
Abortion, immigration, affirmative action headline the eight cases remaining.


Campus Reform polled several young people and asked them to match different quotes to either presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton or her GOP rival Donald Trump. The “squares” in the challenge include the following: • “This candidate wore a $12,000 suit while giving a speech about...


Backed by a group of both Republicans and Democrats, Maine Sen. Susan Collins unveiled legislation Tuesday to prevent terrorists from obtaining guns. And backers say the bill has an actual chance of garnering the 60-vote majority required to pass in the Senate. Collins, a moderate Republican senator, called the deadly shootings in Orlando and San …


Bernie Sanders acknowledged he will likely not be the Democratic nominee for president. NBC News reports.


On Monday, dozens of residents from a small town in Idaho held a public meeting over an alleged child sexual assault incident that occurred on June 2. While details of the crime are still scant due to the suspects' young ages, some residents have come to believe that a group of young Muslim boys, specifically Syrian refugees, had gang-raped and perversely abused a five-year-old girl with special needs at knife point.


House Democrats seized the House Floor as Speaker Paul D. Ryan addressed the American Enterprise Institute about his plans to amend healthcare reform.


Weasle Zippers The Senate already had a vote this week that they lost. A compromise bill is being proposed for a vote in Senate sometime in the near future, but Democrats are claiming Paul Ryan blocked vote on issue today in the House. They want those on the ‘no fly list’ to not be able ?


A city councilwoman in North Carolina is walking back an explosive statement she wrote Monday on her personal Facebook page in which he said that the "most dangerous people with guns" aren't criminals, but police officers and soldiers. "I am all about keeping guns away from dangerous...


Is anyone “religious enough” for religious liberty anymore?


Something wicked happened in Idaho's rural Magic Valley. The evil has been compounded by politicians, media and special-interest groups doing their damnedest to suppress the story and quell a right…


Two professors at the University of Northern Colorado were investigated after students complained that they were forced to hear opposing viewpoints.
The complaints were made to Northern Colorado's Bias Response Team, an Orwellian office on campus that asks students to report their peers and professors for anything that upsets or offends them. When the news outlet Heat Street made an open records request for some of the complaints, it discovered that two students had become so upset about having to hear an opinion they disagreed with they filed reports with school administrators.
And rather than telling the students to buck up because they might hear those opinions outside of college or on the news or in the media, the schools told the professors to stop teaching that there's an alternate viewpoint.


Republican donors, still dubious of Donald Trump’s prospects in the general election and annoyed by his taunts during the primary, are keeping their wallets closed en masse even as the...


Additional Reading: Yale Students Totally Cool With Repealing the First Amendment: http://ow.ly/3yBEql The UN Wants To Censor The Entire Internet To Save Fem...


Once again… If you were not yet convinced Paul Ryan is supporting Hillary Clinton this year, read on… This weekend ...


After months of what seemed like petty social justice activism from undergraduate snowflakes at Yale, the university seems to be caving in, preparing for its arguably most idiotic course revision yet: removing major English poets from Major English Poets.


Democrats and Republicans in the House of Representatives are in a dramatic standoff over how to resolve a sit-in entering its second day.


Churches in California are officially subject to an onerous state regulation that requires them to pay for abortions, thanks to a ruling by the Obama administra


In the wake of the horrific attack on an Orlando nightclub by a man espousing allegiance to ISIS, it didn’t take long for the Big Three networks (ABC, NBC, CBS) to advance the preferred political line of the Democrats, in this election year, to push for more gun control. Beginning on the evening following the shooting, NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt on June 12, sounded the clarion call for gun control: “Today’s terror attack brings national security and the debate over gun control to forefront of the presidential campaigns once again.” And for the next week, an MRC study shows the broadcast network news programs flooded their shows with statements favoring gun control over gun rights by a ratio of 8 to 1.


Lambasts Trump for saying Muslims hide radicalised individual in their community from authorities.


Any time there's an oil spill on the water, the media are filled with photos and videos of crude-soaked birds. The coverage is the cue for the self-appointed environmentalist defenders of wildlife …


On Saturday anti-Trump protester Michael Sandford was arrested at Donald Trump’s Las Vegas rally at the Treasure Island Hotel and ...


VIDEO: Administrators literally shred Constitution after reporter calls it 'oppressive' and 'triggering'


The horrific mob attack on a young woman in central Paris has been caught on video as she screamed helplessly wile being kicked and punched by a gang of men - just next door to a police station.