Aviation police officers in Chicago are sitting targets for potential terrorists because they don't carry guns and are told to run and hide in the event of an attack.
And they say they’re for democracy.
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Yesterday, rumors started to circulate that Indiana governor Mike Pence was “in play” as a possible Trump VP pick. I largely dismissed these rumors because it doesn’t really make sense for either guy. Pence has a tough re-election coming up and it doesn’t make sense that he would abandon it for a suicide run as Trump’s VP. Plus, Pence | Read More »
On Monday, the Supreme Court issued yet another politically-driven leftist decision, this time over the contentious issue of abortion. The Court explained that not only did the Constitution of the United States mandate that states not infringe upon the phantom right to abortion, but that health regulations on abortion clinics had to be overturned if they made it less convenient for women to kill their babies at such clinics. To this decision, The Daily Show had but one well-considered response: “Celebrate the #SCOTUS ruling! Go knock someone up in Texas!”
Austria's top court is to rule on a challenge by the far-right Freedom Party to the result of the presidential election, which it lost narrowly.
The move by Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch would eliminate the possibility that a political appointee would overrule investigators.
Wikipedia editors seem unable to agree upon whether or not the Orlando Pulse Nightclub Shooting was in fact an Islamist terrorist attack.
Even though economist after economist has debunked the gender wage gap over and over again (it’s more accurately referred to as an earnings gap), some in the media just can’t let it go. Enter Danielle Paquette of the Washington Post, who wrote an article on the website’s “Wonkblog” section titled “Men say they work more than women. Here’s the truth.” Paquette attempts to explain away the fact that the Department of Labor repeatedly finds men who work both full-time and part-time are working more hours than women in the same categories. Her assertion is that the statistics only show reported hours. “Let's start with a few massive caveats in the Labor Department's report. First, the researchers asked each respondent to log their own time. Nobody submitted manager-approved work hours, and research tells us one of the sexes generally tends to overestimate,” Paquette wrote. “Secondly, the survey didn't measure productivity or efficiency. Workaholism isn't necessarily a sign of value.” 
Ramadan in Bangladesh: Muslims hack Hindu priest to death at temple Strict gun control didn’t stop jihadists from gathering weapons near German mosque
On Thursday, a federal judge blocked a law that banned abortions on the basis of genetic abnormalities. US District Court Judge Tanya Walton Pratt granted an injunction on behalf of Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky.
Ramadan in Egypt: Muslims kill Christian priest with hail of bullets outside church
What men really need from women.
Some seem to want a straight equivalent to Gay Pride but others complain the idea “must have been created by the kid that cries when he doesn’t get a present during someone else’s birthday party.”
Parents say teachers are too quick to call police to handle routine classroom behavioral issues.
This is from The Ben Shapiro Show Ep. 115: https://soundcloud.com/benshapiroshow/ep115
Hillary Clinton is currently the subject of the highest-profile national-security investigation in recent memory. She is also the presumptive Democratic nominee for president. She is also the wife of a former president (a Democrat). She is also a former member of the (Democratic) presidential cabinet whose attorney general, Loretta Lynch (a Democrat), is conducting the investigation and will determine whether to prosecute. Someone who doesn’t know any better might wonder about a conflict — or conflicts — of interest. #ad#Now it emerges that on Monday evening Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch spent a half-hour chatting aboard Lynch’s private plane on the tarmac at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. Rest assured, though: “There was no discussion of any matter pending for the department or any matter pending for any other body,” Lynch told reporters afterward. She and the former president mainly discussed Clinton’s “grandchildren,” their travels, and “golf.” If it was not already clear, it most certainly is now: It’s not simply that our highest officials are above the law. It’s that they know they are, and they can’t even be bothered to hide it. An attorney general capable of feeling even an ounce of shame would have nixed the meeting with Clinton in the interest of projecting some modicum of objectivity. For more than a year, we’ve known that Hillary Clinton broke the law. The Federal Records Act explicitly requires “the head of each Federal agency” — including the secretary of state — to preserve any “records,” including e-mails, related to the agency’s essential operations; and federal criminal law punishes as a felony anyone who “willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys” an official government record.” Furthermore, at least 2,000 of the e-mails on Clinton’s private server contained classified, or even “top secret,” information — in direct contradiction of her assurances, and the law. Finally, it became public knowledge in October that Clinton forwarded the real name of a confidential CIA source over her unsecured private server; shortly after, the State Department refused to release three-dozen pages of e-mails on the grounds that the intelligence contained in them could potentially damage national security. Yet, despite the overwhelming evidence, Loretta Lynch is almost certainly not going to prosecute the former secretary of state. The Democrats’ hold on power is at stake. Failure to prosecute would be a grievous blow to the rule of law, but it seems that Democratic higher-ups don’t much care. And, what is more, they can’t even be bothered to pretend. An attorney general capable of feeling even an ounce of shame would have nixed the meeting with Clinton in the interest of projecting some modicum of objectivity. Even Bill Clinton, for whom being alone with a woman on a private plane is just an average Monday, might have been persuaded that this particular rendezvous was bad optics. But apparently not. #related#For years, Democrats have decried the “appearance” of impropriety among officeholders. When the Supreme Court ruled in Citizens United that independent expenditures “do not give rise to corruption or the appearance of corruption,” New York governor Andrew Cuomo called the reasoning “either naïve or Machiavellian.” Democrats have long contended that even the appearance of impropriety — let alone actual corruption — undermines public confidence in the government. Just imagine if Alberto Gonzales had had a private pow-wow with Scooter Libby’s wife in 2006. But Democrats are, as always, exempt from their own rules. What has changed is that they’re no longer even pretending otherwise. — Ian Tuttle is a National Review Institute Buckley Fellow in Political Journalism.
Brussels bureaucrats were ridiculed yesterday after banning drink manufacturers from claiming that water can prevent dehydration.
You could not draw a better picture of what is wrong with the American legal system than Richard Posner did by asserting his opinion of the U.S. Constitution. Posner condemned the document he has sworn an other to defend, which is the basis of all U.S. law — a document of universally recognized historical importance. Posner, ?
Brzezinski Calls Claim Clinton and Lynch Didn't Discuss FBI Investigation 'a Complete Sham'
Yet another "child" terrorist in an atmosphere of unrelenting incitement against Jews.
An unnamed source affiliated with the Trump campaign has confirmed to CNN that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has received official paperwork for the vice presidential vetting process.
You can really see the love
Chairman of select committee 'disappointed' by press criticism of House report
Geert Wilders: We Must Preserve Western Identity and Civilisation By Ending Muslim Mass Migration
The fixation on men behaving badly distracts from more fundamental issues.