
The Philadelphia School District's quixotic legal defense of a racially driven contract award is threatening to become even more misguided, ham-fisted, and expensive than the original blunder.


It's been a rough election cycle for forecasting guru Nate Silver and his website FiveThirtyEight. Silver became a household name after he almost perfectly predicted the results of the 2008 and 2012 g


If you’ve watched or read any presidential election coverage over the past month, you’ve probably heard that Hillary Clinton is beating Donald Trump in the polls. And that’s...


Darryl Glenn wins Colorado primary


An exclusive interview with Robert Johnson of the Institute for Justice reveals how little the IRS has conceded with their asset-seizure policy "updates."


Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani Full Interview Fox & Friends On America's Response to Terrorism


Hate Winning, As Clinton-Trump Race Too Close To Call, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Neither Candidate Would Be Good President, Voters Say


The Benghazi report released Tuesday makes clear that one dreadful constant of President Obama’s foreign policy is simply this: Deflect. Muddy the picture. Question the motivation. Blame the wrong …


Eighty Christian homes are torched in the latest round of attacks.


In anticipation for reauthorizing the Higher Education Act of 1965, a group dedicated to student rights has offered up model legislation that would make campus sexual assault investigations fairer.
The group, called Stop Abusive and Violent Environments, released the model bill on June 22 and is working to lobby Congress for its adoption. The bill supports the rights and interests of both the complainant and accused student, and encourages the involvement of local criminal justice authorities, SAVE wrote. The bill could also be adapted for the state level as well.
Sexual violence can have a devastating impact on victims. Institutions of higher education need to take into account the legitimate interests and rights of complainants and accused students to assure a fair and transparent adjudication process and to achieve reliable outcomes, the proposed bill states. All parties should seek to ensure the campus adjudicatory system follows due process procedures in order to protect the innocent and accurately identify the guilty.


The Southern Poverty Law Center smears patriots and provides cover for the nation's enemies.


After the massacre in Orlando, Fla., some Republicans showed a willingness to support gun control if needed in the war against terrorism.


Islamic State throws four gay men off rooftop, taunts gays with photos of murders bearing #LoveWins hashtag Oklahoma Muslim leaders say 'sanctity of life' outranks faith stance against homosexuality


Majorities of Americans agree that neither candidate will be a good president and levels of hatred and prejudice have increased as a result of the presidential election.


How monumentally stupid do you have to be, as a lesbian Jew, to mindlessly and cluelessly defend Islam? Answer: Sally Kohn. Ben Shapiro VS Sally Kohn - Polit...


--Donald Trump eases up on his Muslim ban and tells CNN’s Jeremy Diamond he only wanted to focus on “people coming from the terror states” http://www.nydaily...


Sat for hours whiile Americans were under attack.


Steve Green points out that Hillary has out-raised Trump by THIRTY-TWO TO ONE! Bill says that should make it about even.


At least 36 people were dead and 147 others injured following a terrorist attack at an international airport in Istanbul, and all signs point to ISIS as being responsible, according to Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim. The attack drew swift condemnation from officials in Turkey as well as the White House. "The United States condemns in the strongest possible terms today’s heinous terrorist attack at Istanbul’s Ataturk International Airport in Turkey, which appears to have killed and injured dozens," said a statement from White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest.


On Monday my friend Paddy Manning, a gay man in Ireland, published ?The Airbrushed Portrait of the Perfect Marriage? at Mercatornet. The article critiqued the narrative that Elton John …


As our first president, George Washington knew that everything he did set a pattern for those who would follow. He served two terms in office, then stepped down. He declined all efforts to get him to stay.


Officials with the West Hollywood Sheriff's Station say Calum McSwiggan injured himself. McSwiggan says he was targeted in a gay hate crime outside of a club.


The final majority report of the Benghazi Select Committee is set to be released later Tuesday morning. Representatives Jim Jordan and Mike Pompeo have signed onto the official majority document and authored a supplemental, 51-page additional views report of their own.
Among the most interesting aspects of their additional views is a timeline that contrasts the story top Obama administration officials were telling in public with the very different story some of those same officials were sharing with one another in private emails, conversations and documents. The timeline reinforces in a compelling way what will be one of the most significant takeaways from the committee investigation: The Obama administration knowingly provided the American people a false story about the Benghazi attack, its causes and its consequences.
Read the excerpt below:
Public vs. Private Timeline


Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, weighs in on the Brexit vote, Donald Trump's immigration plan, and his decision to run for re-election to the Senate. The interv...