
WikiLeaks has released 1,258 of Hillary Clinton's emails in relation to the Iraq war.


Several members of the group that fell short of getting immigration reform into law are ready to try again.


Financial turmoil is nothing new after a break-up


Over July 4th weekend, ABC8 in Richmond Virginia conducted a poll surrounding the ongoing FBI investigation and recent interview with Hillary Clinton. Out of 1,645 respondents: 82% said Ms. Clinto…


U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) officials refuse to reveal who, if anyone, has been punished for nearly two decades of “disturbing” data manipulation. Someone in the inorganic section of a USGS


Longtime Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin said that at least some of Clinton's official schedules were destroyed while she was secretary of state during her recent deposition, according to the New York Post. Abedin made the admission during her deposition in a Freedom of Information...


Left extremists have taken to the streets of Berlin causing havoc in protest of being kicked out of a building they had been squatting in.


There was a time when the Fourth of July meant something more than a three-day weekend.


Ramadan in Saudi Arabia: Jihad-martyrdom suicide bombing near US consulate Libya: Islamic State abducting Christian women, making them sex slaves


Convicted Muslim rapist


Recently, an Arab TV station discussed the controversial book 'The People vs Muhammad'. The result was an explosive meltdown after one of the guests renounce...


Left-leaning publications like Mother Jones are being forced to admit that campus rape “trials” are a sham.


In this thirteenth segment of his Basics of Islam series, Jihad Watch director Robert Spencer explains Islam's view of women.


Rand Paul bitch slaps congress as they are not worthy of a man sized punch. Twit: https://twitter.com/gritwad Inst: https://www.instagram.com/gritwad/


Guess how leftists, millennials and 'Black Lives Matter' morons decided to celebrate the 4th of July? Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/paul.j.watson.71 FO...


Rand Paul bitch slaps congress as they are not worthy of a man sized punch. Twit: https://twitter.com/gritwad Inst: https://www.instagram.com/gritwad/


Police believe Pedro-Arias-Santiago broke into another home before committing sexual assault


This ought to keep Democrats up late at night. Despite the constant negative press by the liberal media, Republicans are ...


God-loving gay singles have won the right to mingle on the world's most popular Christian dating site following the settlement of an anti-discrimination lawsuit.


U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson introduced a House bill Friday that would reinstate the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban that expired in 2004.


My first memories of celebrating the Fourth of July with any sense of history are from 1960. With American flags flying from the handlebars, my brother and I rode our bicycles around the house and into the backyard.


Our new poll confirms it.