Americans hold.
A new Big Data survey shows Trump with 26% of black vote, more than any Republican in 66 years, & enough to beat Hillary in a landslide.
Years ago, Saul Alinsky outlined eight steps that need to occur to bring about a socialist society. Presently, we're well on our way there.
Comey's congressional testimony was a masterful performance, but his justification for not prosecuting Hillary Clinton was flawed.